Your Royal Highness is sweet and sweet

Chapter 219 A certain man's hobby, isn't it too evil?

Chapter 219 A certain man's hobby, isn't it too evil?
"Oh, yes, I just heard about it, I was scared to death, my son was so scared." Qin Rujun pretended to be scared, and looked at Qin Tianhuai with blinking eyes pretending to be blank.

"Princess Ningyun is also extremely sad. The crown prince needs to comfort her well now. I have assigned the rest of the matter to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to thoroughly investigate the matter. Before the murderer is found, I must comfort this princess well."

Qin Rujun nodded obediently, as if he was very obedient, he had scolded him a thousand times and ten thousand times in his heart.

Comfort the princess?Dream it!


The night is a little dark.

The officials in Qin Yaoguo's Ministry of Punishment are all very high-ranking, and they also receive quite generous salaries.

Today's night is extremely dark, and there are still officials arguing in the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Standing at the gate of the Ministry of Justice's mansion, Qin Rujun could hear their fierce quarrel.

"This skull is broken like this, I am afraid it is the work of someone with extremely deep internal strength."

"But among the people in Ruyun Restaurant at that time, apart from King Rui, there was no other person with strong martial arts!"

Listening to their quarrel, Qin Rujun's eyes flickered slightly, and with a hint of an idea, he walked in, but was stopped by Xiong Da.

They all had evidence of their presence at the time, but why did everyone inside say that only King Rui was there?
Could it be... the owner of the restaurant has been bribed?

"His Royal Highness...can we not go in? I heard that King Hao died terribly..."

Qin Rujun frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort, "Cowardly! Don't call yourself a member of my palace when you go out, shame on you!"

She hooked her finger to Xiong Da, and Xiong Da immediately moved forward with his ear.

Qin Rujun gave him some instructions in a low voice, and Xiong Da was shocked.

"Later, I will say according to my words."

After finishing speaking, he pushed Xiong Da away and walked in.

What is there to be afraid of with a dead body?

Well, although she saw few corpses, she was still brave!
Her sudden walk in made the quarrel in the room immediately quiet down.

The corpse on the side was covered by a white cloth, only a face was exposed, and the foreman was examining the head of the corpse.

Qin Rujun approached, took a look, and clicked his tongue secretly.

"Death is really miserable!"

She remembered Jin Haotian's martial arts, but he was above Yeli, someone who could kill Jin Haotian...

No, could it really be a certain man?
The deceased died miserably, his skull was shattered, his entire face was extremely distorted, and his eyes were wide open, as if they were about to pop out.

But a certain man's hobbies are too evil. I heard that this man was castrated?

So perverted!

"That's right! Does the prince have any clues?"

"There are clues, but..." Qin Rujun rolled his eyes slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile, "I'm afraid that telling this matter will ruin the relationship between Ben Gong and Third Brother! Xiong Da, come and tell the adults."

Xiong Da was called by his name suddenly, and his back felt cold, so he could only walk into the house silently.

"The thing...the thing is like this. When the news of King Hao's death came out today, His Highness was very concerned about the matter and sent his subordinates to Ruyun Restaurant to inquire about it. The waiter in the restaurant said..."

(End of this chapter)

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