The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 625 Police and Bandit Chapter: Little Shou Actor, Don’t Let Me Fuck

Chapter 625 Cops and Bandits

"Boss, I don't want to touch this profession anymore. This profession may become a wound in my heart, so...sorry."
Yin Ruo'an bowed deeply to Li Mingqi: "I will continue to follow up on the last finishing touch until the end."


"Congratulations to everyone who came to our awards show in Austin. This time we are presenting the award to the winner of the Best Actress. Next, we invite Ms. Song Xinsi, who has been very popular for the past two years, to come on stage!"

Song Xinsi was wearing a golden dress, and his long black hair was rolled up high.She lifted her skirt and nodded to the audience with a smile, her slightly shy expression won the favor of many stars.

Fu Ran sat in the second row and looked coldly at the stage. Disgust flashed in the eyes of the woman who didn't look the same.

If it wasn't for her, he might still be able to be with Xiao An Duo.

Subconsciously, he put all the charges on Song Xinsi. After two months, he couldn't forget Yin Ruo'an more and more, but missed him even more.

Every time he misses, he will memorize his lines and work hard, trying to forget this woman who has passed by in his life in a hurry.

"I am very happy to receive this award, which has always been my goal..."


The door of the venue was pushed open vigorously, and a team of policemen walked in from outside, interrupting Song Xinsi's acceptance speech.

Seeing the police, Song Xinsi's eyes flashed with panic, and she quickly calmed down: "This is the awards venue, everyone..."

"We did not go wrong, are you Miss Song Xinsi?"

Yin Ruo'an was wearing a police uniform and a police cap, and he was so heroic that he caught Fu Ran's eyes.

This was the first time he had seen her in two months, and the first time he had seen her in police uniform.

He has always known that she is beautiful, but she has a different charm in police uniform.

She obviously has a soft and beautiful face, but after putting on the police uniform, she showed the tenacity in her bones, and she looked full of heroism.

"Miss Yin, I don't know why you want to find me!"

Seeing Yin Ruo'an, Song Xinsi's feeling of uneasiness intensified. She wanted to escape, but she had to remain calm under the many cameras.

Even if you want to catch her, you have to find substantive evidence: "You know, this is not something you can just..."

"Miss Song, we recently cracked a major drug trafficking case, during which you obstructed the police many times in handling the case, and even passed on information to the drug lord Fu Sui. Now, the Public Security Bureau of the Imperial City is arresting you for the crime of obstructing the police and drug trafficking."

"I didn't, what's the evidence!"

Yin Ruoan's sonorous and forceful words made Song Xin panic, and she said loudly: "I want evidence!"

"The evidence, we will publish it online later, I believe the camera in Fu Sui's office is still very high-definition."

After finishing speaking, Yin Ruo'an winked at the back, and Ge Qiang, who was following behind, rushed to the stage with a stride, captured Song Xinsi, and handcuffed her hands.

"You can't catch me, I'm going to block the show today, you..."

Song Xinsi's voice gradually became weaker, and the host looked at the audience with an embarrassed face: "It's really an untimely farce. Next, we will re-select the queen."

Fu Ran sat quietly on the chair, pursed her thin lips, her thoughts drifted a little, recalling the words Yin Ruo'an said just now when she passed by him.

"wait for me."

Should he...should he believe it?

They are all the people who deceived him, so why can they still touch his heart?

(End of this chapter)

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