black cute magician

Chapter 1089 Liu Xuan wants to leave

Chapter 1089 Liu Xuan wants to leave
"Brother, what's wrong?"

Liu Xuan sat in the hall, watching Liu Yuan cautiously.

Liu Yuan didn't speak, just took out a letter from the storage ring, Liu Xuan took the letter, opened it, it was from the Liu family.

The letter told her to go home quickly, because the family was in trouble, the situation was very bad, and there was even the danger of genocide.

The only way to alleviate the crisis is to marry her third senior brother.

After reading this letter, Liu Xuan felt very complicated. She looked at Liu Yuan and pleaded in a low voice, "Brother, I don't want to marry Third Senior Brother..."

Liu Yuan listened with the same dignified expression, from the standpoint of the family, he couldn't let his sister be so capricious, but from the standpoint of his brother, he also hoped that Liu Xuan could pursue his own happiness.

Under the double pressure, Liu Yuan didn't know what to do.


In desperation, Liu Yuan let out a long sigh, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Xuan'er, brother won't make things difficult for you, you can make your own decision.

Whether you go back or run away, brother will not interfere with you. "

"If I escape, will the Liu family be wiped out?" Liu Xuan is very concerned about this issue.

"I don't know, some things depend on fate and luck." Liu Yuan responded in a low voice with a heavy voice.

Liu Xuan frowned, she was a member of the Liu family, so naturally she didn't want to cause the whole family to be wiped out because of her.

But if he went back like this, what would He Lianqing do?
Liu Xuan lowered her head, tightly gripped the corners of her clothes with both hands, and after thinking for a long time, she whispered,

"Brother, give me one night, I will think about it carefully."

"it is good……"

At the climax of the moon, Liu Xuan returned to her room, her mood sank to the bottom bit by bit.

This night, she had many things, from her family's interests to her own happiness, to He Lianqing's feelings.

Until dawn, she finally had the answer.

The next day.

With thick dark circles under her eyes and a small bundle on her back, Liu Xuan came to the hall to say goodbye to Liu Yuan.

"Brother, I've made up my mind and I'm going home today."

"Are you sure you have thought it through? What if you regret it later?"

"What's the use of regretting, do I have any other choice?"

Liu Xuan smiled wryly.

Liu Yuan understands Liu Xuan's pain, so she doesn't say more, just comforts Liu Xuan silently.

After about a quarter of an hour, Liu Xuan's emotions gradually subsided, no matter how sad she was, she still had to move forward...

"Brother, I'm leaving then."


Liu Yuan nodded, he didn't send Liu Xuan off.

It has been an eventful season recently, and he must try to keep a low profile, otherwise his identity will be easily exposed.

Just like that, Liu Xuan left the hall.

However, when she was walking at the gate of the courtyard, she met Liu Yue who was standing at the gate.

Looking at her niece, Liu Xuan couldn't help but smile and asked, "Are you here to see me off?"

"Well, auntie, daddy doesn't allow me to go out recently, so I can only see you off here." Liu Yue's voice was full of reluctance. After getting along for this period of time, her relationship with Liu Xuan has grown deeper and deeper, really Liu Xuan was reluctant to leave.

Liu Xuan smiled faintly, she was also reluctant to part with Liu Yue, but there was really nothing she could do.

Touching Liuyue's head, Liuxuan whispered, "Xiaoyue'er, I'm going back to Liu's house, you have to take care of yourself, be with Duguao well, don't be like your aunt, you can only marry someone you don't like people."


Liu Yue agreed in a low voice.

According to the future trajectory, Liu Xuan did not leave the Demon Realm, but was imprisoned by He Lianqing in the Palace of Seven Princes for 11 years.

At this time, Liuyue wanted to tell Liuxuan that the sooner she walked the better, she must not see He Lianqing, but when the words came to her lips, Liuyue held back again.

She can't change the trajectory of history at will, so she can't say.

Seeing that Liu Yue seemed to have something to say, Liu Xuan raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Do you have anything else to say?"


Liu Yue immediately denied it.

Liu Xuan didn't believe it, she pinched Liu Yue's cheek, and said in a threatening voice,

"Little girl, if you don't tell me, I'll tell my sister-in-law right away that you ate ten bunches of candied haws yesterday and haven't eaten yet.

kindness?Tell me? "

"Aunt, you are too mean."

Liuyue did not expect that Liuxuan 11 years ago was actually a "bad guy" who liked to threaten children, she was really "hateful".

"Auntie is not bad at all, as long as you tell me what you want to say, I'll keep it a secret for you, how about it?" Liu Xuan's lips became more cunning.


Liuyue was helpless, she took a deep breath, thought for a while, and then asked in a low voice,

"Auntie, did you tell the Seventh Prince that you left this time?"

"Not yet, I plan to say goodbye to him and say I'll go home."

"No, no, don't say goodbye!"

After all, Liuyue couldn't hold back, hoping to change the course of history. She couldn't change herself and her parents, but she hoped to change her aunt's.

11 years of captivity, no freedom, loss of dignity, abortion, frame, assassination, poisoning...Liu Yue knows without thinking about how bad Liu Xuan's life was in those years.

If one of her actions could change Liu Xuan's life, even if she would be punished by God, she would not care.

"Auntie, listen to me, don't go to the Seventh Prince again!"


"Because... because you want to leave, the Seventh Prince will definitely be reluctant, so he will use various methods to keep you, and even lock you up."

Liu Yue felt that she should have made it obvious.

Liu Xuan is still in love, and has never seen the dark side of He Lianqing, so naturally she won't think so badly of her lover.

She looked at Liuyue very seriously, and defended He Lianqing,

"Xiao Yue'er, He Lianqing is not that kind of person, I believe he will understand me."

"Aunt, you believe me, he is really not as good as you think.

Yes, I admit that the Seventh Prince likes you very much, but maybe because he likes you too much, he will do some bad things, really! "

Liuyue spoke swearingly, very seriously.

Liu Xuan frowned, after Liu Yue's reminder, she also felt that it was best not to see He Lianqing again.

Anyway, I have to leave completely. What's the point of seeing each other for the last time?
"Okay, Xiaoyue'er, I'll listen to you, don't say goodbye to He Lianqing.

But there is one thing I don't quite understand, you are only seven years old, how can you be smarter than me?Who taught you these things? "

" Daddy! He is embarrassed to say these words, so let me convey them to you. "

Liu Yue directly dumped the blame on her father.

When Liu Xuan heard the words, she was no longer suspicious, anyway, it didn't matter who said the words.

The important thing is that she should leave immediately and never see He Lianqing again.

"Xiaoyue'er, thank you for telling me this, I will do what your father said, goodbye."

"See you."

Hearing this, Liu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope that this small act of mine can change this period of history.

In this way, Liu Xuan left the courtyard, and then left the magic city, but when she walked about a mile to the outskirts.


(End of this chapter)

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