Shenwu Evil Emperor

Chapter 61 Rune Heart Vine

Chapter 61 Rune Heart Vine

Lin Yuan's move was beyond everyone's expectation, it was clearly a slap in the face of Luo Cheng!

Luo Cheng's eyes turned cold, and the murderous intent flickered in his eyes undisguisedly, and two words popped out from his jaw, "Very good!"

After speaking, Ruo nodded meaningfully, then turned and left.

It wasn't until Luo Cheng's figure completely disappeared from Kunyu Square that Lin Yuan yelled, sat down on the ground, and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hands.

The people around looked at the two with pity. In their eyes, the two were dead.

At this time, Ling Yuchen finally understood why so many warriors who were stronger than Luo Cheng chose to be patient. This guy likes to harm other people's relatives and friends, like a mad dog, and most people will naturally avoid it when they see it.

He bent down and helped Lin Yuan up to sit on the stone pier by the side of the square. Seeing that Lin Yuan's expression had returned to normal, he sat beside him and asked calmly, "Why didn't you get out of the way just now?"

He was very puzzled, Lin Yuan had known him for less than half an hour, so he had no reason to support him at all.

"This...I..." Lin Yuan hesitated for a long time, rolled his eyes, and said, "I was unresponsive, and I was going to give way, but my legs and feet didn't work, so I went beside you."

"Ah?" Ling Yuchen thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect this weird answer, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Then you are out of luck, leave me as soon as possible, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

"No." Lin Yuan shook his head like a rattle, and said firmly: "That kid said he wanted to kill me, and no matter what I do, I can't change it. It's better to be with you all the time and get mad at him."

Ling Yuchen stroked his forehead with his hand, rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "I'm leaving the square now to find a place to rest, how about you?"

"Together, let's find a place to live first, and then go shopping together. This is the first time for me to come to such a big county, so should you too!" Lin Yuan jumped up from the stone pier and said excitedly.

"Okay." Ling Yuchen agreed after a little consideration. After all, it was the first time he came to Kunyu County, so it would be good to have a look around and see more. Moreover, Kunyu County is a big county in Xichuan County, and the market must be quite large. If you don't allow it, you can find good things.

The two found an inn at random, booked two rooms, and walked side by side to the market.

The photo of the shopping mall in Kunyu County is several times larger than that of Qinglong Town. It coincides with the town government competition. Merchants and warriors from many places come to this shopping mall to set up street stalls, which is even more lively.

As soon as Lin Yuan entered the shopping mall, he yelled and ran forward, quickly leaving Ling Yuchen far away.

"It would be great if Qianxue was here!" Seeing Lin going far away without Ling Yuchen following him, he remembered the days when he went shopping with Murong Qianxue, and smiled wryly in his heart, he would never have such an opportunity again in a short time.

Walking into this huge shopping mall, he turned around with the flow of people, his eyes constantly scanning the items on the stalls on both sides.With the glance of the eyes, I calculated in my heart that I bought some medicinal materials and common materials. Most of these things are needed for refining the talisman at the current stage. The price is not expensive, but after half an hour, I also spent more than 100 gold coins. .

Seeing the turbulent crowd ahead, Ling Yuchen didn't plan to go any further, but just as he turned his body around, his gaze swept across a booth not far ahead, and he was a little surprised.

The originally crowded crowd seemed to be cut off there, and some warriors who passed by tried to avoid that area as much as possible and walked quickly.

With a hint of doubt in his heart, Ling Yuchen took a step forward, squeezed into the crowd, and walked towards the special booth.

Approaching the place where the flow of people stopped, Ling Yuchen glanced at the booth, and saw behind the booth, a young man in black was sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, as if sitting in meditation, ignoring the flow of people around him, looking It doesn't look like a business at all.

Taking a closer look, Ling Yuchen immediately felt an icy aura emanating from the young man's body, like an eternal iceberg, repelling people thousands of miles away.

"This person has a strong aura, stronger than Luo Cheng. Even compared with Mu Hantian and Lu Qianqian, he is only a step behind. Judging by his age, he is probably here to participate in the Town House Competition."

Ling Yuchen's heart was dark, and he was also a little strange. If this person's aura is so strong, if he doesn't restrain himself, how can he let the passers-by choose things here with peace of mind.

Shaking his head slightly, his eyes shifted from the young man in black to the booth in front of him, and then slowly scanned around.

As his eyes scanned, Ling Yuchen became more and more surprised. There were many desolate beast spirits on the booth, ranging from one-star to eight-star Kunyuan Realm, and there were quite a few of them. It is conceivable that this black beast How much hard work the youth in Yi have experienced.

"It seems that this person is also dedicated to martial arts." Ling Yuchen came to a conclusion, and continued to scan the things on the booth. His eyes suddenly froze, and he let out an exclamation in his heart, and his eyes were fixed on an item in the center of the booth.

What caught his attention was a section of rattan placed in a transparent jade box. The rattan was about a foot long, and the body of the rattan was green and transparent, but it faintly exuded a khaki-yellow light. There were three stripes engraved on it. The lines are curved and clear, like a well-crafted talisman. You can tell at a glance that this thing is extremely unusual.

"Run Heart Vine!"

Ling Yuchen felt an unconcealable surprise in his heart. It was recorded in the talisman refining experience that the place where the talisman vine grows is not fixed, and each section of the vine is naturally engraved with a talisman pattern.

As long as a qualified talisman refiner absorbs this vine, he can immediately master the method of making the talisman recorded on the vine. Since the talisman recorded on each piece of the vine is unique, it is very precious.

What kind of talisman is recorded on the talisman heart vine in front of him, he still doesn't know, but judging from the earthy yellow light emitted from it, it is clearly a defensive talisman, and the effect will not be too bad.

Three days later it will be the Town House Contest. Although he has the Dead Tree Art, there are many participants, and they are all geniuses and elites.If there is such a talisman specially used for defense, it will definitely be a life-saving weapon.

Furthermore, the study of this unique talisman is also of great benefit to the practice of talisman.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Ling Yuchen squeezed out the flow of people, and walked slowly towards this somewhat special booth. Seeing his actions, the pedestrians around couldn't help but stop, looking at Ling Yuchen, faintly Look at the lively look.

Stopping in front of the booth, Ling Yuchen's eyes fell on the jade box containing the vine heart vine, hesitating for a moment, then stretched out his palm towards it.

"call out!"

Just when Ling Yuchen's palm was about to touch the jade box, a gust of icy wind suddenly burst through the air, and before he got close to his body, Ling Yuchen felt as if his blood would be frozen.

Sensing the fierceness of this strong wind, Ling Yuchen frowned, just picked up the dead wood formula, and greeted him with a palm, and the blue light immediately wrapped his palm in it.

The icy cold wind hit his palm, without making a sound, it was annihilated silently.

"Huh?" There was a light whisper suddenly.

Ling Yuchen withdrew his palm and raised his head to look at the black-clothed youth in front of him. At this moment, he had already opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise on his face. His right hand was hanging in front of him with two fingers together, and he hadn't retracted it yet.

Looking across the eyes of the young man in black, Ling Yuchen was slightly startled, only to see a gloomy and cold light in the other's eyes, but although the light was fierce, it showed a gray and defeated look.

Ling Yuchen is no stranger to this appearance of gray defeat. This is clearly the phenomenon of mental damage caused by the backlash of the spirit when refining the talisman. If the mind was damaged just now, there should be only a trace of gray defeat, and the young man in front of him...

The whole eyes are gray and decayed, and it is obvious that the damage has been going on for a long time, and it is quite serious.

"Don't touch it!" The young man in black gave Ling Yuchen a cold look, retracted his fingers, and said lightly.

Hearing the words of the young man in black, Ling Yuchen couldn't help laughing, it was the first time he had seen such a weird person, and he was not allowed to touch the shopping, how could others judge good or bad.

He said lightly: "I want to buy this thing, can't I touch it?"

"One hundred thousand gold coins, if you buy it, pay and take it away!" The young man in black said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area suddenly fell silent, and the gaze he was looking at was like looking at a lunatic.

With such a huge amount, many families would not be able to make up even if they went bankrupt. Even some big families would be hurt if they took out such a large sum of money. This guy is too arrogant.

Ling Yuchen was not surprised at all, the value of this talisman heart vine is difficult to measure in gold coins, and the young man in black clearly had ulterior motives for asking this price.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said lightly: "It's a bit expensive."

"Since you want it, you should know what it is for." The young man in black continued coldly.

"I really can't make up such a large sum of money, can't I exchange it with other things?" Ling Yuchen hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively.

"Okay, then a fifth-grade ice heart talisman!" The young man in black didn't object to Ling Yuchen's proposal, so he changed it. However, the price still left the onlookers around speechless. It needs a fifth-grade talisman master to make, and the value is definitely not low. There are probably only a handful of people in Kunyu County who can make such a talisman.

Hearing the words of the young man in black, Ling Yuchen frowned, his expression kept changing, and finally he shook his head, and said slowly: "I can't take out the fifth-grade ice heart talisman..."

The young man in black gave him a disdainful look, this time he didn't even bother to say anything, he just closed his eyes and ignored him.

Seeing Ling Yuchen deflated, there was a burst of mocking laughter around him. Seeing that the two had no intersection, soon, the flow of people slowly moved again.

Ling Yuchen still stood there without moving, his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Realizing this, the young man in black closed his eyes tightly, and said a word coldly: "Get lost!"

Facing the aggressiveness of the young man in black, Ling Yuchen did not get angry, but said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "The spirit is back, I have a solution!"

Hearing these words, the young man in black suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of real light shot out from his eyes and landed on Ling Yuchen's body.

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(End of this chapter)

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