black cute magician

Chapter 107 Qin Lie

Chapter 107 Qin Lie
"Hey, five is too many, it's too troublesome to say.

However, I can give you a key recommendation.

That person ranked first, he is my male god, and he is super handsome!Super beautiful!
He has an outstanding temperament, is peerless, and has great strength!
More importantly, the status is also very strong!
He used to be the young master of the Mercenary Alliance, and later joined the Immortal Spirit Sect, one of the three sects in Xuanling Continent.

In only three years, he has grown from an ordinary disciple of the Immortal Spirit Sect to a senior brother, and is hailed as the Son of God by the people all over the world! "

Yi Xiaoxing speaks in high spirits, eloquently and eloquently.

Yi Xiaoxing, who is well-informed, can boast so much, it seems that the Son of God is indeed somewhat extraordinary.

Hearing this, Liu Yue became more and more curious, and couldn't help asking,

"You've said so much, what's his name?"

"Yes, yes, what's his name?" Linglong also asked immediately.

"Haha——Prick up your ears and listen!"

Yi Xiaoxing smiled mysteriously, then deliberately paused for a few seconds, then coughed lightly, his eyes lit up, and said in admiration,

"This son of God with extraordinary talent, who is like a dragon and a phoenix among men, who looks like a dragon like a phoenix, and who is unparalleled in the world, his name is——

Qin!strong! ! ! "

Hearing these two words, Liuyue D's heart skipped a beat, her eyes suddenly widened, and she froze in place, completely at a loss!
Qin Lie?

How is he?

How could it be him?

This must be an auditory hallucination!
Definitely hallucinations! ! !
Liu Yue bit her lip and couldn't believe what she heard.


Is this just a coincidence of the same name?

In order to verify her thoughts, Liuyue took a deep breath, then lowered her voice, and asked Yi Xiaoxing again, asking,

"Miss Yi...that person named Qin Lie, does he have a tear mole in the corner of his eye?"

"Wow! Miss Xiao, how do you know? Have you met Lord Shenzi before?"

Yi Xiaoxing's eyes widened, his voice was full of joy, and he continued to talk endlessly,

"You don't know how charming that tear mole of Lord Shenzi is!

It is said that a person with a mole of tears will flow water all his life, drift for half his life, be a lone star, and be trapped by love.

But unfortunately, the marriage of Lord Shenzi is extremely good!
His fiancée is..."

Yi Xiaoxing Balabala continued to talk, but Liuyue was not in the mood to listen any longer.

Qin Lie!

Qin Lie! !
Qin Lie! ! !

The man who once betrayed her and hurt her badly was also in the Xuanling Continent!

Is this a coincidence, or a sin?
Liuyue smiled bitterly, her whole body seemed numb and in pain.

Linglong is the closest to Liuyue, she was the first to notice Liuyue's strangeness, seeing that the lady's expression was abnormal, she couldn't help asking,
"Miss, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Linglong!"

As soon as Linglong spoke, Yi Xiaoxing also noticed Liuyue's strangeness, and stopped talking impassionedly.

Everyone looked at Liuyue in unison.

At this moment, Liu Yue finally came back to her senses.

She shook the corners of her mouth, trying to restrain her emotions as much as possible, then smiled stiffly, and responded in the most dull voice,

"No... nothing...

Miss Yi, you continue..."


As keen as Yi Xiaoxing, he naturally sensed that something must have happened between Liu Yue and Qin Lie.

Otherwise, Miss Xiao Liu, who has always shown her calmness, would not lose her composure like this.

She felt that if she continued to talk, she would be too sorry for others.

So Yi Xiaoxing shut up obediently and stopped talking.

The sudden silence made the atmosphere a little weird.

Liu Yue sat blankly for a while, her mood slowly returned to normal, and her tone of voice returned to her usual calm, she spoke again,

"Miss Yi, you seemed to be talking about your fiancée just now, go ahead, I'm curious."


Yi Xiaoxing hesitated a little, she felt that she had torn Xiao Liuyue's wound open.

Talking about his fiancée is just adding salt to the wound, she can't do it.

"It's okay, just tell me, I'm fine."

Liu Yue looked at Yi Xiaoxing, her obsidian-like eyes were clear and bright, as if nothing really happened.

Yi Xiaoxing secretly swallowed his saliva, and under Liuyue's gaze, he had no choice but to say again,

"Qin Lie's fiancée is the daughter of the head of the Immortal Spirit Sect. Together with Xiao Mengya, she is known as the Immortal Twins.

She is as beautiful as a flower and has great strength. She is known as the Jade Fairy..."


Liuyue interrupted suddenly, ignoring everyone's surprised eyes, she directly said,
"I'm sorry, I'm a little bored, I want to go out and have a blast!
Sorry to excuse you. "

After finishing speaking, Liu Yue rushed out of the cave without looking back, her back was lonely, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Linglong subconsciously wanted to chase after her, but was stopped by Duguao, "Leave Yue'er to me, you guys continue."

After speaking, Duguao chased him out.

Bei Tangyao got up and wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Murong Bai, "Mr. Beitang, brother Dugu has already chased him out, so don't add another thing."

"Ah Yue is my friend, I just care about her." Bei Tangyao responded coldly, but did not chase after her.

After all, compared to Duguao, he seems really not qualified to chase after him.


outside the cave.

The moonlight is like water, and the North Star arches over the stars.

Liuyue ran wildly all the way.

She ran on and on, without any direction or any destination.

I just want to run fast like this and let myself forget about all my troubles.

As for Duguao, he followed Liuyue all the time.

When she ran, he chased after her.

Occasionally, monsters would attack, and he would remove obstacles for Liuyue.

The two of them kept a certain distance like this, neither of them spoke, they just kept running and chasing each other.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Yue ran to the edge of a cliff.

With no road ahead, she had to stop.

Duguao also took advantage of the situation to stop.

He stood quietly beside Liuyue, guarding silently, without saying a word.

The silence speaks.

The two stood silently like this, from the moon setting and the star sinking to the rising sun.

Finally, Liu Yue was finally tired.

She lay directly on the grass, looked at the rising sun in the sky, and sighed softly,
"It's dawn."

"En." Duguao replied in a low voice.

"The sun is so good." Liu Yue sighed again.

For some reason, as the sun got warmer, the pain in her heart became less and less.

In the past, whenever she thought of Qin Lie, she would be restless for three days and three nights.

But this time, with Duguao around, it didn't seem so uncomfortable.

"feelling better?"

Duguao spoke again, and the magnetic voice came, full of pampering and tenderness.

"It's better, thank you for being with me all the time."

Liuyue responded softly, looking at Duguao, apart from gratitude, there was also some indescribable emotion.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao smiled slightly, and lay down, looking into Shang Liuyue's eyes, he continued,

"Yue'er, I know you have been hurt, and I also know that you can't accept me yet.

But no matter what, I will always be with you until you forget all the pain. "

"No, it doesn't hurt that much anymore."

After Liuyue finished speaking, she took the initiative to shrink into Duguao's arms.

This embrace, which is so warm every time, belongs only to her.

It seems that with Duguao by his side, those things in the past have become more and more insignificant.

"Ao, do you want to hear about my past?" Liu Yue said suddenly, with a hint of caution in her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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