The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 674 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: Your Majesty's red makeup

Chapter 674 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: Your Majesty's red makeup (26)

Because of too many movements, the neckline was opened a bit, revealing the delicate collarbone and the spring light on the chest.

[Ding——favorability +10, the current host favorability is 50.]

Yin Ruo'an turned over, propped his upper body with one hand, and said to Lin Youqi, "Lin have a lot of secrets."

Her eyes flashed, revealing a meaningful smile, then she turned over and ignored him, and fell asleep directly.

With fifty favorability points, she wondered if she could win him to let her go on the way back.

But at least it's possible to fight it out.

It's not that Yin Ruo'an didn't know his intentions when he went back: firstly, he was afraid that he would expose himself too much and cause trouble, and secondly, his subordinates pushed him too hard, and he himself was a little bit reluctant, so he could only let his subordinates do it, so that he would regret it later. He can also be less guilty of conscience.

next day
Yin Ruo'an was dug up by Lin Youqi early on, he found a carriage, took the belongings of the two of them, got into the carriage quickly, and stayed away from this place of right and wrong.

"Your identity is so confusing. Sometimes you are the apprentice of the martial arts leader, and sometimes you are the eunuch next to me. What kind of identity do you have? For example, what kind of red sleeves?"

"You think too much, I have always been the eunuch by your side, and I have never had any other identity."

He denied it expressionlessly, but he didn't know that his tense Adam's apple was rolling unnaturally, and the roots of his ears were also slightly red.

The erratic eyes that dare not look at her are the most obvious characteristics of his lying.

"Oh, if... one day in front of rights and me, which one would you choose?"

What she asked was his mood at the moment.


"Your Majesty joked, this kind of thing will not happen."

Even if it happened, he didn't do it.

Yin Ruo'an smiled lightly: "That's true, but... why do I feel that I lost my heart when I came out this time?"

Heart lost?
Lin Youqi looked at her in surprise, with disbelief in his eyes, it took him a long time to realize that he had been confessed.

Confession in this case...

I don't know why, but he was moved.

"Which woman is Your Majesty looking for? If there is, tell the slave, and the slave will do his best."

He lowered his eyes so that Yin Ruoan could not see the look in his eyes clearly.

She pursed her lips slightly: "You should know that my daughter is dead, so don't pretend to be ignorant."

"Slave... I don't know."

Are you acting stupid?
"Zhen, I have taken a fancy to you, and after returning to the palace, I will make you my concubine."

Her words made him raise his head abruptly, and for the first time another expression appeared on his indifferent face - surprise.

"Your Majesty was joking, the slave is..."

"Lin Youqi, you are still pretending to be stupid with me at this moment, is it interesting?"

Yin Ruo'an frowned, and broke the window paper in a cold voice, making him fall into a position of passive choice at this moment.

Didn't he escape?
Then she would open the skylight and speak frankly so that he could not be avoided.

Having to face her and make a choice, his eyes flickered: "Since His Majesty already knows, why do you need a servant to tell the truth."

"So, you chose rights."

He bowed his head silently.

When the two were arguing, the carriage stopped suddenly, and the coachman groaned and fell outside.

She raised her head in an instant, and subconsciously said to Lin Youqi, "Hurry up..."

After finishing speaking, as if she had said something superfluous, showing a sarcastic expression, she broke the car window and jumped out.

Seeing the men in black all around her, she showed a stern look: "Yu Gu of the previous court, if not for the emperor's father asking me not to kill you, do you think you would have jumped to this day?"

(End of this chapter)

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