Chapter 61
"Yeah." Bei Mingche frowned lightly, and there was a little evil in his eyes——

He lightly turned the dark green ring on his index finger, and when the light flickered, an extra pill appeared on his hand.

Seeing the elixir, Xiao Zi's eyes immediately lit up, and then she snatched it and threw it into her mouth!

"Zhizhi...Xiao Zi will definitely continue to work hard!"

Poor Mu Yunluo, she didn't even know that she was sold by this foodie!

In the changing room, Mu Yunluo took off her veil, changed her clothes, and walked out.

"Look, who is not a woman anymore!"

Following her words, Xiao Zi and Bei Ming Che followed the prestige and looked at the woman in the distance, they were all stunned for a while!

This Mu Yunluo is indeed a beauty.

It's just that in the past, all her aura was covered by a coarse linen dress and loose hair.

Right now, she is wearing an elegant white dress, and her hair is tied up with a simple hair tie, revealing that exquisite face!
"Haha! Are you stunned? Little thing, if you dare to say that I am not a woman in the future, I will kill you!" Mu Yunluo glared at Xiao Zi fiercely, and said.

At this moment, Bei Mingche suddenly spoke out——

"The lady is so pretty."

Who is not happy when someone praises it for being beautiful?

Mu Yunluo slightly raised her lips, and answered.

The shopkeeper looked at this posture and praised him again and again. "The girl has a good eye. This dress is the treasure of our store. There is no dress in our store that can match this one. Besides, I'm not bragging. There is no clothing store in Qingling Town. Clothes are comparable to my home."

The treasure of the town store?


Mu Yunluo didn't say much, just put on the veil casually. "Okay, let's go!"

The shopkeeper was overjoyed.

Today's business is a big profit!
However, just as Mu Yunluo was going out, a few gorgeously dressed men and women came from the outside and faced Mu Yunluo and the group head-on.

Looking at the leader, Mu Yunluo's pupils suddenly shrank!
It's him!

The man I met outside Fuyan Mountain that day... Situ Ling!

Right now, Situ Ling followed closely behind a pretty woman. "Brother Ling, this is the shop. When we passed by just now, I saw a pretty good dress. The rest of the clothes are really ugly... I think that is the only dress that can match Sister Ting's temperament."

"Well, then buy that one." Situ Ling nodded casually.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, the dress you mentioned has already been bought. Hey, you didn't listen to what I told you. Only our clothes are the best in Qingling Town." The shopkeeper responded. Outside, said to these few people.

He remembered that these people passed by just now, looked at the clothes in his store, and then left immediately.

"What? Bought? So fast!" The woman let out a low cry when she heard it.

They only left for a while, how could they be bought by other people so quickly.

"Neng, that's right there...the buyer hasn't gone far yet!" The shopkeeper pointed to Mu Yunluo who had just arrived outside the door.

Lin Wanqing looked out unwillingly, and sure enough, that dress had already been put on a woman.

Frowning, Lin Wanqing suddenly called out. "Hey, in the front, I paid ten times the price for the clothes on your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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