Chapter 81
Ling Yuchen originally thought that the environment on the fifth floor of the tower would be better than that on the fourth floor, but after entering the fifth floor, he realized that he was wrong.

Standing on the thick ice, he looked into the distance, and what he saw was the endless ice field, a vast expanse of whiteness with no end in sight.

Tiny ice particles kept falling from the pale sky, hitting his body with slight pain. On the ice field, gusts of cold wind formed out of thin air and flew wantonly, bringing up some ice particles from time to time, disturbing his sight.

From scorching hot to icy cold suddenly, Ling Yuchen couldn't help shivering. Immediately, he used the Flame Prison Art, a scorching breath circulated in his body, and he felt much more comfortable.

Turning to look at Wuji, he saw that he was holding the nameplate, looking up from time to time to look around, and gesticulating with his hands.After a while, Wu Ji turned his head to look at him, pointed to a direction and said: "Brother Ling, it is said that along this direction, there is a ruin, and there are some very rare things in it."

"Then let's go to this ruin first." Ling Yuchen nodded, facing this vast ice field, he didn't find any targets for the time being.

The two walked forward in this direction. Since it was already the fifth floor of the tower, neither of them dared to be careless, and they used their spiritual sense to explore and walk forward cautiously.

Just after walking a hundred feet away, a powerful vortex suddenly appeared in Ling Yuchen's consciousness. Ling Yuchen was taken aback, and dragged Wuji to move a hundred feet horizontally before he could barely avoid the vortex, and waited for him to sweep back with his consciousness. At that time, the vortex had disappeared.

"It's the vortex of false killing!" Wu Ji said in surprise, "I heard from the seniors who came here before that this vortex of false killing often appears on the ice field inexplicably, and it cannot be seen with the naked eye at all. If you get sucked into this vortex of false killings, you will lose your bones."

Listening to Wu Ji's introduction, Ling Yuchen couldn't help but gasped. He couldn't underestimate the Chaos Tower of the Seven Spirits. It seemed that there was no danger, but in fact it was murderous every step of the way. If he was not careful, he would end up with nothing left.

Since discovering the false killing vortex, the speed of the two of them immediately slowed down, and they both carefully used their spiritual sense to open the way.

Just as they were walking, a gust of wind came from the sky. The two of them followed the trail and saw three huge iron-winged bears flapping their wings and rushing towards them.

The iron wing bear is more than five feet long, and its appearance is basically the same as that of a bear, except that it has two wings on its back, with a wingspan of ten feet, like gold and iron. Thick flesh, but also know how to fight together.

According to the aura of the three iron-winged bears, Ling Yuchen can easily judge that their strength is seven stars in the Kunyuan realm. Judging from the direction of their flight, two of them are coming towards him, and the other is heading towards Wuji. Haunt Wu Ji and regard him as the primary target.

"Brother Ling, be careful." Wu Ji said in a deep voice, and pointed his long knife at the iron-winged bear that was coming towards him. Although there was only one, and his realm was not as good as him, he was still cautious. After all, this is already the fifth floor of the tower. , Danger is everywhere, and there is no room for carelessness.

Ling Yuchen responded, but his heart was full of fighting spirit. He had just advanced to the three-star Kunyuan Realm, and it couldn't be better to have such a desolate beast as a training object.Quickly lifted up the Wave Slashing Art, a powerful aura was released from his body, and he condensed out the demon sword. With a shake of his right hand, he aimed at the two iron-winged bears oncoming, and quickly slashed out two blue half-moon sword lights.

The two sword lights staggered in the air and attacked the two iron-winged bears at an extremely fast speed, drawing two long blue lights.

Although the two iron-winged bears were huge, they were extremely dexterous. They just flapped their wings quickly, easily dodged the attack of the sword light, and continued to pounce on him.

Ten meters in front of him, two iron-winged bears condensed out a silver long spear in each hand, stabbing at him rapidly, bringing a gust of howling wind in the air.

"Clang! Clang!"

The sound of two gold and iron clashing sounded one after another, and two chaotic Yuan Qi immediately overflowed from the collision.

Ling Yuchen brandished the demon knife and fought with the spears of the two iron-winged bears once each. The two iron-winged bears were shocked to fly upside down for more than three feet, and he was also shocked to take two steps back. a deep footprint.

Seeing that Ling Yuchen only took two steps back, the eyes of the two iron-winged bears revealed incredulous gazes.In their view, how could this human being whose state was far inferior to them repel them.No matter how intelligent they are, they will not understand that sometimes, realm and strength are not directly proportional.

Enraged by this situation, the two iron-winged bears roared, shook their wings, and rushed towards Ling Yuchen with their guns, a little faster than before.

Facing the attacks of the two iron-winged bears, Ling Yuchen was calm and composed.In the fight just now, he had already tested the true strength of the two iron-winged bears.

He started to use the Fengwufixed footwork to walk around the two iron-winged bears, and the blue demon knife kept turning into half-moon lights, slashing at the weak points of the two iron-winged bears' defenses.

Although the two iron-winged bears had strong skin and thick flesh, they were still scarred and roared repeatedly, while Ling Yuchen was unscathed.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ji on the side sighed repeatedly in his heart. As soon as he fought against the iron-winged bear beside him, he knew that if two iron-winged bears besieged him, he might be in danger now, but look at Ling Yuchen, But he used these two iron-winged bears to practice and play. There is really no comparison between people.

The two iron-winged bears also sensed the boy's playfulness in front of them, and were extremely annoyed. They couldn't help roaring at the same time. There was a heart-piercing feeling in the roar. Along with the roar, they suddenly released a wave of Weird breath.

The breath was heavy and desolate, and in just an instant, Ling Yuchen felt a strong force descending on him, his body became heavy immediately, and his footwork became sluggish.

His eyelids couldn't help but tremble a few times, he didn't expect that the Iron Winged Bear had such abilities, if it was an ordinary person, he would be caught off guard by this move, and he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Seeing that the blow was successful, the two iron-winged bears rushed towards Ling Yuchen roaring without hesitation. The fierce light in their eyes clearly wanted to smash Ling Yuchen's body into thousands of pieces to vent their hatred.

Facing the two roaring iron-winged bears, Ling Yuchen's eyes gathered together, and a more majestic aura emanated from him. It was Kunpeng's will, freedom, and unyielding!
In an instant, the force that descended on him was rebounded, and his body immediately returned to its original shape.

Feeling the terrifying aura on Ling Yuchen's body, the eyes of several iron-winged bears showed a look of horror.

Wu Ji seized the opportunity, shouted loudly, raised his sword, and split the iron-winged bear he was fighting with in half. He turned to look at Ling Yuchen, shocked in his heart!
Originally, he thought that he had learned a lot about Ling Yuchen during this period of getting along, but now it seems that he is still far behind.He can be sure that the majestic aura just now must be possessed by an extremely powerful desolate beast. Even such a powerful desolate beast can subdue it. What is the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in front of him doing? No!

Shocked by the breath released from Ling Yuchen, the two iron-winged bears immediately understood that the thin human being in front of them was not something they could provoke, and they flapped their wings and flew away without hesitation.

Seeing this, Ling Yuchen's body shook, and the majestic aura released became even stronger, immediately causing the two iron-winged bears to go limp, lying on the ground, trembling, and looking at him in horror.

Before Ling Yuchen could make a move, a thought suddenly came into his mind, "Human beings, please don't kill us, we are willing to surrender to you."

Ling Yuchen was a little surprised at the moment. Don't think about it, this is clearly the message from the two iron-winged bears in front of him. He didn't expect that the spiritual intelligence of the two iron-winged bears was so high that they could communicate with his mind.

With a thought, he came up with a good idea, and communicated with the two iron-winged bears with his mind: "I don't need to kill you, and I don't need you to surrender, but you two will be our mounts temporarily, and take us to the tower. Fifth, look for some relics, and when we go to Tower Six, we will naturally let you go, how about it?"

As soon as his message was sent, he received a positive reply.

Seeing that the two iron-winged bears agreed straightforwardly, Ling Yuchen communicated with the two iron-winged bears again, and then affixed two explosive symbols on the two iron-winged bears. It will be activated immediately and kill the two Iron Wing Bears.

When Wu Ji understood the ins and outs of this, he was speechless again. The good fortune and the strength of the mind of the young man in front of him had already made him fall in admiration.

Seeing Wuji rolling his eyes constantly, Ling Yuchen just smiled and said nothing. This inspiration also came from the warriors of the blood-clothed Luo family who rode flying wild beasts. When he thought of this, he suddenly discovered that the benefits brought to him by the blood-clothed Luo family were even greater. That's a lot.

"I don't know where Luo Cheng is now, and what is his strength." Ling Yuchen muttered to himself.

The two sat on the back of the Iron Winged Bear, Ling Yuchen shouted, and the Iron Winged Bear immediately spread its wings, flew into the air, and followed his instructions towards the ruins of Wu Jizhi.

Although the air is cold and windy, and the ice particles hit people, the two are still satisfied with this way of traveling. In this way, there is no need to consider the threat of the false killing vortex. Clear the situation below to find other hidden places.

While Ling Yuchen was operating the Flame Prison Art to resist the invasion of cold wind and ice particles, while carefully looking at the ice layer below, he also found a few warriors who were looking for them. The strength of these warriors was not bad. The two people on the Iron Wing Bear were both shocked and envious!
Seeing the expressions of these people clearly, the two of them looked at each other, feeling secretly refreshed.

After flying like this for more than half an hour on the iron-winged bear, the two also found some talisman refining materials and rare medicinal materials. Although there were not many of them, they were quite satisfied with this, and they searched for their spiritual sense more carefully.

From the search room, the two saw not far away, a blue-clothed warrior running towards them, and behind him, two purple-clothed warriors were chasing after him.

The blue-clothed warrior had sharp eyes and saw the faces of the two of them clearly. He was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Wuji, save me!"

Hearing this call, Wu Ji's complexion changed, and after looking carefully, he couldn't help shouting: "It's my friend, I'm going to save him!"

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(End of this chapter)

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