Chapter 104

In the middle of the night, Tian En Mansion was extremely quiet.

Mr. Ran looked at the blood-red flowers around him, his eyes moved slightly, and his thoughts moved, he appeared at the door of a room, just about to open the door to enter, but heard a familiar male voice.

'Rui'er, if one day I'm gone, promise me that you will live on and take good care of our children. '

"After nine years of marriage, I have finally extended an heir for you, but you choose to leave me at this time, Guangxuan, why do you think you are still qualified to ask me?" '

'Rui'er, there are some things that I can't decide.One wrong step, one wrong step.Now, there is no turning back for me. '

'Back then, didn't you promise me not to take care of Chu Xia's affairs? '

'Unfortunately, I promised too late. '

"I'm going to see my little sister, and I'll ask her to ask Hades to let you go, and he will agree,"

'Rui'er, Princess Wushuang is dead. '

'What did you say? ''Princess Wushuang died six years ago. If she was still alive, Emperor Hades would not have retaliated against the Guangzu like this. I know he will not let me go, but he will not make things difficult for you.In fact, I should thank him. If you hadn't overheard me and Chuxia back then, if you hadn't put Mixing in my wine as poison, I'm afraid I would never have faced our relationship.That's why he won't make things difficult for you. '

'On that night six years ago, I heard Chu Xia say put the fans in my little sister's tea, I really thought you were going to kill my little sister.The Huan Wang Mansion owes my little sister, and I owe him even more, so I went to see my little sister, not to get her forgiveness, but to know whether she is enough to let me die with you. In the end, my little sister's words made me willing, It's a pity, when I drank Mixing with you, I realized how vicious Chu Xia is. You haven't told me who you planned to let the little girl detoxify. If you had told me, maybe, now God won't bother you at all.Now that my little sister is dead, tell me if Chu Xia did it again. '

'I don't know. After I promised you not to take care of Chu Xia's affairs, I cut off contact with the Guangzu. '

"Xuan, when my younger sister told me that she was the most able to give up on love, I always thought so, but when you gave me that promise, I suddenly found that my persistence was so vulnerable.If Emperor Hades really won't let you go, then let us complete the vow of life and death. '

'Silly girl, I don't deserve you to do this. '

'Whether it's worth it or not, you can't decide. Master Dye pushed the door open and entered.Seeing the two people embracing each other, complex eyes flashed across their eyes.

'It turns out that the right minister still has the habit of eavesdropping. Guangxuan's eyes moved, and he let go of Lan Xinrui.

'The one who has the habit of eavesdropping is not only the next one, but the prince. Mr. Ran didn't care about Guangxuan's bad attitude at all.

'It turns out that Mr. Ran really cares about them, so why not let the king let them go? '

'It seems that I owe the prince another favor. 'Master Dye's eyes moved.

'I hope that Mr. Ran will not refuse when the king asks you to return it in the future. Long Xinrui said after taking a deep look at Mr. Ran. 'Young Master Ran won't let me let even Chu Xia go. '

'I don't care about that woman at all. If it wasn't for the prince not wanting to be depraved anymore, I would actually do something to that woman, and I entered the court because of that woman. 'Mr. Dye said very disdainfully. 'Since the prince has promised to let the couple go, I will leave now. 'Dye Gongzi disappeared after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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