The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 886 Surrender Qu Lingshang

Chapter 886 Surrender Qu Lingshang

When Feng Ya was talking about this, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yun Luo and Qu Ling'er standing behind the Queen of the Extreme North, and her eyes froze immediately. "Why are you two here!"

Yun Luo and Qu Ling'er didn't respond to Princess Feng Ya's words, they just stepped forward, "Are you okay?"

When Hua Wuzui and An Mochen saw that it was them, they let go of their original concerns. "I finally found you..."

As An Mochen spoke, he gently rubbed Qu Ling'er's hair. It was serious and full of joy.

Seeing An Mochen like this, Qu Ling'er's eyes turned slightly red. "Brother An, you are so stupid."

She didn't expect that An Mochen would take such a risk for her!
She really didn't dare to imagine what would happen if there was no beautiful master here today.

Looking at An Mochen's eyes, Qu Ling'er felt warm in her heart...

Yunluo watched the interaction between the two of them, and just smiled lightly.

Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at the Queen of the Extreme North, "Queen, my request, please help me..."

The Queen of the Extreme North looked startled.

"Empress, what did she say? By the way, Empress, this stinky girl offended me, Empress, please don't help her!" Princess Feng Ya gritted her teeth, stared at Yunluo, and said.

However, just when she was fully expecting that the Queen of the Extreme North who had always been obedient to her would drive Yunluo out of here, the Queen of the Extreme North sighed, suddenly, she turned her head and looked at Feng Ya. "Fengya, Qu Lingshang, are you still here?"

The Queen of the Extreme North suddenly mentioned Qu Lingshang, and Feng Ya couldn't help being a little surprised. "yes."

"Okay, let Qu Lingshang go." The Queen of the Extreme North shook her head and sighed again.

This sentence really shocked Feng Ya.

At this moment, Princess Fengya was completely stunned in place.

She widened her eyes and looked at the Queen of the Far North in disbelief.

a long time……

"Impossible! Empress, how could you help them? You must have made a mistake, right?"

"There is no mistake, Feng Ya, let Qu Lingshang go." The Queen of the Extreme North spoke again.

Between the world and Fengya, she chose the world.

not to mention……

Naqu Lingshang was just a man.

The Queen of the Extreme North thought so, but Feng Ya was furious.

She didn't expect that one day, the empress she admired the most would speak for the few people she hated the most.


She does not hesitate to fight against herself!

For a moment, Princess Fengya gritted her teeth. "no!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and looked coldly at Yun Luo and Qu Ling'er. "What did you two tell the empress? This princess told you, no matter what your thoughts are, this princess will not hand over Qu Lingshang to you. He is my favorite, unless this princess dies." , otherwise, you don’t want to take him away!”

"Enough!" At this moment, the Queen of the Extreme North shouted again. "Fengya, stop making trouble and hand over Qu Lingshang."

"Emperor Mother..." The horror in Feng Ya's eyes became more and more profound, she turned her head and looked at the Queen of the Extreme North, full of surprise.

At such a scene, the people on the side were really shocked.

No one expected that the Queen of the Extreme North, who has always regarded Fengya as her life, would be like this today.

But no matter what, Qu Ling'er was very happy.

Her eyebrows raised uncontrollably, "Princess Feng Ya, then please hand me my brother over."

(End of this chapter)

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