Your Royal Highness is sweet and sweet

Chapter 108 This matter has something to do with Prince Chen!

Chapter 108 This matter has something to do with Prince Chen!
Last night's killer, the fire on the dragon boat, and the poisoning of the emperor, did Yan Mochen do this series of things, or did another force do it together?
The more Qin Rujun thought about it, the more inexplicable he became, but soon he stopped thinking about it.

"The two princesses were also quite frightened last night. The crown prince should try to comfort the two princesses." The emperor ordered again, and when he said this, he looked at Qin Rujun with a meaningful look in his eyes.

The corner of Qin Rujun's mouth twitched slightly.

Her head started to ache when she thought of the two other women who were married.

Li Chudie's woman hadn't been dealt with yet, and two more came, which really caught her off guard.

But when the two princesses were mentioned, Qin Ruilin's eyes brightened up a little.

"Ahem...Father, my son's hidden illness..." In order to get rid of these two women, Qin Rujun, if she doesn't fight for it at this time, she will really be unable to get rid of the entanglement of the two women after the decree.

"Hidden disease? In another day, I will send an imperial doctor who is best at treating hidden diseases to treat the prince. This man, if there is such an unspeakable thing, it is indeed too embarrassing. It is my negligence. Just rest assured."

The corners of Qin Rujun's mouth twitched this time, but the corners of his eyebrows also twitched twice.

She really didn't understand, didn't understand, why did the emperor insist on stuffing her with women?
"...Your servant obeys." Qin Rujun twitched the corner of his mouth and responded softly, then turned and walked out of the palace gate.

When they reached the entrance of the hall, Yeli also happened to walk out.

Yeli stood aside with his hands behind his back, his dark eyes swept Qin Rujun lightly, and asked in a deep voice: "The crown prince probably knows best about what happened last night."

"Huh? What do you mean by King Li's words?" Qin Rujun's heart skipped a beat, but the expression on his face was extremely calm.

"Some people say that the prince is the only survivor who escaped from the mouth of the monster in the lake. The prince must know the situation."

Fuck, how did this man get such good news?

And in such a critical situation last night, someone could see that she came out alive. Does that mean that someone also saw that Yan Mochen rescued her?
Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Ye Li.

"Li Wang wants to say this, but it will make people laugh. Let alone whether I escaped from the water monster, but as for the person who told Li Wang that he saw it with his own eyes, Li Wang will rely on that person's one-sided words. Just believe it, then this King of War is nothing more than that!"

Yeli's pupils shrank slightly, obviously a little anger had accumulated in his eyes, but this anger was forcibly suppressed by him again.

He closed his eyes, tried to remain calm, and said softly: "Since the emperor ordered you and me to thoroughly investigate this matter, please cooperate with the Crown Prince."


After he finished speaking, he found that there was no sound in his ears.

At this time, the servant's weak voice came from next to my ear: "Master, His Royal Highness has already left."

Ye Li suddenly opened his eyes, as expected, Qin Rujun had long since disappeared.

This prince is so angry that his liver hurts!
If it weren't for Qin Rujun's usefulness, he wouldn't have to!

"Oh! It must have something to do with Prince Chen!" Ye Li flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, turned and left.

The little servant secretly supported his forehead, thinking that the weak Chen Wang who was about to return to the West could make such a big commotion?
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(End of this chapter)

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