black cute magician

Chapter 104 Linglong's True Identity

Chapter 104 Linglong's True Identity

When Leng Xiao heard what Duguao said, his face fell into deep thought. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense!

Seeing that Leng Xiao took the bait, Duguao went on to say,

"In that case, let's go find our companions. Minister Leng will agree, right?"

When Leng Xiao heard this, he thought for a while, and then... He actually agreed!
Liu Yue had to admire Duguao's eloquence, she fooled Leng Xiao with two or three sentences, talent!
As expected of His Royal Highness the Evil King in the rumors!

At the same time, Zhu Dapeng, Yi Xiaoxing, Murong Bai and others all gave Duguao admiring glances.

It's really high!

In this way, everyone bid farewell to Leng Xiao and continued to search for Linglong.

As for the Dongfang brothers and sisters, they were naturally still tied tightly.

Not sure about Linglong's safety, they never want to be released!

At this time, what happened to Linglong who everyone was thinking about?

Monster Mountains.

In an unknown small cave.

Ye Linglong sat quietly by the fire, her purple eyes were calm, but the breath in her body was colder than ten thousand years of ice.

Opposite Ye Linglong, there was a man in his early twenties sitting.

This person was wearing a white robe trimmed with red silk, and beside him was a staff inlaid with gems.

With sparse eyebrows, a handsome face, three thousand silver hair, and an extraordinary temperament.

Such a dress, such an aura.

In the entire Azure Dragon Empire, besides Master Zhan Qianxian, who else could there be?
At this moment, the atmosphere in the cave was very silent, and no one spoke.

In the end, Ye Linglong couldn't bear it anymore, and spoke first,

"Thank you for saving me."

Although Ye Linglong was thanking her, her voice was still piercingly cold.

Zhan Qianxian smiled faintly, as if he had already gotten used to Ye Linglong's coldness.

He added a piece of firewood to the fire, then looked at Ye Linglong, and responded slowly,

"You're still the same."

same as usual……

Hearing these three words, Ye Linglong's eyes flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. I don't know if it was bitterness or joy.


There was another long silence.

Perhaps Zhan Qianxian noticed that the atmosphere was too dull, after thinking for a long time, he asked,
"how have you been?"

Ye Linglong raised her eyes, exchanged a glance with Zhan Qianxian, and responded with four words in a low voice,

"I am OK, you?"

"not good."

Zhan Qianxian responded truthfully, with a neither salty nor weak voice.

Ye Linglong twitched her lips and asked, "I heard that you have become the national teacher of the Azure Dragon Empire. What's wrong with you?"

"You haven't been here these years, so it's not good."

Zhan Qianxian looked at Linglong and raised his tone, as if there was a little bit of complaint.

Ye Linglong smiled helplessly, there was no possibility between him and her, why should he do this?

"I am no longer from the Ye family, and my marriage contract with you has long been voided, so there is no need for you to waste time on me.

I heard that Ye Yingying likes you very much, maybe you can consider her.

However, if you become the son-in-law of the Ye family, then you will be my enemy, a sworn enemy. "

When Zhan Qianxian heard these words, the slightly happy expression just now disappeared immediately.

She was always so indifferent, shutting out all his concerns.

It was true five years ago, and it will be true five years from now.

Thinking of this, Zhan Qianxian couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, then changed the subject and asked cautiously,
"Long'er, have you not given up on that matter?"

"That incident? Which incident? Many things have happened to me." Ye Linglong looked indifferent, with self-deprecating tone in her tone.

Zhan Qianxian frowned slightly, sighed, and said helplessly,
"you know what I mean."

Hearing Zhan Qianxian's words, Ye Linglong was stunned, with murderous intent floating in her eyes, and her whole body instantly became dark and terrifying.

She stared at Zhan Qianxian closely, and said in an extremely firm and cruel voice,

"I will never give up on this matter!

Just because I can't touch them now doesn't mean I won't be able to touch them in the future!

No matter ten years, 20 years, 30 years!

As long as I am still alive, the Ye family will never have peace! "

Hearing Ye Linglong's words, Zhan Qianxian sighed helplessly and said nothing more.

Ye Linglong pursed her lips in silence, looking at the handsome Zhan Qianxian, she felt that this man was very, very far away.

Five years ago, when she and the Ye family broke up, she and him took two completely opposite paths.

Zhan Qianxian, the future head of the Zhan family, the woman he wants to marry is a noble, holy, gentle and quiet lady from a famous family.

And she, Ye Linglong, a Shura who lived for revenge and died for revenge.

In her world, there is only revenge, and only constant becoming stronger and stronger.

Maybe it was because she was too emotional, Ye Linglong's purple eyes suddenly felt a little tingling.

She closed her eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

Zhan Qianxian was helpless, he knew her personality too well, so he didn't want to force her.

However, seeing her in such pain made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Standing up, bowing his head, looking at Ye Linglong fixedly, Zhan Qianxian finally said,
"Long'er, no matter you are from the Ye family or not, you will always be my fiancée at any time."

After saying this, Zhan Qianxian turned around and left gracefully.


After an unknown amount of time, Ye Linglong's dark purple eyes slowly turned light green.

Linglong raised her head, looked around, and said in a puzzled tone,
"Hey - why am I here? Didn't I get caught by a group of mercenaries?

Miss!Uncle!Mr. Murong! "

Linglong shouted loudly, but found that no one responded, and she was even more puzzled.

Afterwards, she yawned, feeling very tired and wanting to sleep.

"Forget it, wherever it is.

The sky is big, the sleep is the biggest.

I'd better take a nap first, maybe when I open my eyes next time, the young lady will appear. "

After finishing speaking, Linglong chuckled, arranged the weeds on the ground, and then fell asleep heartlessly.

Before going to bed, she did not forget to mutter, "I haven't eaten duck eggs for a long time, I hope I can dream about duck eggs.

Hmm... I want ten of them. "


Gold Wuxi pendant.

Everyone searched for Linglong for a whole day, but still found nothing, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

"Girl, don't worry, your friend's life is very hard, nothing will happen." In Liuli Zhu, Jiu Ye, who had been silent for a long time, comforted him in a low voice.

Seeing this, Jian Ling echoed, "Yes, yes, master, don't worry too much! If the master is unhappy, the Lun family will also be unhappy!"

Hearing the voices of Master Jiu and Jian Ling, Liu Yue gradually relaxed, and her intuition told her that Linglong should be fine.

But because I haven't seen anyone, I still have a little worry in my heart.

At this time, Duguao looked around and suggested, "There is a cave in front, let's go there and have a rest."

Everyone was tired of searching, so they immediately agreed, and walked towards the cave.

After entering the cave, everyone found that there was a fire that had just been extinguished on the ground, and a woman was still sleeping beside the fire.

Because their backs were facing them, everyone did not know what the woman looked like.

Liu Yue took a step forward, intending to politely wake the woman up.

However, when she saw the woman's face, she was shocked in place!


(End of this chapter)

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