The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 695 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: The military wife is hard to do

Chapter 695 Taking advantage of the fire to rob: The military wife is hard to do (6)

She quickly covered her nose and opened her mouth in a gesture of disgust.

"That... this man, please put on your clothes... don't look at rudeness, and don't look at non-essential places."

Lin Zhanping, who originally wanted to refute Yin Ruoan, blushed when she said something like molesting: "It's hot, do I still wear a shirt to sleep?"

"now just……"

Yin Ruo'an raised his eyes, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and finally said, "It's only six o'clock, why sleep, wake up."

Lin Zhanping frowned and looked at Yin Ruo'an for a long time, and finally approached Yin Ruo'an slowly with a blushing handsome face.

The tall figure approached, and Yin Ruo'an quickly made a defensive gesture: "Wait, wait, you... what are you doing?"

"Hey, that... didn't mean to..."

Speaking of this, he was a little bit speechless, after all, he hadn't been exposed to this kind of thing, so he just felt a little embarrassed to say it.

Looking at his handsome red face, Yin Ruo'an showed a sudden realization: "Well... I think we're developing too fast like this."

When Yin Ruo'an said this, Lin Zhanping's face turned red instantly: "Why is it so fast, we are husband and wife."

"But we don't know each other well..."

Scared by him, Yin Ruoan spoke weakly.

When it comes to this, Lin Zhanping can no longer find a reason to refute.

Suddenly he was a little annoyed by their chief, it was not a good time to send out the mission, but it happened on the second day of their wedding.

Then, he glanced at Yin Ruo'an's lower body, and the anger in his eyes became even more intense.

The damn xx period, it's not good when to come, but it happens to be when you get married.

Heaven failed to fulfill people's wishes, Lin Zhanping could only grit his teeth to hide even if his heart was agitated.

"That... we have to have a process of getting acquainted with each other, don't we? Hehe."

Lin Zhanping took a deep look at Yin Ruo'an, then quickly returned to the room, took out a clean quilt, and put it on the sofa.

"What are you doing?"

Yin Ruoan stared at him in astonishment.

He pursed his lips and raised his eyes, glanced at Yin Ruoan and said, "I sleep on the sofa."

"I didn't say sleep in separate beds?"

"Didn't you say we don't know each other well?"

Yin Ruo'an: ...

She coughed lightly, moved her steps silently, came to him slowly, smiled at him, and then reached out to pick up the quilt: "I understand that kind of thing."

After she finished speaking, she quickly slipped back into the room, Lin Zhanping found the suspiciously shy back very interesting.

Facing such a rough man for so long, there is finally someone in the family who can touch his mood.

He got up and followed her footsteps, came to the room, looked at the back of her who was tidying the head of the bed, and said in a low voice: "I... share the bed with you, okay..."

"How did you sleep last night?"

Lin Zhanping's face immediately became embarrassing. Can he say that he had no other thoughts at all yesterday?

Seeing his guilty expression, Yin Ruoan narrowed her eyes, and after looking at him for a long time, she let him go: "Just keep the mentality you had yesterday."

Lin Zhanping: ...

The key is that you can't keep it at all...

"Well... I'd better sleep on the sofa!"

"you dare!"

Sure enough, he was taken aback by her one-handed akimbo movement, and froze there.

Yin Ruo'an stepped forward quickly, grabbed his open collar, and carried him back to the room angrily: "You think you are great because you have eight-pack abs, I'm not afraid of you."

After finishing speaking, he silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a peek at Lin Zhanping's exposed two chest muscles.

Oh, this kid has such a good figure.

(End of this chapter)

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