Chapter 621 Appearance
Including the Nine-Winged Eagle snatched from Tang Yaoyao last time, Yunluo and his group have three flying beasts in total.

Right now, Beimingche and Yunluo are a flying beast.

Yin Zhengde and old man Tianji were on the same side.

On the other end are the young monk Fanyin and the two young masters of the Yin family.

Originally, they shouldn't have brought the young monk there, but Yunluo and the others were worried that if the Sanskrit was left in the Yin family, with his IQ, something might happen again.

They really can't stand this toss.

The speed of the flying beast is extremely fast.

It took only half an hour to reach the imperial city.

Today's imperial city is bustling like never before.

Outside the imperial city, many flying beasts stood impressively.

Those who can come to this banquet are all famous families on this continent.

Therefore, in order to highlight their status, the major families took out all the best in the family!

Yunluo never thought that when she saw the Mu family again, it would be like that.

Right now, Mu Ao's eyes are completely sunken, as if he has received some huge blow.


Mu Qingwei had an accident, and because of Mu Qingwei's incident, the status of the Mu family plummeted.

The Mu family used to be the largest family in Chiyan!

However, they insisted on being made into a bad shape by them.

Not only has Mu Qingwei's reputation been damaged, but at the moment, the strength of all parties is far inferior to that of the Yin family...

Mu Ao seemed to be more than ten years older!
Yunluo just got out of the car, and what she saw was Mu Ao in the distance.

"People from the Mu family are here too." Bei Mingche narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Mu Ao.

He didn't like the Mu family either.

"It's okay." Yunluo looked away and sneered.

She is no longer from the Mu family.

Neither in terms of identity nor blood relationship.

This Mu family has nothing to do with her!

"Let's go in." Yunluo said.

Bei Mingche asked and nodded.

He took Yunluo and was about to go inside.

However, at this moment, Mu Ao who had been standing aside suddenly looked at her.

The moment he saw Yunluo, Mu Ao's muddy eyes suddenly burst out with a huge cold light!

The cold light fell directly on Yunluo's body like ice skates in the cold winter...

Yun Luoyuan was still walking forward.

After noticing the terrifying look in his eyes, he stamped his feet.

She turned her head to meet his gaze.

Her lips moved slightly, making a "long time no see" gesture.

At that moment, Mu Ao's expression froze, and he looked away unnaturally.

Seeing this, the smile on Yunluo's face deepened...

Now, this is her godfather's domain.

She doesn't have to worry about what kind of tricks these people will play!
At this moment, there are already many families waiting in the imperial palace.

Ever since they arrived, there has been a lot of discussion, guessing the intention of the Emperor Cheng to entertain them this time.

Some people said that the reason why the City Emperor hosted the banquet was probably because there was something important to announce.

Someone said that the City Emperor wanted the big families to communicate and exchange feelings.

How exactly, everyone is not very clear.

While they were discussing, suddenly, from the outermost, there was a burst of exclamation.

"What a good couple!"

Following the sound, everyone looked around, but they saw a man and a woman entering slowly.

Both of them were dressed in red.

Women are stunning.

She was dressed in a simple white dress, which set off her exquisite and translucent skin even more unparalleled.

(End of this chapter)

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