black cute magician

Chapter 1107 Regret Last Night

Chapter 1107 Regret Last Night
At dawn the next day, Dongfang showed a faint white belly, Yi Xiaoxing was so tired that he fainted, the love potion was completely removed, and Wuxin stopped moving.

Looking at the sleeping Yi Xiaoxing, he feels guilty and unhappy.

The guilty thing is that he is taking advantage of others.

Unfortunately, he was used as a stand-in that night.

Who is that man named Tianjiao?
Is this girl's sweetheart?what does he look likeIs it strong?Does the technology have him?
Probably not, this girl seemed very satisfied last night, and she just pestered him endlessly.

Unintentionally thinking about it, there was a point of pride in his eyes.

However, he couldn't wait for Yi Xiaoxing to wake up to talk about it, because he still had a task on his body. Fortunately, he left the inn directly.


Once outside the city, Wuxin took out all the information that Ye Xiu asked him to collect from the storage ring.

Ye Xiu accepted it with an indifferent expression and didn't say much.

Gong Zixuan is very gossip, Wuxin didn't return all night last night, this is not his style.

Could it be that he went to a brothel and fell in love with a good friend, that's why he didn't come back?
"Hey, what were you doing last night?"

Gong Zixuan asked curiously.


Wuxin didn't want to say more, her voice was slightly hoarse.

As soon as Gong Zixuan heard the voice, he heard something wrong, and he couldn't help joking, "Tsk tsk, young man, it's not good to indulge too much."


"Haha, are you still shy? Take off the mask and let me see, are you blushing?"

After Gong Zixuan finished speaking, taking advantage of Wuxin's inattention, he directly took off Wuxin's mask.

Wuxin immediately covered his face, he was not used to being without a mask, it would make him very insecure.

"Give it back to me!"

There was a tinge of anger in the unintentional voice.

Gong Zixuan got more excited, "What else can I do for you? You look like a little boy, wearing a mask all the time, how bad is it?"


Unintentionally angry.

Ye Xiu was also quarreled by the two, and said angrily, "If you have time to play around, why don't you think about how to get the Nine-turn Orb, the Soul Eater Alliance has transferred experts from other planes, and it will be held in a while A big battle, you are like this, so this seat is very worried!"

Hearing that Ye Xiu was angry, Gong Zixuan stopped making trouble. He threw the mask to Wuxin, and then stood aside, keeping silent.

Wuxin put on the mask again and stopped talking.

Seeing Wu Xin put on the mask, Gong Zixuan looked a little regretful, but he didn't ask too much.

After all, if Xiao Liuyue and Yi Xiaoxing saw Wuxin's face, something serious would happen.

The scene finally quieted down.

Ye Xiu continued to look at the information. During this time, what he asked Wu Xin to collect were all the defensive structures of the Demon City.

When the troops are sufficient, he will directly attack the city and attack Huanglong!

Besides, for Yi Xiaoxing, she slept until evening, and when she woke up, she was naked, with bruises all over her body, and her bones seemed to be falling apart when she moved casually.

You don't even need to think about what happened last night.


Yi Xiaoxing called out in a low voice, she remembered that the person last night was Chu Tianjiao.

But thinking about it more carefully, Chu Tianjiao was already dead, died in the dark hell, with no bones left.

And last night, that man's face was very cold, and he didn't speak during the whole process, which was completely different from Chu Tianjiao's style... In other words, that man was not Chu Tianjiao at all!
When Yi Xiaoxing realized this problem, the blood all over his body froze instantly, and his face became extremely pale.

That day, Yi Xiaoxing didn't know how he left the inn and how he got home.

She remembered that she took a dozen baths and still felt dirty.

Later, she locked herself in the house, said she was sick, and then saw no one.


In the magic palace, Liuyue and Duguao haven't seen Yi Xiaoxing for a day, they are a little worried.

They sent someone to ask, and Yi Xiaoxing said that he was sick, so they were going to visit him.

But Yi Xiaoxing didn't see any guests, and his temper was very violent. The couple thought that Yi Xiaoxing thought of Chu Tianjiao again, and they couldn't let it go, so they didn't ask any more questions, and then went back to the magic palace.

"Yue'er, tomorrow is the duel between you and Nalan Qingyan, you should rest early today."

Duguao held his wife's hand, his tone was extremely gentle.

Liu Yue nodded, she had worked so hard for tomorrow, so she didn't allow herself to make any mistakes.

As long as she defeats Nalan Qingyan, she can wake up her father, she must do her best!

"However, don't put too much pressure on yourself. My husband believes in you. Even if you move your fingers casually, you can crush a third-rate talisman master like Nalan Qingyan."

"Pfft—I'm not that good!"

Although Liu Yue knew that Dugu Ao was exaggerating, she was still very happy.

Leaning in Duguao's arms, Liuyue fell into a deep sleep, to meet tomorrow's challenge in the best condition!

The next day.

The sky is bright and the air is clear, and a large number of humans, demons, and half-humans and half-demons gathered from all over the demon world to watch the excitement in the arena of the demon city.

Nalan Qingyan is the number one talisman master in the devil world, and Liuyue's new devil queen, just based on their identities, is enough to have a gimmick.

Two hours before the duel, the entire arena was already filled with water, and there was not even a place to stay. Many adults lifted their children on their shoulders and watched the first PK in this prosperous world.

However, no matter how chaotic the scene is, the well-trained demon army has a solution.

They maintained order in the style of the army. Anyone who disobeyed would be thrown out. After throwing more than a dozen, the scene was very orderly.

On the right side of the arena, the Nalan family area.

The ancestors of the Nalan family, Nalan Chong, Nalan Qingyan, and some elders and core members of the Nalan family, all gathered here.

They are not just for the confrontation today, but also have a more important plan to carry out.

As long as it succeeds, the Nalan family can walk sideways in the devil world from now on!

"Master Qingyan, I will hand it over to you later. You must teach that reckless new queen a lesson. If you dare to challenge the majesty of my Nalan family, it will definitely end badly!"

"That's right, she's only eighteen or nineteen years old, she's just a fledgling girl, how can she compare with you, Master Qingyan!"

"Haha, let's watch the new queen and cry later!"

"Do you think the Queen was defeated within a quarter of an hour, or was it just a stick of incense?"

"I think it's time to sneeze! Hahaha——"

The members of the Nalan family looked down on Liuyue very much. After all, Liuyue was not well-known before. Although she was the talisman master newcomer king of Yueyao Academy, she even defeated Nalanlian.

But compared with Nalan Qingyan, it is still far behind.

Because the voices of the Nalan family were loud and defiant, their voices could be heard throughout the scene.

Linglong and Murong Bai naturally did not show weakness when they heard such an attack.

The two lovers immediately started singing double reeds to fight back!

"Linglong, you said who barked the dog and didn't turn it off properly. Why does it keep barking? It's really noisy."

"Where do animals know so much? Apart from eating and sleeping, they can only look down on people."

"Yes, yes, especially a bunch of beasts surnamed Nalan!"

Murong Bai's last sentence was mercilessly torn.

The elders of the Nalan family on the opposite side were furious when they heard this!

(End of this chapter)

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