Chapter 92

In the autumn of 1077 in the fantasy calendar, all the star ranks in the fantasy spiritual domain, except Young Master Ran, gathered again in Prince Rui's mansion. In the middle of the night of the same day, colorful lights scattered across the earth like fireworks.Since then, Dreamland has once again returned to peace.It's the calm before the storm.

- "General History of Phantasmal Body"

In the bamboo forest of Prince Rui's Mansion, Long Xinrui's flute sounded again.Outside the bamboo forest, Chen Xi looked at Long Xinrui's back with complicated eyes, and the scene from last night resounded before her eyes.

In the study room, the faces of all the stars were so solemn that they were relatively speechless.In the end, it was Tianzun from the dream world who spoke first.

'I searched all over the Dreamland Secret Codex, but there is no relevant information.I don't know if you have gained anything? 'Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, still silent.Apparently the result was the same as that obtained by the Dream God - no result.

'It would be nice if Xiaoran was here, maybe she would dabble in something. 'Having been promoted to Princess Xiaoyao, she shook her head leisurely, but her eyes were on Chen Xi who was drinking jasmine tea in the sidelines.

'Since you don't know what that evil obstacle is going to do, then don't look for a reason, just stop him from continuing to harm the mainland. 'Receiving Leisurely's gaze, Chen Xi put down the jasmine tea in her hand, and said the solution with her red lips and light teeth.

"Miss Chenxi already has a solution? 'Long Xinuo's eyes lit up.

'No. Without hesitation, Chen Xi decisively broke Long Xinuo's fantasy.Picking up the teacup again, he lowered his head and took a shallow sip.There is still no wave of indifference on the face.

'I do have a way. Leisurely glanced at Long Xinrui, who seemed to be resting with his eyes closed all the time, before speaking. "Xiaoran once told me that there is a set of star formulas in the sky, so that pure elements can be mixed together. When this set of star formulas is activated, all blood power and evil power life mana below the peak of the star rank can be sealed.But the difficulty of this set of star formulas is that there must be a peak life that uses itself as a carrier to activate. '

'The lives above the non-respected level have suffered to pure star power, the light ones are backbited and injured, and the severe ones are asleep and unable to wake up.There are only two peak lives in this continent, Prince Rui and the teacher. The teacher is in seclusion. Does Miss Youran want Prince Rui to take risks?Don't say whether Prince Rui agrees or not, except that my Xue Po and Moon Attendant's Moon Soul are pure water elements and pure light elements, there is no life in this continent and there are pure elements, and Xingjing Jue needs at least four elements Can be used, where do you find the other two elements? As soon as Youran finished speaking, Chen Xi spoke.

'I am those two elements, I am the daughter of nature, the combination of the pure star power in nature, as for the peak life, it depends on whether Prince Rui is willing to take risks. '

'I don't want to. Before Long Xinrui could speak, Lan Nianqing, Yue Xuanche, Chen Xi, Long Xinuo, and Xue Qinghan stood up simultaneously.

'Brother-in-law, don't forget that we are star gods, and Xiaoyu would not agree to take risks for some ants. ' Lan Nianqing said.

'I agree. 'Long Xinrui opened his eyes.His eyes turned to Dawn. 'But I have one condition, I want Miss Chenxi to be by my side before I recover. '

'Brother-in-law, she is not a sister, and she doesn't want you to take risks either. 'Lan Nianqing frowned,

'Whether I want to take risks or not, only she knows in her heart.Miss Chenxi, do you agree? "Long Xinrui stared at Chen Xi with scorching eyes, making Chen Xi feel like she was being seen through, suppressing the panic in her heart, Chen Xi nodded
(End of this chapter)

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