The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 894 Dealing with the Beast Tide 1

Chapter 894 Dealing with the Beast Tide 1
Sure enough, it was as Yunluo guessed.

The next day, the beast tide came.

In the early hours of the morning, before the sky was fully brightened, the entire earth suddenly began to shake violently.

In Extreme North City, everyone was awakened by this strange movement.

Someone exclaimed——



It's an earthquake.

At this moment, the entire city of the Extreme Northern Continent was completely shaking.

Countless houses collapsed.

Countless people retreated in shock!

But at this moment, the Qu family and Yunluo were surprisingly calm.

She knew that the beast tide was coming...

She didn't sleep well that night.

Even... Since last night, I have been sleepless all night.

Until this moment, the ground began to shake.

The epicenter of the earthquake was precisely in Extreme North City.

Following the direction of the earthquake source, Yunluo and Bei Mingche sat on the flying beast and flew away.

"Are you sure you're heading in this direction?" Seeing the flying beast heading towards a very remote forest, Yunluo couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Master." Flying Beast nodded. "I can feel that the most powerful beasts are sealed there. Right now, those beasts are starting to agitate and are about to break out of the ground."

"Okay, speed up." Yunluo nodded.

Hearing the sound, the flying beast sped up and went straight forward.

The morning light is slightly dew.

In half the sky not far away, the sun has risen slightly.

A little bit of sunlight diffused through the treetops, mottled all over the place.

In this tranquility, there is a full strangeness shining.

When Yunluo and Beimingche arrived there, they could see that the entire ground had been cracked!
All around, a powerful and strange aura enveloped it!

The flying beast had already stopped.

Yunluo and Beimingche went deep into the forest.

"How is it, do you feel it?" While walking, Yunluo turned her head and asked Bei Mingche casually.

Bei Mingche frowned tightly, and at this moment, his eyes were also solemn.

Ever since he approached the forest just now, he has felt the changes around him...

"Be careful!"

"What we need to do now is to find the source of the beast tide. Generally speaking, there will always be a leader in a riot. As long as you find that leader, you will be fine." Yunluo narrowed her eyes slightly and spoke out.

That's right.

They came here because they felt that the beasts in the forest had the strongest breath.

Right now, walking in this forest, I can only feel the strange airflow coming from all directions...

Suddenly, just as they continued to move forward, the surface shook extremely violently again.

Under the strong shaking, the surrounding trees, at this moment, actually fell down one by one!
boom boom-

There was a burst of violent noise, trees fell, and the ground cracked.

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings turned into a group of scars.

Bei Mingche wrapped one hand tightly around Yunluo's waist, and lifted her up, lest the nearby trees might hurt her!

However, just as the two of them avoided, suddenly, from behind, an extremely strange airflow hit.

Sensing this breath, the two frowned.

When he turned around, he saw a huge monster rushing towards them!

This is the first beast to wake up!
Beasts are sensitive to human breath and consciousness.

So, not surprisingly, this beast just woke up and attacked them!

This is a very large beast.

The body is very large, and it is frightening to watch.

However, no matter how big it is, it has just awakened.

After millions of years of sealing, its combat power is obviously insufficient.

Therefore, when it attacked, Bei Mingche's whole body suddenly revealed a hostile air.

He raised his plain hand, and from his palm, a series of air blades emerged, rushing towards the beast in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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