The villain of Kuaishou

Chapter 820 Taking Advantage

Chapter 820 Taking Advantage

Chapter 19

"This, this is the situation at the BC base these days."

The man handed the information to Mo Qiuyi, who took it and casually flipped through two pages.

"Go, lead the two teams, do you know what to do?"

Mo Qiuyi's words made the man stunned for a moment, but he was someone who had been with Mo Qiuyi for many years, so he immediately analyzed his thinking, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I'll do it now."

After the man left, a gloomy light flashed in Mo Qiuyi's pupils.


"Xiao'an, a pair of unknown teams appeared at the BC base to harass their headquarters."

While Yin Ruoan was exercising his abilities, Yin Xia'an suddenly appeared and said something to make Yin Ruoan stop.

She turned around in surprise: "Really? Isn't that good?"

Isn't it beneficial for others to harass them?
"People in both bases suspect they are from Base A, but those two pairs of seemingly wild supernatural beings don't belong to any organization."

Hearing this, Yin Ruoan became interested: "Really? Can I keep it for my own use?"

The two teams are not from the base?

I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it?

How can wild ones form a team?
"I heard that it is a mercenary group with supernatural powers. It has always only looked at money and not people. They are collecting people's money and helping people to eliminate disasters."

Yin Xia'an's words made Yin Ruo'an even more interested.

What kind of mercenary group is there?

Then she has free nights to pretend to be some kind of mercenary.

"After this period of practice, my ice ability can already be twisted into an ice blade. As for the healing ability, it can only heal trauma for the time being."

She doesn't know much about the current level of abilities here, so she simply talked about what she can do now.

"Ice blade? I remember that other ice abilities can only condense ice for thousands of miles, which plays a supporting role. When it comes to you, it actually condenses into a weapon. This is amazing."

Yin Xia'an's surprise caught Yin Ruo'an by surprise. She never thought that her abilities would be so useless here.

No, it can't be said to be tasteless, it can only be said that those people have no innovative ideas.

In fact, she has a better idea for Qianli Ningbing.

Thinking about it, a smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of her lips: "Next, I will disguise myself and enter Base C to investigate the affairs of Yin's family. Outside, I will leave it to you."

"What? No, it's too dangerous. It's me who wants to go."

"No, you are a zombie, even if you look like a human, you will eventually have flaws, and I won't, trust me."

Seeing that Yin Xia'an couldn't be persuaded, and was reluctant to fight her, he could only watch helplessly as Yin Ruo'an put on a disguise and entered Base C.

Yin Ruo'an dyed her hair brown, and changed her hair into earrings that were a little longer than the original short hair, and then she made some camouflage for her figure.

She was wearing a peaked cap and a white sportswear, which was covered in blood and mud.

The delicate face is covered with dust.

She put a double eyelid on her eyes, and then used makeup techniques to enlarge the eyes, make the nose smaller, and thicken the lips. Even the delicate V-shaped face was made into an oval face by her.


When Yin Ruoan was distracted and lamented that the cosmetics of this era can be called plastic surgery knives, a fierce voice sounded in front of her.

The voice was very rough, full of murderous intent and arrogance, and the unkindness in the tone was even more obvious.

Yin Ruo'an frowned, and she raised her eyes, her face full of indignation that couldn't see the color of her facial features.

(End of this chapter)

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