Chapter 55
Although this idea was very tempting, Ling Yuchen finally suppressed it forcibly.

After all, the pros and cons of switching between metal, wood, and water have not been fully clarified. At the moment, expensive essence is not much more expensive, and it is more necessary to study and be proficient in existing kung fu and martial arts.As for the other two departments, he hasn't figured out what to cultivate yet, so it's better to put them aside for now.

After sinking his heart, Ling Yuchen thought about it again.

Gold produces water, water produces wood, that is to say, the most important thing is the chaotic vitality of the water system.

It was precisely because of the vitality of the water system running through it that he noticed this hidden effect, and the water system is the one he uses most often, which is of great significance.

Ling Yuchen continued to switch back and forth, experimenting, and quietly comprehended the changes of these kinds of vitality. After trying several times in succession, he found that since this change, the chaotic vitality in his body seemed to have spirituality, and it operated more freely. up.

Although he has not yet successfully researched the mystery of gold generating water, he is not in a hurry. After all, as long as he knows that there is a secret in it and uses practice to understand it, he will figure it out one day.

After studying for a whole day, Ling Yuchen stood up contentedly, walked out of the secret room, stood in the yard, stretched his waist fiercely, raised his head and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on his body, and felt more and more comfortable in his heart.

"It's been so long in retreat, it's time to visit Dad and Qianxue."

Thinking of these two people, a smile appeared on Ling Yuchen's face, and he walked quickly towards the living room.

Before entering the living room, Ling Yuchen heard the sound of conversation, the sound was very chaotic, it seemed that there were many people.The guard standing outside the living room saw him coming and was about to salute when he stopped him, restrained his breath, and quietly walked to the door.

In the living room, the old god Ling Buxu was sitting on the main seat, listening to the people in the living room talking non-stop, looking around, Liu Mingyuan, Lin Tianying, Bai Shanhe and other big family patriarchs all there.

"Bu Xu, our Qinglong Town has already passed the last few sessions, if this continues, it will be over."

"Yuchen is the most outstanding young martial artist in Qinglong Town in recent decades, he will definitely be fine."

"You are his father. Yuchen is very filial. He will listen to you and persuade him to participate in the competition, okay?"


Ling Buxu lowered his eyes and fiddled with the teacups in his hands. After these people finished speaking, he put the teacups heavily on the table, swept his eyes away, and said lightly: "After all, the town government competition is dangerous, I will not persuade him Participate, as for whether Chen'er is willing, it is up to him to decide."

Hearing Ling Buxu's words, several people couldn't sit still. Lin Tianying first took out a jade box from the storage bag on his waist, opened it to Ling Buxu, pointed to the things inside and said: " Bu Xu, look, these are the ten blood jade cicada essences that my Lin family has treasured, each of which is equivalent to a thousand chaos stones, absorbing them all can make Yuchen's strength improve by leaps and bounds."

Bai Shanhe also hurriedly took out a jade bottle from the storage bag, "This is the Bai family's Tianfang panacea, there are five pills in it, take it when practicing, and perform a round of exercises, which can double the chaos vitality, which is equivalent to Run two rounds."

The patriarchs of the other families present here also took out all kinds of natural treasures and panacea. Soon, the table in the living room was full of things, like a hill.

Liu Mingyuan patted the armrest of the chair and said, "Buxu, as long as Yuchen participates in the town government competition, I will make the decision. Within ten years, all the income of the Ling family in Qinglong Town will be reduced by [-]%. , an additional [-]% tax reduction, "

Hearing Liu Mingyuan's words, all the patriarchs present were shocked, which was a great benefit.

You know, with the current development speed of the Ling family, it will soon become a big family alongside the Murong family, and the family business will definitely grow bigger and bigger. Thirty percent of the tax can be equivalent to 10,000+, or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins. This price is enough sincerity.

Just as Ling Buxu was about to speak, Ling Yuchen walked in from the living room facing the sun, and everyone looked at him for a moment.

Seeing these expectant eyes, Ling Yuchen smiled slightly, walked quickly to the center of the living room, stood there facing everyone present, cupped his fists together, and said loudly:
"Master Town Guard, all uncles and uncles, how can Yuchen not know how to be flattered when you value him so much? Yuchen will participate in this Town Mansion Competition and will do his best to help Qinglong Town get rid of the low tide."

He didn't agree because he saw so many benefits from everyone.During his cultivation, he had already made such a decision.In the journey of martial arts, one must always face up to difficulties. As a warrior, one needs to have a heart that is brave enough to break through difficulties and obstacles.

After seeing Murong Cheng's tragic situation, he understood the importance of the Town House Competition to Qinglong Town.He knew in his heart that if he didn't participate in this town government competition, there would be a gap in his heart, which would have a great impact on his future martial arts training.

Seeing that Ling Yuchen agreed to participate in the competition, everyone in the living room was very excited and applauded again and again. Some even rushed forward, patted Ling Yuchen's shoulders, and said with sobs:

"Ten years, another ten years, and finally a chance to get out of this predicament..."

"Yuchen, come on, if you need anything, just tell us."

"Definitely, definitely." Touched by the atmosphere of these people, Ling Yuchen said repeatedly.

After finally sending these people away, Ling Yuchen talked with Ling Buxu, and then walked towards Murong Mansion.

It takes a lot of time to participate in the town government competition.Before leaving, he wanted to see and spend more time with Murong Qianxue.

In Murong Mansion, Ling Yuchen did not meet his beloved as he wished, but just took a letter from Murong Piao from Murong Piao.There was still a faint scent on the pink letter paper, as if Murong Qianxue hadn't been gone for long.

Standing in the living room of Murong's house, he couldn't wait to open the envelope, and a few lines of elegant handwriting came into view.

"Brother Chen, I left Murong's house this time, and I won't come back... No matter Qinglong Town, Xichuan County, or even Xiwu Empire, they are all just a pool of water. The world you live in should be broader than these... I Waiting for you at the top of Tianlan!"

Looking at this letter, Ling Yuchen couldn't help but feel trembling. He faintly felt that Murong Qianxue would face many difficulties when he left, so he could not help but tightly grasp the letter paper in his hands.

Suddenly, the handwriting on the letter paper began to disappear gradually, and Ling Yuchen was startled. Looking intently, there were only four words left on the entire piece of paper—Top of Sky Lane!
These four characters, as if they had life, suddenly grew larger and shone brightly.

In an instant, Ling Yuchen's eyes couldn't hold anything else, and he saw these four words constantly changing, finally showing a strange scene.

Looking at it at a glance, you can see the endless place, among the fairy-like and unreal mountains, there are huge peaks reaching the sky everywhere, straight as swords, some peaks are full of flowers, and some have built many palaces.

Countless waterfalls of ten thousand feet pour down from the high peaks, like countless galloping jade dragons.

The sky was as blue as washing, without a trace of dark clouds, and the sun was shining brightly, softly and brightly, and it was spotless.

On those hundreds of peaks, there are ancient trees with intertwined roots and luxuriant branches, showing the atmosphere of vicissitudes and prosperity.

In the deepest part of the mountains, amidst the misty clouds, there is a huge city in the sky, floating like a mirage. During this time, countless powerful warriors are flying and shuttling over the city. , Boundless mighty, vertical and horizontal Vientiane.

On the resplendent and resplendent city tower, there are four big characters engraved on it - the top of Tianlan!
Ling Yuchen looked at it and was stunned by this fairyland-like scene.

A shock from the heart, born from the heart.

"Martial Dao! Dao! This is the grand scene of the peak of martial arts in the mainland! I never imagined that there is such a holy place on the mainland, and the warriors at the peak of martial arts are so powerful. It turns out that compared with this, the peak of martial arts that I always thought is like a pool of water Compared to the sea, it's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

Ling Yuchen secretly laughed at his ignorance.

"Qianxue, you used such a method to motivate me!" He clenched his fists involuntarily, "I will work harder and reach this peak as soon as possible!"

Withdrawing her mind and gaze, Ling Yuchen calmed down, and put the letter paper in the storage ring with great care.

Looking up at Murong Piao who was at the side, he said solemnly: "Patriarch Murong, can you tell me where the Tianlan Peak is?"

Murong Piao smiled when he heard the words, and patted Ling Yuchen on the shoulder, "Yuchen, your primary goal now is to improve your strength as soon as possible. As for the top of Tianlan, it's not something you should know by now. At least, you have to become a leader in Xichuan Martial Academy. The chief disciple may be qualified to know a little about the secrets of Tianlan Peak!"

"But, Qianxue, she..."

Before he finished speaking, Murong Piao interrupted him, "Qianxue is not from the Murong Mansion, she just stayed here for so long for some reason, as for her identity, to put it bluntly, even if she is the emperor of the Xiwu Empire You are not qualified to know, do you understand? If you still want to see her, just practice hard."

Ling Yuchen also understood that Murong Piao was doing it for his own good, so he could only nod in agreement, but in his heart he missed Qianxue abnormally, and finally understood why Qianxue behaved a little strangely a few days ago, clearly because she knew that she was about to leave.

"Qianxue, wait for me, I will reunite with you as soon as possible." He clenched his fists and swore secretly.

Seeing that Ling Yuchen quickly returned to his original state, Murong Piao nodded, secretly thinking that Ling Yuchen was determined, and then took out a fiery red pill from the storage bag, handed it to Ling Yuchen, and said: "This is the Fire Dragon Pill, taking it can make your body The total amount of primordial energy of chaos has increased by [-]%, so it may help you to participate in the town hall competition."

"Thank you, Patriarch Murong!" Ling Yuchen overjoyed and took it with both hands.The [-]% chaotic vitality in his body is quite astonishing, equivalent to the amount of vitality of an ordinary five-star peak warrior in the Kunyuan realm. This elixir is very precious to him.

Just as he was about to leave, a guard of the Murong Mansion suddenly rushed into the living room. When he saw Ling Yuchen, he was slightly taken aback, with hostility in his eyes.

Ling Yuchen was a little taken aback, as if he had never seen this person before.

The guard quickly walked to Murong Piao's side, and said in a sad voice: "Report to the patriarch, Murong Cheng... is dead!"

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(End of this chapter)

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