Chapter 100

In the study room of Prince Rui's Mansion, Mr. Ran was drinking tea while waiting for Long Xinrui. He waited for a long time, but no one was seen. His good demeanor made it impossible to see that he had been waiting here for nearly two hours.

'Mr. Ran, why don't you go back first. Hao Miao felt a little embarrassed.

'What exactly is Prince Rui doing? 'Master Ran still had a calm smile on his face.

'Today is my sister's death day. ' Hao Miao explained.Mr. Ran was stunned, not only because he had neglected this time, but also because of Hao Miao's title.

"Hao Miao, do you know Chen Xi's identity?" Young Master Ran decided to talk to Hao Miao.If Hao Miao misunderstood, then I am afraid that Chen Xi's chance of breaking through within a year will be gone. 'Once upon a time, she had the heart of a child. After finishing his speech, Mr. Ran walked towards Xindian, he knew that at this moment, Long Xinrui would only be there.Hao Miao, who heard Mr. Ran's words, was shocked.

No wonder he felt familiar with Chenxi for the first time, no wonder Chenxi left angry because of his concealment, no wonder Chenxi asked him if he loved Wan Cui, and even said that Wan Cui's life and death depended on his thinking of what Chen Xi usually said to him, what he did Something happened, Hao Miao felt a sense of enlightenment, and turned to leave.He was going to see Chen Xi, but when he came to the blue sea and blue sky, what he got was the news that Chen Xi went back to Piao Miao Dongtian first, and came directly to Lingyu
But when Hao Miao was looking for Chen Xi, Mr. Ran had already arrived at Xindian, and walked in swaggeringly. He felt a little strange why the people Long Xinrui transferred from Guixu hadn't shown up until now. He clearly felt these people breath.But his face was still calm, he continued to walk forward, before entering the hall, he saw Long Xinrui standing in the Qin Pavilion talking to himself.

"Ran'er, that father of yours is really cruel. He even threatened me with the lifeblood of the entire Dreamland, what should I do?"You wouldn't want to have something to do with the Piaomiao cave that you worked so hard to create, would you? I originally wanted to cause some trouble for him, but now it makes me hesitate. '

'By the way, Hao Miao told me that You Ran was pregnant yesterday. They were married for less than a year, which really makes me envious. If you were here, we should have children by now, and there must be more than one. '

'I haven't told you who Hao Miao is, right? It's the blood demon. You fool, you don't even know that I helped you at the beginning. I transformed his blood power into dark power. I gave it to him, I know you care about him, I knew you looked at him very differently when I was in the devil world.If I didn't care too much, I wouldn't hate it so much. I kept him by my side and let him remind me that many people, including me, owe you a lot."

"The extinct heir of the Xue clan has completely exploded, you should be very happy, and the Guang clan, except for Chuxia and Guangxuan, has no clan members anymore.Originally, I wanted to go to you after causing trouble for the Holy One, but it seems that I can't do that. '

"Ran'er, Chen Xi is very good, almost fooled me, she deserves to be your hidden guard commander.Once, I suspected that she was your clone, but I immediately denied it. You wait for me for another year, and I will go to you after I finish dealing with Dreamland. '

"The water in Xingyuan Lake is so cold, you must be frozen, you are most afraid of the cold, but it has been five years, and you are not bad this year." '

'Ran'er, wait for me! '

(End of this chapter)

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