The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 424 Advanced Plane: Holographic Online Game Chapter

Chapter 424 Advanced Plane: Holographic Online Game (10)

"Huh? Dislike me for not being sympathetic? Don't tell're not jealous?"

The God of Fallen Leaves hugged his chest, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yin Ruo'an swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Well, I'm just afraid that if I provoke you, you will be tortured to death... that's all."

"Then you think too much. It's not too much. I won't embarrass you. At most..."

As he spoke, he leaned over and approached her with a playful smile in his dark pupils: "Let you kiss me."

"This... Actually, I can do it without your request."

After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and moved them up. Halfway through, she was held back by the God of Fallen Leaves. She opened her eyes and frowned in doubt: "En?"

"I have bad breath!"

Yin Ruo'an: ...

Well, the current smell on her body is really not very good.

She glanced at him resentfully, and said dissatisfiedly: "Master, can we not be so direct when we speak, after all, I am also a girl."

"Other than the physical features, I really didn't see it."

"I received [-] points of critical damage."

There was a meaningful smile on the lips of the God of Fallen Leaves: "Then you should be lying dead at this moment."

Yin Ruo'an was speechless, and after staring at him firmly, he said angrily, "I'm going to sleep, I have to go to work at the company tomorrow."

So, she went offline angrily and went to bed.

The God of Fallen Leaves was left to stare at the place where she disappeared displeasedly, and with a smile drooping on the corner of his mouth, he muttered, "I'm still proud."

[Ding——favorability +10, the current host favorability is 10.]

Yin Ruoan was confused by the inexplicably added favorability, but she ignored it and went to bed early.

The next day, she prepared the fruit pie she made and came to the company.

"Welcome Junior Sister!"

As soon as she entered the door, she was made a little shy by the enthusiastic senior brothers. She pursed her lips and smiled, and put her fruit pie on Lin Qing's table: "Senior brother Lin, this is what I brought to you today Fruit pie, please give me a share, I... I'm not very familiar with it."

"Yo, do we still have fruit pie?"

Lin Qing took the fruit pies and distributed them to everyone in the development department, then looked at the remaining ones, took out one and sent it to the chief planner's office, kept the rest for himself, and smiled apologetically at other departments: "Oh! , the people in our department can eat too much, and each person insists on two boxes, no, I don’t share it myself.”

People from other departments: ...

Don't think they didn't see him hiding something!

However, if people don't want to give it, they can't help it.

"Let's go, junior sister, senior brother will take you to meet the master planner."

She nodded and followed behind Lin Qing.

buckle -

After knocking on the door twice, a deep and mellow voice came from inside: "Come in."

As soon as you enter, you see a black head.

Lin Qingqing coughed: "I'll bring the new employee to visit the boss."

After the words fell, the man behind the desk finally raised his head, glanced at Yin Ruo'an lightly, and nodded.


Seeing the familiar face, she was embarrassed for a moment, then bowed and spoke.

But the other party obviously didn't give her face, and they all made one voice.

She looked at Lin Qing next to her with some embarrassment, Lin Qing understood, went to the man's side and knocked on the table: "Hehehe, why are you so disrespectful to the newcomer?"

"Silly roe deer can't talk."

The extremely light voice made the corner of Yin Ruo'an's mouth twitch, and Lin Qing's expression was inexplicable: "What are you talking about?"

It was the speaker who cast his gaze on Yin Ruo'an: "I read your resume, although you have a little grade in your studies, but... you are not very good."

(End of this chapter)

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