Chapter 11

'Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death directly?Flying guests from all over the world, the old wings are cold and hot.Joy is fun, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children.You should have something to say, there are thousands of miles of stratus clouds, thousands of mountains and snow at dusk, who is only shadowed. . . Lan Xinran said softly without responding to Long Xinrui's confession.He looked at the stars in the sky. 'Rui, you know what?I am a person who gives up my own happiness. '

'Fool, I will help you find your happiness back.Ran'er, I don't ask much, as long as you treat me with care. In "Blue Sea and Blue Sky", the deep sadness in Yi Ren's eyes hurt his heart. He knew that a person with such eyes must have suffered an unforgettable pain. Knowing that this girl is someone who has the same state of mind as him, but she conceals it better than him, and probably has more experience than him.It was also at that moment that he recognized him. The same experience would make them know how to cherish each other. Those who have not experienced that kind of pain will never understand the state of mind of the person involved.

'Ran'er, you are luckier than me, because there are still people who have paid for you without complaint. '

'Does the ruthless Prince Rui ever fall in love? With a clear male voice, a white light flashed, and a man in white appeared. The man actually had a pair of silver eyes.

'Are the Four Holy Lands deceiving me and no one from the Dragon Clan? 'Long Xinuo finally spoke, his previously warm face was full of coldness.

'I just came to confirm one thing, Prince Rui, how about lending me your princess for a quarter of an hour? '

"My concubine has never left my sight since she was married to this king. This king doesn't understand how she offended the Four Great Sacred Lands. First, the servant Mingyue of "Tianlian Yeyue" borrowed from me, and then Hai Tiangong assassination, now, even Huancheng is involved. '

'Some things, you know, are just asking for trouble. The man's eyes flashed complicated.

"My dragon clan is not so incompetent that even the princess of my clan can't protect it." 'Long Xinuo was on the verge of getting angry.

'I just want to know the answers to three questions. '

'Rui, let me go out for a while. 'This man made her feel less hostile.

' The question is right here. ' Long Xinuo disagreed.

'Is there a snowflake imprint on your right shoulder? ''right. '

'There has never been a man who can get close to you. '

'Forehead. . .used to be. 'Long Xinrui became an accident.As soon as Lan Xinran finished speaking, the man grabbed her hand, and the colorful light exploded.

'Sure enough, it's you, it's you, no wonder. . . 'There was joy in the man's eyes.

'open! 'Long Xinrui became jealous.

'Do you still have any questions? Lan Xinran had an accident in his eyes, what's going on?Why are there so many exceptions recently.

'I will not meet again. 'The man disappeared.

'baffling. ''Third brother, you have a rival in love. ' Long Xinuo said. 'That person, Lan Nianqing, is the only son of the Lord of Huancheng, and I learned from Xuan Che that it was he who asked Xuan Che to borrow your sister-in-law from you. '

'Still bored? 'Long Xinrui looked at Lan Xinran.

'I have sinned a lot. A good birthday party was interrupted because of me. '

'Where are the siblings? It's not the fault of the younger siblings, but it frightens the younger siblings and hurts the third brother. 'It was Long Xinrui's brother Long Xincheng who spoke.

'Come here, don't tell the imperial doctor to treat the third prince's wounds. ' Long Tianzhuo raised his voice.

'No need, it will be good for the king to return home for treatment. 'Long Xinrui resumed his previous alienation.His warmth is only for Lan Xinran. 'Ran'er, are you tired, let's go back. Without waiting for Long Tianzhuo's consent, Long Xinrui pulled Lan Xinran away.

(End of this chapter)

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