The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 464 Advanced Plane: Sick President Chapter 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 464 Advanced Plane: Sick President Chapter (15) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Looking at your eyes, do you want to stab a villain in the middle of the night, and then stab me to death?"

Sunan lightly gave Yin Ruo'an a look, which made Yin Ruo'an feel like a stick in his throat.

How did he know?

"Huh? How about we change the game and let me poke you to death?"

Sunan leaned closer to her, and the pretty Danfeng's eyes were full of meaningful smiles.

The dark pupils stared at her without blinking, not letting go of her expression.

Why did she feel that his words had other meanings?
Did she think too much, or did he just think that way?
poke her...

It's dirty just thinking about it.

"Hehehe, forget it, don't you feel bad for stabbing me to death?"

Yin Ruo'an laughed dryly, and wanted to push him away, but he held him tight: "Don't worry, if you poke someone, you won't die, at most it will make you cry."

Yin Ruo'an: ...

It's getting dirty.

Who will pack the cleansing powder for her?

"Su Nan, I remember that you used to be a very abstinent and aloof president, why is your personality collapsed so badly today?"

"If you think too much, I have never been abstinent."

Letting her go, Sunan walked to her bed, unbuttoned her clothes leisurely, and said, "Find me some clothes, I'll sleep with you tonight!"

"My parents won't agree."

Yin Ruoan leaned against the door panel and opened his mouth cautiously.

In fact, what she wants to say more is, you hurry up, I won't let you sleep in my room.

But when she thought about the opponent's combat power, she thought about it for the sake of her life.

"Remember to be good in the future and stay away from that Gu Di."

Yin Ruo'an rested his forehead and sighed: "Admit it, Sunan, you are just jealous!"

"My things are coveted all the time, I don't think you will feel good."

his stuff...

Yin Ruoan wants to flip the table, Sun Dog, is she a thing?

"It's not that I let him entangle me. I've tried my best to hide, but I can't do anything because my feet are on his body."

"I'm afraid he doesn't have the energy to come to you recently."

Sunan raised the corners of his lips meaningfully, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and there was a trace of coolness on his smiling face, which made people shudder.

Yin Ruo'an knew that there must have been some conflict between the two in the mall.

"Well, what I posted on Weibo should also affect Gu's stock? I heard from my father that Gu's stock fell by five percent?"

"Huh? I'll let him keep dropping."

Rob him?

Li Shiran, he didn't care, but Yin Ruo'an, thinking of being coveted by Gu Di from time to time, made him very angry.

"Ruoan, what should I do, I want to imprison you."

His words were very soft, but Yin Ruoan's feet felt cold, and he swallowed silently.

"Brother, I was released by you for two days just now, please let me go~"

Her wailing voice dimmed his eyes, and his eyes became sharper: "Why, are you scared?"

Yin Ruo'an shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that without freedom, I'm like a fish out of water, and I will die in depression."

"You do make excuses."

With a cold snort, he was just trying to scare her, and he didn't intend to really imprison her.

"Su Nan, do you care about me?"

She smiled like a cat stealing, seeing her expression, his eyes couldn't help softening a little.

"You think so!"

"I still think you will marry me, will you marry me?"

This person can't speak well, and he insists on being so eccentric, which makes people puzzled.

 Last update tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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