Chapter 945

Jiang Meng felt a little uncomfortable. If Zhuang Zhuang didn't tell her about this, and then linked his slander with his past experience, what would her image look like in Zhuang Zhuang's eyes?
She could not care what those adults thought of her, but she didn't want to leave a dirty mark in the heart of such a young child.

Jiang Meng squatted down and looked directly at Zhuang Zhuang seriously: "Then Zhuang Zhuang, do you believe in Sister Jiang?"

Zhuang Zhuang looked away for a moment, then... nodded.

Although they said that Dr. Jiang's sister was Xiaomi, he didn't believe that Dr. Jiang's sister was so beautiful and gentle, how could she try to rob his father.

Moreover, his father has nothing but money, and is so ugly.

Jiang Meng smiled: "Yes, Zhuang Zhuang believes that his sister is right, those words are all slandering her, they are all nonsense, and they are not true."

Zhuang Zhuang's mood suddenly brightened, and he knew it.

Then he laughed, showing his missing front teeth.

"Well, I believe it."

Zhuang Zhuang's mother came in and saw some disgust flashing in Jiang Meng's eyes. She knew that Jiang Meng was the benefactor who saved her son, but she remembered what happened to her. She was as young as that one, but intervened between her and her husband. The woman in the room felt disgusted for a while.

Before, she only thought that the little girl Jiang Meng was good-looking, and she was wearing good things, so she was a little murmured in her heart, but she didn't really is.

Instead of Jiang Zhiyao, Jiang Chen went to Shenzhen City to discuss a cooperation case. After he got off the plane, he went to the hospital to pick up Jiang Meng. It was only a few minutes before he got off work at noon. He was waiting to pick up Jiang Meng and wanted to have dinner together.

When I arrived at Jiang Meng's department, I heard a fat woman chatting with several nurses.

"That's right, a girl in her twenties is picked up by different men every day, and it's not the same person, and she also has a car. Then look at the clothes she wears, the material, the material, and the suit. If you can’t get a few thousand, what is it if it’s not Xiaomi?”

Several nurses shook their heads in disapproval: "We thought it was her brother, how could it be..."

Nurse Wang: "You said one or two is still possible. Who can have so many brothers at once? Moreover, even if there are so many brothers in the family, who wouldn't use the younger sister as a nanny and come to pick it up? Just kidding. Then Xiao Liu , you also have two older brothers, how did your older brother treat you?"

One of the little nurses thought about her two elder brothers. Although she was not harsh on her, the matter of coming to pick her up from get off work... Don't even think about it.

She was a little inclined to Nurse Wang's words.

Jiang Po listened, his face completely darkened.

Jiang Meng just came out of a ward.

She originally planned to talk to Nurse Wang specifically about this matter, because it had been almost half a year since her brother came to pick her up, and if it was not announced sooner or later, why now?Even if Nurse Wang passed it on, there must be someone behind it.

But this busy one morning, when she had time to look for Nurse Wang, she saw Jiang Po at the nurse's desk.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Nurse Wang and the others were startled when they heard Jiang Meng's voice, and they all felt extremely guilty.

It's really dishonest to talk about people behind their backs.

Jiang Po sneered, and slapped the handbag on the table.

"If I don't come here, I don't know that you have been wronged so much."

(End of this chapter)

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