Chapter 98

Regarding Lin Yuan's words, not only Ling Yuchen was speechless for a while, but even Chen Yuanshan, who was as calm as he was, couldn't help shaking his body for a while.

Fortunately, Xu Tiannan didn't play with this treasure for a long time, and Xu Tiannan began to speak.

"The top three in this town competition are Qinglong Town, Xingyuan Town, and Yuanshan Town. The representatives of the three towns, Ling Yuchen, Lin Yuan, and Chen Yuanshan, have been qualified to ask questions. We will gather here at noon tomorrow and wait."

"The top 24 towns in this town government competition are promoted to the top 24 towns, which are Qinglong Town..."

"The towns where the 24 finalists are located in this town government competition are designated as the last 24 towns, and they are Tianhuang Town..."

Just when Xu Tiannan announced the ranking of the Town House Contest, the headquarters of the Bloody Luo Family, far away in Tianhuang Town, was in an extremely depressing atmosphere.

In the hall of the headquarters, Luo Tianao was holding a broken natal card and remained silent for a long time. This time the Town House Contest not only wiped out the Luo family's younger generation of geniuses and severely injured their vitality, but also caused troubles that have not been done so far. All this made him worried.

Seeing Luo Tianao remain silent, the head elder of the Luo family suddenly said: "Patriarch, why don't you contact Luo Xuan..."

Hearing the name, Luo Tianao raised his head abruptly, and two sharp energy burst out from his eyes, which shocked the Great Elder to sit down on the chair and break out in cold sweat.

"Didn't I tell you not to mention that name?" Luo Tianao said coldly.

The Great Elder couldn't help lowering his head, and said in a low voice: "Patriarch, I'm also doing it for the good of the family, right now..."

"That's right, patriarch, the family is in crisis now..." several blood-clothed old men stood up and said.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Luo Tianao directly interrupted their words, and said lightly: "Also, let the disciples who inquire about the news in Kunyu Town discover all the circumstances of Luo Cheng's body, without missing a word. When the report comes up, I want to see if there is anything else wrong with it."


When Xu Tiannan announced all the rankings and rewards, Ling Yuchen, Chen Yuanshan, Lin Yuan, Wu Ji, Gu Yihui and others all cheered.

After all, the top three in the town government competition are among them. For Ling Yuchen, Chen Yuanshan and Lin Yuan, having the opportunity to ask Lord Pingjutang is a symbol of glory in itself, and they can also get Many benefits make martial arts go one step further.

As for Wu Ji, Gu Yihui and the others, although they were not the ones who asked Junshang, they were also happy to see their friends have such an opportunity.

Other people in the square also cast their eyes on them one after another, and some of them also started to think about building a relationship with them.

Through what happened just now, these people already knew clearly that Ling Yuchen and his group were not scattered independently, but a group, a group full of friendship.Once the members of this group can grow up, they will become an extremely influential force in Xichuan County.

In stark contrast to the excitement of Ling Yuchen and others was Mu Hantian and Lu Qianqian's side. Although the people they had interacted with just now were still there, their enthusiasm for speaking was slightly weaker, and the atmosphere was much cooler.

Faced with such a situation, Lu Qianqian was a little angry, but Mu Hantian remained the same, without any change, talking politely with everyone around him.

While the people around were not paying attention, Lu Qianqian whispered: "Han Tian, ​​is that the way to go?"

Mu Hantian smiled lightly, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Oh, it's good to get the opportunity to ask questions, and it's okay if you don't get it. Just let them be happy." As he spoke, he looked deeply at Glancing in Ling Yuchen's direction, he pulled Lu Qianqian and said, "Let's go."

Ling Yuchen felt a strong murderous gaze sweeping towards him, and immediately turned his head to look, but only saw the backs of Mu Hantian and Lu Qianqian walking away through the crowd.He was extremely vigilant in his heart, if Mu Hantian only had some murderous intentions towards him before, now he would probably kill him and hurry up.

"In Kunyu County, he doesn't know how to do anything. He is afraid that after leaving the county..."

Ling Yuchen was concentrating on thinking, a white arm wrapped around his neck.

Turning his head to look, he saw Lin Yuan's big face that was always full of smiles appearing in front of his eyes.

"Yuchen, since you, me and Chen Yuanshan have all become people who asked questions, why don't we get drunk today and celebrate." Lin Yuan said with a playful smile.

"That's right, that's right..." Lin Yuan's proposal was unanimously approved by Wu Ji and others.

When you are young and frivolous, you must have fun when you are proud.

Ling Yuchen originally planned to go back to the inn to sort out the harvest in the tower, and then think about the troubles that may be encountered after leaving Kunyu County, and prepare for countermeasures, but seeing this group of good friends so excited, it is not easy to refuse. He looked at Chen Yuanshan.

Just heard Chen Yuanshan say calmly: "Although I'm injured, it's not a problem to drink a few cups."

Ling Yuchen was a little surprised by Chen Yuanshan's words. Chen Yuanshan had always been extremely indifferent. Could it be because of successive events that changed.

In any case, even Chen Yuanshan, who has always been indifferent, said these words at this moment, but he could only simply say: "Okay, let's find a place to celebrate."

"Hey, it's good if you agree. As for the place, you don't need to look for it. Someone will come to invite you right away." Lin Yuan said mysteriously.


Ling Yuchen was a little puzzled, and was about to ask, when he saw Lin Yuan pointing his finger in one direction, and looking along, he saw a girl in a green shirt walking towards them.

This girl looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, tall, fresh and pretty, and she walked with a certain style in it. What surprised him even more was that the aura emanating from this girl was clearly only possessed by Kun Yuan Realm warriors.

The girl came to the crowd, gave a salute, and said softly: "My master is the boss of Baidangju, and I have specially asked me to congratulate Ling Yuchen, Lin Yuan, and Chen Yuanshan, the three geniuses who won the top three in this town competition. Name, my master has set up a banquet at Baidangju, sweeping the bed and waiting, I hope the three of you will show respect and come to Baidangju to conspire to get drunk together."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Lin Yuan looked at the crowd proudly and said, "Hey, this Baidangju is the largest and most famous restaurant in Kunyu County. Every time the town government competition ends, the boss of Baidangju will entertain the top three of the current competitions. name, without exception."

Ling Yuchen heard the words, looked at the girl, and asked with a smile: "Are you only going to invite the three of us?"

When the girl heard this, she swept her eyes full of aura, and immediately understood Ling Yuchen's meaning, and said with a charming smile, "As long as they are friends of the three of you, you can participate."

Hearing this, Ling Yuchen nodded. Now, they are inseparable as a group. If Baidangju only invited the three of them to a banquet, they might not be able to invite any of them.

Seeing that Ling Yuchen and the others had no further objections, the girl immediately gestured to a carriage not far away, and the carriage came slowly.

Ling Yuchen took a closer look, the whole body of the carriage was made of extremely precious and rare red sandalwood, with exquisite patterns carved on it.Pulling the cart in front were eight white cloud horses. These white cloud horses are wild beasts specially used for transportation. Each one is worth a hundred gold. They are all white without any color.

The most valuable thing about the eight white cloud horses in front of them is that they are of the same size, and I don't know how they found them.

When the eight white cloud horses moved forward, they all raised their feet and fell at the same time, with exactly the same pace, obviously they had been specially trained.While walking, the carriage was extremely stable, and there was no sign of any shaking. There were bursts of energy fluctuations coming from the chassis of the carriage. It seemed that there should be a shock-absorbing talisman array underneath.

Such a luxurious carriage cannot be produced by ordinary mansions.Ling Yuchen couldn't help but glanced at the driver, and saw that the driver was short and svelte, neatly dressed, and although his appearance looked ordinary, he had a spirit of his own, obviously he was not an ordinary person.Judging from the aura released from that body, he is at least a Kun Yuan realm warrior.

"The maid who came to greet her, and the groom who drove the carriage were all Kunyuan realm warriors. This Baidangju is really interesting."

Ling Yuchen's interest was suddenly aroused, and he turned his head to look at the others, who had the same expression as him, obviously they all saw some tricks from the carriage.

At this moment, Xu Tiannan strode over with four military officers.

When the girl saw it, she walked over immediately, bowed and said: "Master Xu, since the start of the Town Mansion Competition, you have been on duty here day and night for more than half a month. Can appreciate the light."

I have to say that although the girl's words are not very pleasant, they are very useful.

Xu Tiannan frowned, looked at Ling Yuchen and the others, pondered for a moment, thought of something, and said lightly: "Okay."

Seeing Xu Tiannan's agreement, the girl smiled brightly like a peach blossom, and with a wave of her hand, another identical carriage came from not far away.When the two carriages arrived at the same time, the girl led everyone into the carriages, and the carriages drove slowly.

Sitting on it, watching the scenery in Kunyu County along the way, feeling the lively atmosphere in Kunyu County.Ling Yuchen was very moved. Compared with Kunyu County, Qinglong Town is really small and pitiful.But compared to the top of Tianlan, Kunyu County is insignificant.

His eyes couldn't help looking towards the sky, the majestic majestic city floating in the sky that couldn't be seen at all, was now deeply imprinted in his heart.

Just as he was feeling emotional, the carriage arrived in front of an extremely grand restaurant. After taking a look at the restaurant, he knew that the business was very good. Although it could not be said that it was full of guests, at least [-]% of the occupancy rate was there.

Looking up, I saw three square plaques hanging high on the top of the two-zhang restaurant, with the words "Hundred", "Dang" and "Ju" written on them.

Taking a closer look, Ling Yuchen was a little startled. The plaque was obviously made of extremely hard fine gold wood. Although it was said to be wood, its hardness was no worse than fine steel and stone. It was not easy to write on it. And these three characters are engraved into wood three points, it can be seen that the strength of the person who wrote them is very good.

However, what Ling Yuchen didn't understand was that these three characters were written in three styles, and they were clearly written by three people. What's the matter?Looking at other people, most of them have the same question as him.

"Hey!" Lin Yuan interjected winkingly, "Yuchen, don't say brother is not loyal enough, you just made me miserable just now, but you have to make it up later."

(End of this chapter)

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