Chapter 98

In the winter of 1077 in the fantasy calendar, Emperor Long Xinrui fell asleep to save Long Tianzhuo, and his spiritual realm was shocked.

Two months later, after Long Xinrui, Piao Miao Dongtian was once again shrouded in primary color light.However, due to the location, it is impossible to know who received the baptism of the sky.

After a lapse of one month, Mr. You Xiangran, who had retreated for half a year, finally came out.

- "General History of Phantasmal Body"

Inside the Hall of Rui, Chen Xi fed the medicine into Long Xinrui's mouth and sighed softly.He looked at Hao Miao aside.

'Aren't you tired looking at me like this?I won't do anything to him. '

'Whether you are the mistress or not, I will not allow any life to be alone with the master when the master is injured and asleep. Hao Miao said.

'Don't put your own requirements for guards on him, no life dares to let him fall. 'Chen Xi said unhappily.

'How do you know that I am so demanding of myself as a bodyguard? Hao Miao's eyes moved.

'You don't care how I know. Chen Xi realized that she had slipped her tongue.

'That's right, Master of the Misty Cave, it's not surprising to know, but, the one who beheaded me back then was clearly my sister, so why did you blame it on me? There is playfulness in Hao Miao's eyes. 'You are not my sister, I knew from the beginning, even if you are exactly the same as her, even if you have almost the same temperament, I also know that you are not her, my sister, you will never treat me so calmly, like, I to her. '

'do you love her? A trace of tension flashed in Chen Xi's eyes.

'like?I don't know, I only know that she is the first life that makes my heart soften.With her, there is no pressure, and people can forget their troubles, so I would rather get hurt than kill him, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would become her obstacle.When I saw her again in Demon Realm, and she told me that she hadn't made any progress for several years because of me, I really had a feeling that I couldn't explain it. In fact, if the master didn't take action at the beginning, I wouldn't take action against her. '

'Looks like I asked an idiotic question. 'Chen Xi smiled wryly. 'What about Ban Cui?Back then, when Wan Cui went undercover to the Demon Race, did you not expose her because of that? '

"Partly, that girl probably doesn't know the reason why she came to me as an undercover agent. A life with the heart of a child is destined not to harm the heart of others. I know this very well, so I didn't intend to kill her. However, She has already fallen. When my sister killed me, I saw the shattered light in her eyes. People with such eyes are destined not to live for too long. When I came back this time, I asked the master, and he told me where After that, Bancui disappeared. '

'Whether she's still alive depends on you, do you love her?Even a little bit. '

'I have no idea. Hao Miao said. "You seem to care about Wan Cui very much. I once heard the master say that my sister cares about her four personal maids very much.Could it be that you are a clone of your sister? Hao Miao guessed that each star-level peak god has a different clone, which is well known in the sky, Chen Xi is not surprised that Hao Miao will know, after all, Hao Miao is now the direct line of destiny.Facing this question, Chen Xi did not answer.

'I'm going to prepare the next medicine. 'Chen Xi turned and left.After she left, Long Xinrui on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

'Master, is she the mistress? Hao Miao asked respectfully without any surprise.In fact, a month ago, someone broke through from Piaomiao Cave to accept the baptism of the sky, and the pure starlight had already cured Long Xinrui, and at the same time, Hao Miao already knew that Long Xinrui was fine, and this month was just a test for Chenxi.

Hao Miao, from now on, call me brother-in-law. Without answering Hao Miao's words, Long Xinrui said.Shocked, speechless for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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