black cute magician

Chapter 1001 Into the cold palace

Chapter 1001 Into the cold palace
"Don't worry, empress, if you don't believe me, we can try it out first."

Liu Yue looked at Concubine Nalan generously, and by the way took out a truth-telling talisman from her inventory.

As a professional talisman master, it is a basic rule to carry all kinds of talismans with you.

Seeing the Talisman of Telling the Truth, the Demon Emperor suddenly became interested, so he agreed,

"Okay, let's try it out.

Since Aifei doesn't believe it, let Aifei test it herself. "

After finishing speaking, the Demon Emperor gave Concubine Nalan a look.

Concubine Nalan's face turned pale in an instant, she had so many secrets in her heart, she was telling the truth in public, what if something was revealed?
So Concubine Nalan didn't even think about it, she directly refused,
"Your Majesty, my concubine is most afraid of this kind of thing, you can just find a guard, okay?"

The Demon Emperor originally had the attitude of looking at it casually, and didn't mean to let Concubine Nalan test it, but when he saw Concubine Nalan's refusal, he straightened his face and said coldly,
"You have no jokes."

These four words directly sentenced Concubine Nalan to death.

The Demon Queen stood aside, not to mention how happy she was when she saw Concubine Nalan deflated.

She came out again quickly and said,

"Your Majesty, I know Sister Nalan best, so let me ask. Whether she is lying or not, you will know if you ask."


The Demon Emperor responded lightly.

Afterwards, Liuyue gave the talisman of telling the truth to the queen, and the queen put the talisman on Concubine Nalan.

Concubine Nalan's face became paler and paler, she bit her lips tightly, trying to keep her mouth shut, it was best not to say anything.

But how could the queen let her go so easily.

After the magic talisman was pasted, the queen began to ask,
"Sister, you used to say that you love watermelon the most, didn't you?"


The first question was very simple, and Concubine Nalan had never lied before, so it was easy to ask the result.

The second question, the Empress began to make things difficult,

"Sister, you gave birth to a little princess 20 years ago, Concubine Shu liked that little princess very much, but one day, Concubine Shu strangled that little princess to death in your palace for no reason.

Is this incident caused by Concubine Shu, or did you direct and act on your own? "

The Demon Queen is worthy of being a Demon Queen, she dares to say anything and ask anything.

When everyone at the scene heard this, they pricked up their ears and listened carefully!

Liuyue didn't quite understand the relationship inside, so she asked Duguao,

"Ao, who is that Concubine Shu?"

"The Seventh Prince's biological mother is very beautiful, and I heard that she is a god. She has a good cultivation level, and the Demon Emperor once worshiped her as his teacher, and learned spiritual skills from the concubine for a long time.

However, after the seventh prince was born, the relationship between the devil emperor and the concubine became estranged. "


Liu Yue nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, the queen also got the answer she wanted.

"It was me... I strangled the little princess... I blamed that vixen..."

Concubine Nalan responded with great difficulty.

Her consciousness was very clear, and she knew that telling the truth would be terrible, but she still said that the power of the talisman was too great, and she couldn't resist at all.

The Demon Emperor at the side heard that the little princess was killed by Concubine Nalan herself, not Concubine Shu, her whole face turned black!

Goddamn bitch!
He knew how it was possible to kill the little princess with Shu'er's kindness. He persuaded Shu'er for so long, but Shu'er still thought that she killed the little princess.

In the end, Shu'er died of depression.


Damn it! ! !

"Bitch! Why did you do that? Why?"

"Clap clap-"

The Demon Emperor directly slapped Concubine Nalan three times across the face, without mercy.

Soon, Concubine Nalan's mouth was stained with blood, and she had no way to lie with the truth-telling talisman on it, so she could only speak out what was in her heart in a fit of anger,
"Your Majesty! It's all because of you!
You never look directly at Chen Qie. The reason why you dote on Chen Qie is because Chen Qie looks a little bit like a vixen!
The concubine hates it so much!

What's so good about that vixen, she is the late emperor's concubine, the Seventh Prince is the late emperor's son, not your son——

Every time you come to the concubine's palace, after taking a look at the little princess, you go to see the Seventh Prince, and you go to find Concubine Shu, completely treating the concubine and the little princess as air!

Since the little princess cannot be favored by His Majesty, the concubine can only kill her!
Later, it turned out that what the concubine did was correct, the concubine killed the little princess, and changed from a concubine to a noble concubine, hahaha—hahaha—"

Concubine Nalan became more and more crazy as she talked.

Everyone who learned the truth dropped their jaws in shock.

The tiger's venom doesn't even eat its children. In order to get favored, this noble concubine Nalan even managed to kill her own daughter. It's really cruel enough.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor could no longer control the anger in his heart.

"Clap clap-"

He gave Concubine Nalan three more slaps, and roared angrily,

"Drag this slut down, put him in the cold palace, and wait to be dealt with!"


When the guards heard the order, without any hesitation, they immediately came up and grabbed Concubine Nalan.

Concubine Nalan was of course unwilling to just enter the cold palace, she was not convinced, and shouted hysterically,

"His Majesty--

The concubine did nothing wrong!

There is nothing wrong with the concubine! ! ! "

Concubine Nalan's voice became farther and farther away, and the test of the truth-telling talisman came to an end.

The Demon Emperor was very frustrated and depressed, he hadn't finished venting yet, so he glared at the Demon Queen and asked,

"Empress, you already knew about this, didn't you?

Why didn't you tell me?
Why? "

"Your Majesty, the concubine just asked casually just now. There has been no evidence before, otherwise she would have said it long ago. Why wait until today."

The queen answered very calmly.

The Demon Emperor was still angry.

At this moment, He Lianqing, the Seventh Prince who was summoned into the palace, came to the scene.

After seeing the Seventh Prince, the Demon Emperor's anger finally decreased a bit, and his voice became much softer.

"Old Qi, the eldest emperor died, some people said you did it, didn't you?"

On the way here, He Lianqing already knew what happened, so he frowned directly and replied,

"Well, since this is the case, then you are responsible for investigating the truth of this matter.

I'm tired, let's go. "

After speaking, the Demon Emperor prepared to leave.

The Empress was bewildered, and asked in a low voice,

"Your Majesty, the talisman is still useless..."

"I believe in Lao Qi!"

The simple five words once again showed the protection of the devil emperor.

The queen has nothing to say, but to give up.

He Lianyan watched the play for a long time, but she didn't get the result she wanted, and she was very angry, but she had nothing to say for the time being.

Soon, the Seventh Prince accepted the task and began to investigate.

People who had nothing to do with this matter also slowly dispersed.

However, just as Liu Yue and the others were about to leave, the Seventh Prince stopped them and said coldly,
"You guys, wait a minute—"

(End of this chapter)

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