The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 654 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: Your Majesty's red makeup

Chapter 654 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: Your Majesty's red makeup (5)

"Your Majesty, reviewing memorials is the Emperor's job, how can you entrust it to an eunuch..."

Above the court, several veteran ministers joined forces to play, with distressed expressions on their faces.

Yin Ruo'an sat on the dragon chair and smiled slightly: "The assistant ministers are worrying too much."


Why worry too much?
How can you give policies if you don't know about major events in your own country?
"I've seen Lin Youqi's review, and it's very good, so please help me with peace of mind."


There is no room for the ministers, the matter of review is a certainty, and it will be reviewed by Lin Youqi from now on.

When Lin Youqi heard that the assistant ministers had jointly signed the performance, he slowly raised the corners of his lips, and his dark star eyes were full of disdain.

Still so thoughtless, dare to openly hand over the memorial to him for review.

"My lord, the joint petition of several assistant ministers has been rejected."

When the people beside him brought back the news, Lin Youqi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Oh?"

"The emperor dismissed the words of the assistant ministers with the words 'the assistant ministers are overthinking' and 'I have seen Lin Youqi's review and it is very good, so you can assist me with peace of mind', and then retreated."

Yin Ruo'an used to listen to the words of several assistant ministers very much, as long as he jointly signed the performance, he would listen to their opinions, but...

Why this time...

"Ai Qing is worrying too much, I am just testing the knowledge of the future empress..."

Her teasing words were still in her ears, making Lin Youqi's handsome face darken.

If Yin Ruoan in the past was a superficial person in the forest, with a cruel face and no intentions inside, then the current Yin Ruoan is that lurking poisonous snake, one must act carefully, one wrong step will lead to eternal doom.

It seems that every word she said is very ordinary, but in fact, every word she says is a trap.

For example, asking him to review the memorial is probably testing his loyalty.

Unexpectedly, such a collision of hers actually made her brain work well.

Lin Youqi rested his chin with one hand, tapped the table rhythmically with the other hand, his eyes were full of contemplation and unsolvable doubts about Yin Ruoan.

Although the former Yin Ruo'an had a very good relationship with him, it's not that he didn't see the admiration in his eyes, it's just...

He has never teased him with words, and his behavior and style are different from now.

For example, that sentence, the future queen...

Lin Youqi found that ever since Yin Ruo'an told him to make him a queen, this sentence has become a nightmare in his heart, and he often turns around to this sentence in his meditation.

This is not a good omen.

He can't move Fanxin, even if he does, he can't be the emperor.

Not to mention that both of them are men, they are not from the same camp, how can they be bound together forcibly?
"My lord, the emperor will pass through you... say yes, I will serve you in bed."
The subordinate's voice came from outside, making Lin Youqi's dark eyes flicker a little, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his lips.


"Tell me, I'll be right there."

Lin Youqi took his coat, walked out of the door, and walked towards Yin Ruoan's bedroom.

Yin Ruo'an, who was sitting on the dragon bed, scratched his fingernails boredly, waiting to see Lin Youqi's face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Slave Lin Youqi, I have met the emperor."

Not long after, Lin Youqi's voice of greeting came from the door, which made Yin Ruo'an's eyes brighten: "Ai Qing, come in quickly."

The impatient voice made Lin Youqi's footsteps pause, but thinking of what he had promised her before, he resolutely walked forward.

"Yesterday I wanted to summon Aiqing, but I was afraid of disturbing Aiqing, so I called Aiqing today. Will Aiqing blame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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