Shenwu Evil Emperor

Chapter 2 What a Big 1 Fireball

Chapter 2 What a Freshman Fireball
He looked at Li Xiang and Du Zhenghong coldly and said: "Ling already knows what you two mean, please go back if you have nothing else to do."

"Patriarch Ling don't think about it anymore?" Du Zhenghong said with a gloomy face.

"My Ling family has always died standing up. I didn't live on my knees. If I have the ability, just take the position in the mansion. Come and see off the guests." Ling Buxu waved his sleeves, revealing the intention of chasing the guests.

"Hmph, okay, see you in the Haofu competition in a month." Seeing this scene, Du Zhenghong and Li Xiang left in a huff with anger on their faces.

Seeing the two leave, Ling Yuchen suddenly knelt down and said, "Father, it's useless for the child to shame the Ling family."

"Chen'er, you have gold under your knees, get up quickly." Ling Buxu helped his son up, "It's no big deal to be in a wealthy mansion, don't take it too seriously, if this Qinglong Town can't accommodate us, we will go to other places." Place, the world is so big, is there no place for you, my father and son?"

"Father, there is still one month left. Chen'er must practice hard and keep his position in the Ling family's mansion." A flash of determination flashed in Ling Yuchen's eyes.

"Don't force yourself too much. Dad knows that you work hard." Ling Buxu looked at the determination on his son's face, and couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. Over the past few years, the burden on his son has been enough, and he can't bear it. Hard enough, but God's will is so, how can human beings force it.

"Did Chen'er practice again in the morning? Go take a bath, eat something and rest."

"Okay, Dad."


Night, quietly, on the top of Qinglong Mountain.

Ling Yuchen stood quietly by himself, looking at the fiery red full moon hanging high in the sky, his face was full of resentment and unwillingness.

"My Ling family is looked down upon by others because of my mediocre talent. It would be great if I could be promoted to warrior within a month. Alas, I can only think about it this way." He muttered to himself, looking down at the empty hands. the wine bottle, and flung it out vigorously.

In fact, during this period of time, he has vaguely felt that he is about to break through to the five-star Qianyuan Realm, but with his current aptitude, it is almost impossible to jump from five-star to seven-star within a month.

Seeing the Haofu competition approaching day by day, seeing the unconcealable anxiety in his father's eyes, and seeing the ugly faces of those unscrupulous people, but he was powerless. Such a result was not what he wanted to see.

Thinking of the scenes that happened during the day, his heart gradually grew angry, and he couldn't help pointing to the sky and screaming.

"God, you can't open your eyes and let me become a warrior within a month..."

The voice stopped abruptly, Ling Yuchen stared wide-eyed and looked at the sky, only to see a huge crimson fireball falling from the sky towards him at high speed.

He was shocked to see the huge fireball getting closer and closer. He didn't want to run. The moment the fireball appeared, he lost his ability to move, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

The fireball fell very fast, and in a blink of an eye he was approaching. The scorching heat instantly melted his clothes, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were also turned into ashes.

Ling Yuchen murmured in a daze: "Could it be that this is God's punishment? Didn't I just curse God?"

He looked at the fireball rushing towards his face with some despair, but the fireball shrunk quickly and went straight into his body, turning into a flame totem, hovering over his heart, suddenly, a powerful force , gushed out from the fireball, and quickly swam away along his meridians.

"This power... so powerful!"

In an instant, his bones grew rapidly, becoming thick and strong, and his meridians became thicker. Compared with before, he could hold more chaotic vitality, and clusters of black, foul-smelling impurities were squeezed out from the pores. Become extremely flexible, full of explosive power.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yuchen's cultivation began to increase dramatically.

From a four-star Qianyuan Realm to a five-star Qianyuan Realm!

The meridians in the body fully expanded, full of chaotic vitality.

However, the vast chaotic vitality did not stop there. It still gushed out from the flame totem like endlessly, washing the meridians in Ling Yuchen's body. As the chaotic vitality became more and more abundant, his meridians expanded again, and the strength It exploded several times in an instant, and the cultivation level broke through again.

Qianyuan Realm Six Stars!
In just a short moment, Ling Yuchen's cultivation level rose two realms in a row, from four stars in Qianyuan Realm to six stars in Qianyuan Realm.

The whole body is like being reborn, the meridians of the whole body are reshaped, and the body is full of surging power.

However, the surging chaotic vitality still didn't stop gushing out, instead it became violent, and the endless chaotic vitality began to violently rush through the meridians in his body. Under this continuous impact, the meridians in Ling Yuchen's body began to shatter , and then repaired, then broken, and then repaired, this feeling made him extremely painful, but he had no choice but to watch all this and feel this inhuman torture.

I don't know how long it took before the chaotic vitality in the body began to calm down. It flowed to his dantian along the meridians, gathered and condensed at his dantian, forming a transparent villain. If you look carefully, you can find , that villain looks exactly like him.

"Soul fetus?!" Ling Yuchen was overjoyed. The condensed soul fetus is the symbol of the seven stars in the Qianyuan Realm. After years of hard work, the soul fetus he had dreamed of was formed in this way. How could he not be happy.

However, before he had time to savor this joyful pleasure, a sudden sharp pain came from his chest, which directly made him fall into a coma.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up in a daze.

Looking around, he found that he was still on the top of the mountain, and the surrounding flowers and trees were still growing intact, without any trace of being burned.

"How is this going!"

Ling Yuchen was very surprised, it seemed that everything that happened just now was a dream.

Becoming a martial artist will have spiritual consciousness. He tried to use his spiritual consciousness, and quickly checked himself. At the dantian, the soul fetus was standing safely. Swimming in a slow loop, all this told him that what happened just now was not a dream.

"I have really reached the Seven Stars of the Qianyuan Realm! Could it be that the heavens have opened their eyes!"

At this moment, an exercise titled "Chen Xing Breaks the Heaven Record" appeared in Ling Yuchen's mind.

This is a practice formula. There are seven volumes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang. At present, the first page of each volume can be opened. Ling Yuchen just glanced at it and found that the content is complicated, all-inclusive, and the expression is quite clear. , and it was as clear as engraved in his mind.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and yin and yang happen to be the seven major attribute categories of kung fu practice in this world. Among the seven attributes, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. The two elements of yin and yang are in conflict with each other. How can it be possible to practice together? What kind of effect will it produce after practicing?

Ling Yuchen muttered to himself, and was even more amazed when he looked carefully. This "Chen Xing Breaks the Heaven Record" not only has the method of practicing Qi, but also many martial arts, and any martial arts in the world can be cultivated with the "Chen Xing Breaking the Heaven Record" Propelled by vitality, it can really be called a superb skill.

He calmed down a bit, and first opened the golden volume to read in detail. The reason is very simple. The exercise passed down by the Ling family is the metal-based exercise, the Golden Light Exercise, which is the second-grade exercise among the gold-type exercises. The cultivation methods and martial arts in the mainland are divided into grades one to nine from low to high, and the second grade exercises are relatively superior among the exercises of the major forces in Wuling Town.

Soon, Ling Yuchen found an exercise named Ruijinjue from the golden scroll, and the first sentence of this exercise deeply attracted him.

Vertically and horizontally, everything is invincible.

Although Ling Yuchen is just an ordinary boy, he has his own dream like all his peers. His dream is to gallop freely and look down on the world in this world where martial arts are respected.

Just because of this sentence, he decided to practice this sharp gold formula first. Looking carefully, the skills are divided into five levels, and if you practice to the highest level, you can achieve the arrogance of the emperor, and you can become a myriad of things by yourself. Ling Yuchen can't imagine what it is like Realm, the more he watched, the more obsessed he became. Although he could only understand one or two of them, it also benefited him a lot.

Before I knew it, the night passed.

As the morning light gradually rose, Ling Yuchen stood up to relax his muscles and bones, took a deep breath of fresh air from the top of the mountain, and looked into the distance, the fiery red sun was rising from the horizon.

"A new day, my life starts anew."

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were shining with a look that he had never seen before, revealing a strong confidence.

During the whole night, he also had a general understanding of the Ruijin Jue. With his current cultivation level of seven stars in the Qianyuan Realm, he was just able to practice the first level.

Compared with the Golden Light Body Refining Jue he practiced before, Ling Yuchen realized how wrong his previous cultivation path was. After correcting all these mistakes one by one, Ling Yuchen found that his understanding of martial arts had risen to another level.

The Golden Light Body Refining Jue mainly focuses on building the body, focusing on defense, while the Rui Jin Jue focuses on attacking, and there are many attacking skills recorded in it. Ling Yuchen thought about it carefully, and chose the most lethal third-rank martial art, the Golden Lightning Finger. .

The Golden Lightning Finger can condense the chaotic power of the gold system to the fingertips. When fighting with people, it can penetrate the power of the gold system into the opponent's body, burst out an attack several times its own, and cause damage to the opponent's body. great harm.

Even though he had just come into contact with the Golden Thunder Finger, Ling Yuchen found that he did not feel any difficulty in practicing, and many things he did not understand in practicing before, now he could understand with a little thought.

In just one night, he mastered the attack method of Jin Leizhi.

He used his fingers, and a few hairs suddenly appeared on his fingertips, and he struck a huge boulder with a thickness of ten meters with one finger, and an incomparably sharp energy shot out like lightning.

There was a "click".

A small finger-thick hole clearly appeared on the boulder, protruding through the stone, and the edge of the hole wall was full of tiny cracks.

It's just that it has such power just after learning it. If it is practiced to a great degree, I don't know what effect it will have.Ling Yuchen was surprised, but secretly happy in his heart, the stronger the martial arts he learned, the more confident he would be for the Haofu competition in a month's time.

"Come on, come on!" Ling Yuchen's eyes flashed a flash of determination and sternness, "Those who want to plot against my Ling family, I will make you all pay an unbearable and painful price! Anyone who offends my Ling family, Even if you are strong, you will be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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