Chapter 80

Watching Chen Xi leave, Long Xinrui withdrew his gaze, glanced at Hao Miao, exchanged glances, and read the information in each other's eyes.

'No, you continue to talk about the affairs of the court. 'Long Xinrui said.

'Since his mother died of illness, his father's physical condition has deteriorated, and the Lingnan incident has added a lot of gray hair to his temples, and finally fell ill after the Lingnan incident.The group of doctors were helpless, and kept hanging with medication until Xin Ran appeared again, and the father's health improved a lot. Now that woman is already the royal doctor dedicated to the father.After Prime Minister Chu resigned three years ago, under her recommendation, Prime Minister Right was replaced by her master, but Prime Minister Right seems to be very disgusted with the affairs of the court, and does not allow others to call her an adult, an official position, and let others call her an adulterer. Son, even the emperor acquiesced to his indulgence. ' Long Xinuo said.

'But Mr. Ran is a rare good official, who loves the people like a son, is fair and honest, and is a rare clean stream in the court.Now in the middle of the court, the left and the right are divided into rivals.The right phase seems to be slightly higher.Third brother, you have never seen the right minister, his demeanor can be called peerless.It's no wonder that he can teach an apprentice like Xin Ran. It was the first time that Long Xiyao praised a person like this.

'Where is the prince? 'His so-called 'big brother', I'm afraid he will not be safe.

"Third brother, in fact, the eldest brother has no intention of being your enemy. When the father ordered Chu Xia to marry you, the eldest brother did not agree. The assassin assassinated you at the beginning was not ordered by the eldest brother, but he blamed you for not saving my mother. So At the beginning, he did not stop his father's will. ' Long Xinuo said carefully.

'I asked you about the situation of the prince. 'Of course he knew that the assassination was not ordered by the prince, it was his own setup.

"After the father fell ill, the eldest brother has been handling the government affairs. Although the father and the queen came to recover from the illness, she gradually handed over the affairs of state to the elder brother. Now [-]% of the court is the elder brother's subjects. The father has ordered me to marry, so I will marry you." Give way to Big Brother. '

'You send a message to the prince, I will not let any of the subjects who agreed to betroth Chuxia to me. Long Xinrui said, his eyes turned to Hao Miao. 'Is it possible to find out all the people who destroyed my relationship with your sister in three days? '

'enough. Hao Miao nodded.

"Let's not use it for Zuoxiang, your strength is not as good as his, wait until I convert all the blood power in your body into dark power before you do it." 'Long Xinrui said.His eyes suddenly moved. 'Jun, come out. 'The space fluctuated slightly, and Mo Zun appeared. 'Is Ru Lan awake? '

'Yes, thank you, master. ''My lord, as I said, you and You Ye's status as chief servants have no life to shake.Hao Miao is already my waiter, I don't want the people around me to fight each other, you shouldn't have any fluctuations because I converted his Yuan Power. 'Long Xinrui said.

'Master, Mo Zun has been taught. 'Mo Zun nodded.

"I'll leave the ghosts and creatures to you. Before the emperor's capital is over, I want the ghosts and creatures to live without any difference. 'Long Xinrui knew that Mo Zun was worried, because Mo Zun knew too well the relationship between Hao Miao and Lan Xinran.And Long Xinrui loves Lan Xinran like life.

'yes.Does the master have any other orders? Mo Zun responded, Long Xinrui shook his head and waved his hand to signal him to back down.

'Ran'er, wait for me, when I send all those who hurt you to hell, I will go find you.Let us make the notes of Fengmingqin and Longxiaodi resound through the sky in the realm of chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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