Chapter 20

'Since Princess Rui is indeed the junior sister of Palace Master Yun, and Haitian Palace pretended to be someone from Yunhai to assassinate Princess Rui, there is nothing wrong with accepting Yunhai's ambition, and it does not conflict with the agreement between Lingyu. 'Mo Zun was the first to speak. Among the people present, in terms of status and strength, he is undoubtedly the tallest.

'In this case, there is no need to enforce the agreement. ' Yi Lan said. "Does Lan Shaocheng have a problem with Bilian's waiter?" '

'Huancheng has no comment. 'If he dares to have an opinion on his precious sister and doesn't freeze him to death, he really can't bear the cold eyes of his precious sister.

'What about Tianlian Yeyue? '

'Tianlian Yeyue also has no objection to this, but she doesn't know how Princess Rui knows how to use the magic formula. 'The implication is that it is a play discussed with Huancheng.

'There are some things that you are not worthy of knowing just because of your status. Lan Xinran smiled, but her eyes were cold, "Tianlian Yeyue seems to be worse than the previous generation, there are more and more idiots, Mr. Yi Lan has clearly stated Wanyue's identity, and there are still people asking for trouble."You don't think that I, an ordinary human race, will make the benevolent Venerable in the dream world willing to be a servant. '

'Ran'er, it's not worth getting angry with a fool, it's not good for your health. ' Long Xinrui said, paused. 'In case of fetal gas, it's not worth it to scare our not be angry. '

'you. . . '

'How come we have finished discussing, and the representative of Piao Miao Dong Tian hasn't arrived yet? Xitong spoke when Bilian spoke, trying to divert everyone's attention, but she succeeded.

'I'm afraid that something has delayed it. In the past few months, the surface of Xingyuan Lake, which has been calm for thousands of years, has become turbulent and dark. The teacher said that there might be monsters descending into the world.Over the past few months, Piao Miao Dong Tian has been struggling to deal with it. Yi Lan said, Lan Xinran frowned, and glanced at Wan Yue, she didn't even know about this matter, needless to say, Wan Yue would have made her move, and must have decided to hide it from her again.

'Since the results have been made, let's end today's gathering, all the seniors are gone, Yi Lan still has something to discuss with my uncle in detail. '

'So we take our leave. 'Everyone nodded.Like going up stairs.

"Wan Yue, Rui and I are going back first, you and Young Master Yi Lan can talk slowly, don't worry. Lan Xinran said.

"Xiaoran, I won't go back with you. After dealing with the matter of Haitian Palace, I will go to you again. Don't forget the promise to me." Xi Tong worriedly said, what Yi Lan just said, she knew when she took over the status of Liuli Palace Master, Piao Miaodongtian, when she heard the name, she knew it was Lan Xinran's, but she knew Lan Xinran very well. With Xinran's strength, the ordinary monster Lan Xinran and Wanyue can definitely deal with it, but only when she saw Lan Xinran did she know that she was wrong.

Working with Lan Xinran for five years, she knows Lan Xinran's character very well. If she offers to help, it will definitely hurt Lan Xinran's self-esteem, so she never said this, but until she saw Lan Xinran interacting with Wan Yue Only then did she know that Wan Yue had been keeping Lan Xinran from her eyes, but at this time, Lan Xinran had already promised her that if it was not particularly urgent, Lan Xinran would not break the promise to her.

'Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her. 'Long Xinrui obviously has a good impression of Xitong, and it's rare for him to be kind to someone other than Lan Xinran.

'Well, I hope you can find the happiness that Xiaoran abandoned as soon as possible. '

(End of this chapter)

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