Chapter 85

In the dream calendar year 1077, Long Xinrui, the seventh Emperor of the Underworld, began his first bloody battle in ten years as the Underworld Emperor—to destroy the Guang Clan. The war lasted only three days. The central part of Lingdong became a sea of ​​blood.The people who passed by there later all turned into pus and blood within three days after leaving.The central part of Lingdong has become the fifth forbidden place in Dream Continent, namely Star Wish Lake, Misty Valley, Dark Night Forest, Tianjue Cliff.

- "General History of Phantasmal Body"

In the study room, Long Xinrui looked at the submitted official documents, complexities flashed in his deep eyes.

Suddenly, the door of the study was pushed open, and Hao Miao walked in with a faint joy on his face. 'Master, Miss Chenxi is awake. '

'Um. There was still no expression on Long Xinrui's indifferent face, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.Get up and walk towards the side hall of Ruidian.

After hearing the news that Chen Xi had been robbed in the court that day, Long Xinrui left immediately, and finally intercepted Chen Xi and the guardian of the Guang clan at the south gate of the imperial capital.Sending the Guang Clan directly to the Star Realm of Despair, Long Xinrui brought Chen Xi to the palace, not wanting Chen Xi to fall into a coma for a whole day.Even Xinran's diagnosis said there was no problem, which really worried Hao Miao and Long Xinrui for a long time.

Arriving at the side hall unhurriedly, Long Xinrui restrained his breath on purpose, Hao Miao also restrained his breath, walked into the side hall, and saw Chen Xi talking to Xin Ran, holding in his hand the sword that Long Xinrui once held countless times. The second time is Lan Xinran's hair comb.

'But it is a side hall after all, why can't you rest in the main hall? 'Xin Ran seemed very puzzled.

'You haven't learned the rules after being in the palace for so long. "Chen Xi rolled her eyes with joy. According to the decree of the Dream Empire, no woman is allowed to enter the sleeping hall of the children of the royal family, not even the main concubine, even the side hall. This point is exactly the same as that of the demons.Only because he has made an exception for me, I will be tempted by him when I am familiar with the rules.Fortunately, this point, when you really fall in love with someone, you will understand, even if he just made a little sacrifice for you, your touch is enough to give up everything for him.And...' Before Chen Xi finished speaking, he suddenly felt a familiar breath.

'The power of blood?Xinran, did you hide something from me?Why does the emperor have the power of blood? '

'Master said, just rest and don't worry about anything else. '

'Is something wrong with him? 'Chen Xi's face showed urgency.

'No, the Guang family disappeared.Why did you leave in the first place if you cared so much?In fact, I originally wanted to tell him that you didn't want to wake up because you didn't want to face him, but seeing him use the bloodthirsty formation on the Guangzu for you, turning the central part of Lingdong into the fifth restricted area for human beings, I think It would be cruel to tell him. Xinran's words made Long Xinrui at the gate of the hall clenched his fists, turned and left.

'Hao Miao, you go and take care of her. 'Long Xinrui said.

'Master, can I ask my subordinates to end the early summer incident? Hao Miao asked.

"After Prince Xiaoyao got married, he began to attack practitioners of the third rank and above in the imperial court.If you have any questions, give me the list. Long Xinrui said, turning his head to look in the direction of the side hall, "Go and ask Miss Chenxi if she would like to go to Xiaoyao Palace with me tomorrow. 'Long Xinrui turned and left.He doesn't have the time to love his sons and daughters yet, what happened to Chen Xi was beyond her expectation, he needs to calm down and think about it.
(End of this chapter)

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