The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 857 Find Bei Mingche?

Chapter 857 Find Bei Mingche?
The Queen of the Extreme North's attitude surprised Yunluo.

Originally, she thought that if she could teach Princess Fengya to be so unreasonable, she would not be a good person.

However, seeing her like this now, she realized that the Queen of the Extreme North was surprisingly responsible.

She looked at the Queen of the Far North and comforted her. "Queen, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood."

The Queen of the North just sighed.

Suddenly, she stood up. "Okay, you can leave first, no matter what, today, thank you for notifying me."

Yunluo looked at the Queen of the Extreme North, but saw her standing up from the ground and walking slowly towards the high position.

Looking at his back, Yunluo just frowned slightly, and said nothing.

Originally, she wanted to ask the Queen for the Saint Yuanzhu.

But things have come to this point, I'm afraid it's not good to speak like this again.

Thinking of this, Yunluo decided to let go of the matter of Sheng Yuanzhu for now.
Yunluo left anyway.

When returning from the Extreme North Palace, it was already very late outside.

Along the way, Yunluo could feel the movements of all the birds and beasts around them, getting bigger and bigger.

All the birds and beasts want to evacuate, but no matter where they go, they can feel the danger.

This time the beast tide broke out in almost all aspects.

No matter where they go, they cannot be avoided.

Yunluo let out a long sigh...

Now, she just wants to find Bei Mingche quickly.

No matter what happened, she wanted to be with Bei Mingche.

She looked around, looked at the thick night, and sighed——

Che, where are you...
This night, Yunluo didn't rest well, it could even be said that she had no sleep all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun passed through the window and directly scattered inside.

Yunluo got up from the couch and was about to go out.

From outside, there was a sound of surprise.

"Master Beauty! I successfully broke through! Moreover, I was promoted to two levels in a row!"

The crisp voice was full of surprises.

As the voice fell, the visitor even pushed open the door and walked in.

The person who came was Qu Ling'er!

Inheritance, Qu Ling'er looked overjoyed.

She looked at Yunluo with an uncontrollable joy on her face.

Yun Luo raised her head, only to see Qu Ling'er's face was glowing red.

Seeing her like this, Yunluo smiled. "Congratulations!"

"Master, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to advance so quickly!"

If Yunluo hadn't refined the Tie Linghua, she didn't know how long it would have been delayed.

"Master, there is still the soul of the Tie Linghua, which I specially reserved for you." Qu Ling'er took a bottle and handed it to Yunluo. "Master, here it is, after you take it, your strength will improve quickly."

Yunluo didn't expect that Qu Ling'er would give her the essence of the Tie Linghua, and she couldn't help being moved in her heart.

"Thank you, I have a heart."

"Master, you are my master, so you don't need to thank me." Qu Ling'er blinked and said, holding Yunluo's hand tightly with one hand.

Qu Ling'er's thoughts are relatively big.

From just now until now, she was just immersed in her own joy, and did not notice any difference in Yunluo's expression.

Now, she finally found out.

Seeing Yunluo's ugly expression, Qu Ling'er let go of Yunluo, and asked suddenly. "Master Beauty, what's the matter with you? You don't look very well."

Yunluo shook her head.

Qu Ling'er looked at her like this, but suddenly thought of something. "Oh, I see. Master, you must be worried about your husband-in-law, right? Master, I was just patronizing to share with you about my promotion, but I forgot to tell you. Just now, there are guards from the Qu family I saw a portrait of a man, very similar to your husband-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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