The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 815 Taking Advantage

Chapter 815 Taking Advantage

Chapter 14

Yin Ruo'an turned around and stared at Mo Qiuyi beside him with affection in his eyes. Mo Qiuyi subconsciously wanted to twitch the corners of his mouth with that gaze, but he held back.

"You do have a conscience."

A simple sentence shows that the relationship between the two is very good, and not everyone can get involved.

"Xiao An, you know, my sister's fiancé at that time..."

"Of course, I want to thank my sister for letting me meet the person who loves me the most in this life."

Isn't it just adding congestion, who wouldn't?
She, Yin Ruoan, made an appointment, the worse her Yin Xiaoan's life was, she knew it better than anyone else.

It's not that the base didn't know about the relationship between Yin, Meng and Mo's family, but they didn't expect that the Meng family would play such a hand in their wedding.

Obviously, he was trying to make people feel uncomfortable.

"Are you the third lady of the Yin family?"

At this time, a man in a white suit walked in from the door. The man was about 24 or [-] years old. His handsome face and gentle appearance made many people feel good about him.

On the other hand, Yin Ruo'an looked indifferent, this man was the young master of base D she mentioned.

She seems to be very warm and gentle, but in fact she has a bad stomach and is extremely lustful. Although she has strong abilities, she is not a kind person.

"Who am I has nothing to do with your Excellency?"

"Anyway, we met a few times at Base C."

He smiled frankly, causing Yin Ruoan to frown and say, "Well, I've seen you a few times from a distance, and they were always with my second sister."


Yin Xiaoan: ...

Yin Ruoan didn't step on her, feeling sorry for the original owner's sacrifice.

"What did the lady say, I'm going... to pursue the eldest lady, the second lady..."

"Huh? Every time I hear 'Xiaoxiao, do you think this looks good? Can I give it to you?' If that's the case, why haven't I heard a word about my sister?"

With a cold face, Yin Ruo'an quickly passed the words back.

Wanting to drag her sister into the water, it seems that he is not qualified enough.

Yin Ruo'an's words made the man's eyes light up. How could he never know that the third lady of the Yin family is the one who hides her secrets? She is so eloquent and has a sharp aura. It seems...

What about the awakened ability?

"Miss San remembers clearly."

Hearing this, Yin Ruo'an smiled a little shyly, looked up at Mo Qiuyi embarrassedly, and then said in a low voice, "I'm good at everything, but I'm not good at all, and I'm very gossip, especially... second sister's gossip .”

The man's face froze again. He found that it was very difficult for him to lure Yin Ruoan into his trap, but it was very easy for Yin Ruoan to lure him into his trap.

Such a scheming woman, where is the stupid woman who Yin Xiaoan said has no powers and no brains?
Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and cast his cold gaze on Yin Xiaoan.

This woman, who wasted a lot of his thoughts, chose Meng Ning in the end. Did she really think that he would be willing to let her play with her?

Sensing his gaze, Yin Xiaoan's expression froze. She knew this man's insidious ability, so she chose Meng Ning's.

It's just that she seemed to have missed his revenge.

I'm afraid that Yin Ruo'an's words just now aroused his hidden revenge psychology. In the future, I'm afraid it's better to be careful.

"Xiao'an, I know you are brooding over the matter between me and Ning, but I am your second sister. Where are you going to put my Yin family by slandering me so much?"

Hearing this, Yin Ruo'an's complexion showed a smug look, and the sharpness between his brows was evident.

(End of this chapter)

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