Chapter 72

In the winter of 1071 in the dream calendar, with the first heavy snowfall, the supreme star art of the first fingering method in the sky - the sky dance of the phoenix dance in the sky reappeared in the sky.As a result, the Millennium Wraith in Wishing Star Lake was able to escape.

The next day, Long Tianzhuo decreed that Princess Chu Xia of the Guang Clan be assigned to the unconscious Marquis Rui Ming as his side concubine.On the same day, Piaomiao Dongtian Yinhuang, Netherworld Ghost King Underworld, Yunhai Liuli Palace, Huancheng, Tianlian Yeyue simultaneously ordered the world that the fantasy empire would never be protected by them.

Three days later, news spread across the mainland that the former right minister Chu Tianhe and Lord Rui were unconscious because of Princess Chuxia, and the people of the mainland fell into turmoil again.

- "General History of Phantasmal Body"

In Ruiminghou's Mansion, Lan Xinran looked at Long Xinrui who was unconscious on the bed, her black eyes were full of sadness, and beside her, Youran, Mo Zun, Long Xinuo, Long Xiyao, Yue Xuanche, Lan Nianqing All was silent.

After a while, Lan Xinran still spoke, but looked at Mo Zun.

'I want to see the god of fate. Lan Xinran's words changed everyone's expressions.

'Xiao Yu, I don't allow you to do stupid things. 'Lan Nianqing stood up in surprise.

'Xiao Ran, I will not allow you to have anything to do with the God of Destiny. ' said leisurely.

'She is destined to be entangled with the deity. "Ice-cold male voice, the man in black appeared in everyone's sight, the long purple-blue hair flashed with black light, and the blue eyes were as deep as the sea. As soon as he appeared, the surrounding space seemed to condense instantly, Mo Zun instinctively knelt down and saluted." Lord God. '

'Who made you think that you have the right to conceal the matter of Rui'er? , Mo Zun, I won't say much, I will go to the Star Realm of Despair to receive the punishment. '

'yes. As soon as his face changed, Mo Zun responded and got up to leave, but Lan Xinran grabbed her arm.

"Rui doesn't like to overstep the bounds, respect his people, and the god of fate seems to have no right to dispose of them. '

'Little girl, I am not mistaken about you. Those who dare to speak like this, the entire sky does not exceed one hand. Anyway, since you are pleading for him, I will grant your wish. 'The God of Destiny has appreciation in his eyes. 'The last time I saw you, I knew that you would be the most suitable for Rui'er, so knowing that you are the apprentice of Venerable Wisdom, I still made that deal with you, perhaps this was the most correct decision I made in my life. '

'I want Rui to wake up, condition. '

'Do you think I will make a deal with you now?With your identity known to the entire sky, I no longer have the qualifications to do business with you. 'The Shinto of Destiny. 'Sky Fu, I hope I still have a chance to listen. '

'How are you willing to save Rui. '

'Saving him is my responsibility. I don't need anyone to make a deal with me, especially you. The God of Destiny waved his hand, and the colored light entered Long Xinrui's body, and Long Xinrui slowly opened his eyes.Almost at the same time, Lan Xinran threw herself into his arms, feeling Yi Ren's sadness, Long Xinrui's eyes flashed self-blame.

'Silly girl, didn't I tell you that I, Xinrui, will be entangled with you for life after life?Why did you deny me in just these few days. '

'Sleeping Dream Heart Lotus, I'm afraid you'll never wake up, you're good or bad, you deliberately made me sad. '

'This girl vomits blood by the lakeside again for you, you should cherish her. 'If it wasn't for Lan Xinran spitting star blood, he would never have found his only son sleeping.

Sensitively noticed that Long Xinrui's body froze, Lan Xinran frowned and raised her head, and found that Long Xinrui's eyes looking at the God of Destiny were full of complexities, resentment, hatred, and inseparable love and words she couldn't understand. Something, thinking of what the God of Destiny said just now, Lan Xinran suddenly felt that she never really knew Long Xinrui.

(End of this chapter)

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