Chapter 1091

"Xuan'er, unless this king dies in this life, I will never let go!"

He Lianqing's eyes were crazy.

All along, he wanted to save the best first time of the two for the wedding night, but now, Liu Xuan was going to leave and be with other men, He Lianqing absolutely could not accept it.

Liu Xuan can only belong to him, and will always belong to him.

If she insisted on leaving, he could only break her wings and imprison her by his side forever!

"He Lianqing, you bastard!!!"

Liu Xuan frowned tightly.

But when He Lianqing heard this, not only did he not stop, but a cruel and evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I still have the strength to curse people, it seems that it is not enough."

"You - um -" Liu Xuan wanted to continue scolding, but He Lianqing blocked her lips, and he gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Liu Xuan fell into a coma for three whole days, and when she woke up again, she felt pain all over her body.

These three days, He Lianqing has been guarding Liu Xuan's side, Liu Xuan saw him the first time she opened her eyes, but there was no joy on his face, only full of pain.

Looking at this man who was more terrifying than a demon, Liu Xuan's mouth curled up into a sarcastic smile, how could he be in pain?She is the one who is clearly in pain.

"He Lianqing, you've got what you want, can you let me go?"

Liu Xuan spoke in a low voice, her voice was a little hoarse, and there was no love in the past in her eyes.

He Lianqing's coercion has already broken her heart, she absolutely does not want to be with this kind of man who disrespects her!
He Lianqing ignored the anger on Liu Xuan's face, he just looked at her and asked softly, "How is it?"

"What do you think?" Liu Xuan gritted her teeth, if she didn't have the strength to hit someone now, she would definitely kick He Lianqing out of bed.

He Lianqing felt a little guilty, and slowly explained,
"I have already applied ointment for you, and now you are basically recovering, and the scars on your body will disappear in a few days.

Next time, I'll be more careful. "

Liu Xuan's face was black and red, and she said angrily, "If you want a woman, just give an order, and there will be countless women in the entire demon world who want to marry you. There is no need to waste time on me!"

"This king doesn't like them, he only likes you, and only wants you.

Xuan'er, don't you understand my king's intentions?As long as you stay by my side obediently, I will fulfill all your wishes and make you the happiest woman in the world. "

"I don't need it! He Lianqing, it's impossible for us!"

"Why? Just because of that wild man in the God Realm?"

"That's right! The third senior brother will never force me. He is gentler and stronger than you. I just like him. There is no way you can compare with him!"

Liu Xuan just wanted to vent, she didn't care what she was talking about.

But these words fell into Helianqing's ears, and it became the last straw that overwhelmed his nerves. Just now, he wanted to apologize and start over.

As long as Liu Xuan doesn't leave him, he is willing to compromise.

But now, hearing that she really likes other men, He Lianqing couldn't stand it anymore.

"Liuxuan, I will ask you again, do you like that third senior brother or me?"

"Of course it's Third Senior Brother! I hate you! I hate you!" Liu Xuan blurted out.

He Lianqing didn't fly into a rage immediately, he suppressed his anger, and said two words coldly, "Very good."

After saying this, he took out a red vial from the storage ring, and poured out a red pill.

When Liu Xuan saw the medicine, she subconsciously felt something bad, "He Lianqing, what do you want to do?"

"What this king wants to do, you will know soon."

The corner of He Lianqing's mouth curled up into a smile, and then he directly stuffed the medicine into Liu Xuan's mouth, Liu Xuan wanted to spit it out, but the medicine melted in her mouth, she had no chance at all!

Seeing Liu Xuan swallowed the medicine, He Lianqing's expression became even more satisfied.

For the past three days, he kept thinking about what he should do if Liu Xuan didn't want to stay. After much deliberation, he came up with a good idea.

"He Lianqing, what did you eat for me?"

Liu Xuan clenched her fists tightly, she felt her body began to change, and her breathing began to increase uncontrollably.

Seeing this, He Lianqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun.

He pinched Liu Xuan's chin with his hand, he was doing something despicable, but he smiled gracefully and said,
"Xuan'er don't worry, I like you so much, I will never harm you.

That medicine is nothing, but it will make you confused, and you will never be able to leave me again. "

"You—" Liu Xuan really wanted to yell, but when the words reached her throat, she unconsciously turned into a faint sob.


How could she make that sound!
Liu Xuan bit her lip, she didn't dare to speak anymore, let alone move her body casually, trying her best to mobilize the spiritual power in her body to suppress the evil fire.

But the more she suppressed, the hotter her body became,

It was the first time for He Lianqing to see Liu Xuan's expression like this, and he wished he could embrace her immediately.

But he knew it wasn't enough yet.

He had to wait for her to speak up and beg him.

In this way, Liu Xuan's inner defense will completely collapse, and it will be so easy to escape in the future.

However, it is counterproductive.

Liu Xuan closed her eyes directly, no matter what He Lianqing did, she would not respond.

She has to go back to the God Realm Liu's family, the family is in trouble, she must not waste time here, she must not be led by the nose by He Lianqing, absolutely not!

"Xuan'er, don't bear it anymore. As long as you nod your head, you won't have to suffer this kind of suffering anymore. Life is short, why should you wrong yourself?"

He Lianqing knew that Liu Xuan had a strong self-esteem, so he also backed down a step, no need to speak, just nod his head.

However, Liu Xuan still didn't respond to him, even though she was tortured physically and mentally, she just didn't respond.

He Lianqing had no choice but to move to Liu Xuan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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