Chapter 44
Hearing this voice, the eight Xuanyi disciples of Jin Yanzong immediately bowed and faced the direction of the voice, and said in unison, "Welcome Senior Brother Yu Tong!"

Before the voice fell, a young man in purple robe appeared from a distance, walking towards this side, he said he was walking, but he was running faster than ordinary warriors, the speed actually tore the air into a long wave, This air wave surged violently, crackling, like a river surging!
As he approached, the water in the lake churned more violently, and Ling Yuchen was shocked. This person's strength was comparable to that of the white-robed youth in Luohong Mountain. He stabilized his mind and turned himself into a dead tree. As the lake swayed back and forth, if it wasn't for the Dead Tree Art, he must have been throbbing with energy and blood at this time, and was discovered by the purple-robed youth.

Fortunately, the young man in purple robe walked fast enough, and in a short while, he came to the front.The air waves disappeared and the lake calmed down.

At a glance, Ling Yuchen saw this young man in purple robe, about 20 years old, nine feet tall, with a majestic physique and a straight back, like a gun like a sword, like a high mountain, oppressing him.Although they were far away, he felt like he wanted to stop breathing.

Zipao represents elite disciples in the sect, and is the object of vigorous cultivation by a sect.Under normal circumstances, elite disciples focus on cultivation and don't care about other things.

Ling Yuchen smiled wryly to himself. Unexpectedly, the other party sent elite disciples this time. It seemed that he attached great importance to the lost Talisman Refining Codex and was determined to win it.

Yu Tong's gaze was like a torch, and he glanced around at the few people. After being swept away by him like this, the few people felt an invisible pressure on their bodies, and big drops of sweat rolled down from their foreheads. On the grass, the clothes all over his body were instantly soaked in sweat, and his body bowed even lower, almost reaching his knees.

After a while, Yu Tong let out a cold snort and looked away. The eight black-clothed disciples all heaved a sigh of relief, stood up straight, and looked at Yu Tong respectfully.

"Your search just now was too careless." Yu Tong said coldly, his voice was loud and loud, and Ling Yuchen's eardrum was so shaken that it felt like it was about to burst.

The eight disciples hurriedly bowed again and said, "Brother Yu Tong please teach me."

Yu Tong pointed with his right hand, it was the grove where Ling Yuchen practiced the Dead Tree Jue just now.

"Just now I took a rough walk around here. There are a few broken trees and some messy footprints. The fracture of the tree was clearly broken not long ago, at most an hour. This shows that not long before our arrival , at least one person is here, and this person should not have had time to leave."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yuchen's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Yu Tong to be so careful. If he was allowed to investigate like this, he would be suspicious in the lake tomorrow at the latest.

He immediately became anxious, if he was the only one, it would not be difficult to escape with the dead wood formula, but with Feng Qing'er, he was powerless.

What should I do!
Just when he was in a hurry, he heard the eight Xuanyi disciples bowing and saying: "What the brother taught is, we will look for it now." After speaking, the eight people dispersed in eight directions.

Seeing the eight disciples leave, Yu Tong entered the wooden shed expressionlessly, and after a while, a strong breath came out.


Ling Yuchen frowned, took care, manipulated his body, sank a little into the lake, used the wave-cutting formula, and took advantage of the undercurrent of the lake to quickly dive to a place beyond Yu Tong's eyesight, quietly landed, and calculated the direction. Into a grove.

Immediately afterwards, with a slight movement of his mind, he used the dead wood formula, and the chaotic vitality of the wood system in his body surged like a wave.

Strands of chaotic vitality gushed out from the dantian, shuttling through the meridians like flowing water. With the shuttle of this vitality, the shape of Ling Yuchen's body also changed inconceivably.

The muscles on the face shriveled quickly, and the hands and feet were shriveled like dead wood. At first glance, the whole person looked like a different person.

Then his body released a lot of breath, but this breath is completely different from the breath of humans, but like the surrounding trees.

If at this moment a strong man in the Kunyuan realm walked in front of him with his eyes blindfolded, then 90.00% of the people would regard him as an ancient tree that withered naturally.

After practicing the Dead Tree Art, he was almost at the point where he could not breathe, and the breath of human life in his body was suppressed to the extreme.

Quietly hiding in this forest, with his spiritual sense protruding outward, in this small forest, no matter how strong the chaotic vitality of the wood system between heaven and earth is, it is impossible to be suspected.

Soon, he sensed that an inner disciple of the Jinyan Sect was walking towards this forest, and after judging his traveling route, Ling Yuchen moved his position silently, and hugged a big tree as thick as two people. Sticking together, quietly waiting for the disciple's arrival.

Before this disciple entered the grove, he carefully explored it with his divine sense.He has just entered the four-star Kunyuan Realm, and his strength ranks last among the disciples who came this time, but the opponent he is chasing is someone who can kill even a five-star inner disciple of the Kunyuan Realm, so he must act cautiously.

Before coming, they talked with those outer disciples who escaped from the primeval forest, and then under the leadership of Yu Tong, they carefully searched the entire forest. From the remaining chaotic vitality in the place where Ling Yuchen and Yu Feng fought, It is already known that this time the target of the chase is good at the metal-type and water-type exercises, so when he explores with his spiritual sense, he mainly explores these two kinds of power.

If the other party is hiding in this forest, the aura of these two kinds of chaotic vitality must be very strong.

It's a pity that Ling Yuchen is currently operating the Dead Wood Art, and the wood-type aura around him is very strong, but it will not arouse the disciple's suspicion at all, because the wood-type aura in this forest is too strong.

Since he couldn't sense the presence of anyone, from the disciple's point of view, the other party should not be in the woods, so he walked into the woods at ease, and prepared to go straight through to check the small hill over there.

He didn't know that the closer he walked to the woods, the closer he was to death.

Ling Yuchen waited cautiously. After the disciple walked past the big tree where he was hiding, he moved slightly, and jumped behind the disciple like a wooden stake. He was in mid-air, and the dead wood art in his body had transformed into an invincible The sharp gold formula.

The muscles on his body swelled up quickly, and in just an instant, he returned to his original state. At this moment, no one would associate him with the skinny and shriveled man just now.

The four-star disciple of the Kunyuan Realm is not a mediocre person. The moment Ling Yuchen transformed his skills, he felt a violent aura suddenly appear behind him. Take a shot, this is the best way to deal with it, even if you miss a move, you can still make a noise and let others come to support as soon as possible.

Although his plan was good and his movements were fast, Ling Yuchen was already prepared, and he shot faster. Before the right hand of the disciple of Jin Yanzong made a move, a golden thunder finger directly hit the disciple's throat and penetrated directly. The disciple's throat made him die with his eyes open without even making a sound.

Ling Yuchen supported the disciple's corpse, closed his eyes, placed him lightly behind the big tree where he was hiding just now, and sighed, "I didn't intend to kill you, you were forced to do so, I can only blame you for being unlucky .”

After speaking softly, he collected all the items in the disciple's arms, identified the direction, and quickly disappeared from the woods.

Relying on the dead wood tactic, he quietly arrived in a small forest opposite to the direction just now, and after using the same technique to wait for the rabbit, he killed another warrior, and then entered the lake without a sound.

The sky has gradually brightened, and these warriors must go to Yu Tong to report the situation. Yu Tong's training should have ended, and if he doesn't leave, even if he has the Dead Tree Art, the chance of being discovered is very high.

He sank into the lake, picked up the wave-cutting formula, and quickly returned to Zizaiju. As soon as he reached the door, he saw Feng Qing'er who was anxiously waiting for him.

After Ling Yuchen left, she went back to the Yuansui Spiritual Liquid Pool to practice. Seeing Ling Yuchen's cultivation speed, she also received some encouragement. wishes.

After she finished training, she found that Ling Yuchen hadn't come back. She realized that something was wrong, and immediately looked through the mirror on the dressing table. She saw everything that happened clearly, and her heart hung in her throat.

She knew that these people couldn't stop Ling Yuchen from leaving, and the reason they did this was all for her.And she couldn't do anything except wait at the bottom of the lake. This complicated feeling made her upset, and she could only hope that Ling Yuchen would return safely.

Seeing Feng Qing'er's expression, Ling Yuchen understood everything, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just use them to test my new martial arts skills. However, we have to find a way to leave as soon as possible."

"Okay." Feng Qing'er responded simply, she could tell which was more important, and only by surviving could she hope to do other things.

Ling Yuchen was a little surprised. He thought that Feng Qing'er would be reluctant to part with the Essence and Essence Liquid, and would waste a lot of time, but she didn't expect her to agree so simply, so he didn't say anything, and walked towards the bedroom. How would Tong react when he found out about the two disciples who had been killed?

Feng Qing'er followed behind Ling Yuchen, looked at Ling Yuchen's back, hesitated to speak several times, her eyes were full of complex expressions.

Ling Yuchen didn't notice Feng Qing'er's abnormality. At this moment, all he could think about was Yu Tong. The reason why he spent all his energy killing those two disciples was to cause trouble for Yu Tong. The pressure to come is too much.

"I don't know how Yu Tong will react?"

Ling Yuchen was thinking about Yu Tong, but he didn't know that Yu Tong was also furious because of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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