The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 690 Where Did That Shameless Woman Come From?

Chapter 690 Where Did That Shameless Woman Come From?
"That's right, the Star Falling Sword...appeared..." Elder Feng who stood at the front narrowed his eyes lightly, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's report to the suzerain!" Someone suggested. "I just heard from my subordinates that the suzerain is back today."

"In that case, let's go right away..."

Hearing the sound, several elders got up one after another and headed for the suzerain mansion...
As for the moment, the suzerain's mansion is not very peaceful.

Ever since Yunluo followed Feng Wuhen into the suzerain's mansion, everything in the suzerain's mansion was boiling——

"Hey? Did you see it? The suzerain just brought a girl back." In the back garden, a little maid turned her head mysteriously and said to another girl beside her.

"Yes, I saw it too! My God, that woman is so beautiful!" the maid said with envy.

"Tell me... what is the relationship between the suzerain and that woman! Speaking of which, in all these years, no one has ever entered our house except Miss Sun!"

"I don't know... but... this girl is so beautiful, much prettier than Miss Sun..." the servant girl said, her eyes were red. "It's not bad if he is with the suzerain. I always hold that Miss Sun is too mean and not suitable for our suzerain..."


The two little girls have been talking, in their eyes, it seems that Yunluo and Feng Wuhen have already become a couple.

If Yunluo heard this, she would probably vomit blood on the spot.

When did she actually get together with the Sovereign of the Star Sect?

It's too late to hate him...

However, Yunluo didn't know all of this.

Yunluo will not treat herself badly.

As soon as he entered the Star Sect, he threatened Feng Wuhen with the Nine Heavens Ling Sword, and stayed in the best guest room.

Feng Wuhen didn't know whether he believed her threat or what, but he agreed.

After Yunluo finished arranging everything, she walked out of the guest room.

She must find someone to inquire about the connection between the Star Sect and the Star Falling Sword!
If she doesn't figure this out, then this time, she will really be caught for nothing!

Walking out of the guest room, Yunluo wandered around the suzerain's mansion twice casually, and unexpectedly found that the environment of the suzerain's mansion is very elegant!
Star Sect is isolated from the existence of Shengtian Continent, in a small airtight space.

However, there is plenty of aura here.

Not only that, even the environment is much better than Shengtian Continent.

Just as Yunluo was looking at the surrounding scenery, suddenly, from a distance, there was a voice of despair——

"You! Stop!!"

Yunluo paused.

She looked around and saw that there was no one else around, and she was sure that she was the only one here.

Then, turn around.

But in front of him, a woman in a green skirt was holding her hands on her hips, looking at him angrily.

"You, looking for me?" Yunluo narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at this strange woman who wanted to kill herself with her eyes...

That's right.

The girl in front of her had a particularly fierce look in her eyes.

That sharp light seemed to want to swallow Yin Yunluo in one gulp!

This woman is exactly the girl Sun that those two little maids mentioned earlier, Sun Yalin.

Right now, she was looking at Yunluo, her eyes glaring angrily, and at the same time, a low growl sounded——

"Where did you come from, a shameless woman? How dare you seduce my brother Feng!"


(End of this chapter)

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