black cute magician

Chapter 1122 The Little Princess Is Born

Chapter 1122 The Little Princess Is Born


At some point, Yin Hufa appeared around Duguao.

Duguao looked at Guardian Yin with a chilly look on his face.

Yin Hufa knew that Dugu Ao was in a bad mood now, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Master, it's not good, the queen..."


correct!And Yue'er!
Duguao came back to his senses again, he had already lost his biological mother and could no longer lose his wife and daughter.

He must save them!

Duguao set off and rushed back to the magic palace as quickly as possible.

When Murong Bai saw Dugu Ao, his anxious expression was finally relieved, "Brother Dugu, you are finally here!"

"How's Moon?"

"I don't know yet, the midwife is inside."

Duguao was very worried, so he was about to go in to see the situation, Murong Bai hurriedly stopped him, "Brother Dugu, when a woman is giving birth, she can't go in!"


"This... seems to be a rule..."

"What rules? I don't care!"

Dugu Ao didn't care about that much, he just wanted to know if his wife was safe, no matter how Murong Bai tried to stop him, he rushed inside.


A heart-piercing scream came.

When Dugu Ao heard this voice, he immediately ran to the bedside, "Yue'er! Yue'er!!!"

Liu Xuan and Xiao Qin were a little surprised when they saw Dugu Ao appearing.

At this moment, when the midwife saw Dugu Ao, she was startled and subconsciously wanted to salute.

Duguao hurriedly said, "Don't worry about me, you continue!"

When the midwife heard this, she quickly looked at Liuyue again, and continued to shout, "Empress Demon Queen, use your strength! Use more force!"


Liu Yue was still screaming, she just felt that her whole body was going to fall apart, she never thought that giving birth would be so painful.

From now on, she will never give birth again, never again!
"Yue'er, hold on, you'll be fine soon!"

Duguao also came to comfort Liuyue, and he passed on part of the power of the Demon Emperor he had just inherited to Liuyue.

Liu Yue gave birth to a half-demon, even with the protection of the Nine-Zhuanzhu, there would still be certain risks.

Under the power of the Demon Emperor Duguao, her pain finally got better.

At this time, the midwife shouted in surprise, "I have seen the baby's head! Hurry up! It will be ready soon!"


Liuyue felt another burst of severe pain.

Beside Liuyue, Yi Xiaoxing was still standing.

She is also a pregnant woman now, and seeing Liuyue in such pain, she couldn't help but also start to be afraid. Will she also suffer so much pain when she gives birth to a child?

Thinking of that moment, Yi Xiaoxing flinched a little.

Fortunately, this pain did not last long.

After Duguao's help, everything about Liuyue went smoothly.

"Haha! Come out! The child is out! Hot water! Hurry up and prepare hot water!"

The midwife held the newborn baby and began to clean the baby's body.

As for Liu Yue, because of the pain, she has already fallen into a deep sleep.

Dugu Ao wiped his wife's sweat, and as for the newborn daughter, he handed it over to the grandma and the others.

Soon, the little princess was wrapped up, and Xiao Qin held her carefully. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that the child looked like Liu Yue when she was a child.

"Xiao Ao, have you decided on a name for the child? What's it called?"

"Lone Star."

When Duguao said this, he glanced in the direction of the little princess, and then continued to look at Liuyue.

Liuyue's self-cultivation took a whole day.

Fortunately, she is in good physical condition. After sleeping for a day, most of her body has recovered.

As soon as she woke up, she asked about the child, "Where is Xing'er? Where is Xing'er?"

"Over there, she is just waking up, just like you."

Dugu Ao looked at Dugu Xing who was not far away, who was now being hugged by Linglong.

Seeing that Liuyue woke up, Linglong hurried over.

Liuyue hugged the child, looked at her small body, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

This is her and Ao's child, the result of their love.

"Ao, who do you think Xing'er looks more like?"

"No matter who she looks like, she is the most beautiful little princess in the world." There was a hint of a smile on Duguao's face.

As a father for the first time, his mood has not yet changed. Apart from being happy, he is still happy.

"Okay, sister-in-law, you take your time to rest, Linglong and I will go out first." Murong Bai knew how to read words and expressions, and knew that at such a time, it should be left to the family of three, so of course he didn't bother him anymore.

However, Linglong still wanted to see the little princess a few more times, but was dragged out of the palace by Murong Bai.

After they left, there were only three members of Duguao's family left in the room.

The little princess was very obedient and not noisy at all. She closed her eyes slightly and waved her hands gently.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao asked, "Is she hungry?"

"It should be." Liu Yue untied her belt, ready to breastfeed her child.

Duguao was helping at the side, but the child was young, and his movements were not gentle enough, so he could easily hurt the little princess.

Helpless, Duguao had no choice but to watch from the side.

"Yue'er, I'm sorry, I can't help my husband at all."

"It's okay, I will leave all the work of washing diapers to you in the future."

"Ah... the majestic Demon Emperor actually wanted to wash that, wouldn't it be too embarrassing to spread the word?"

"Is it embarrassing to wash our daughter's diapers?"

"No, I didn't mean that! Well, wash it for your husband."

How could Duguao dare to refute Liuyue's words, now that Liuyue has just given birth, it is very hard, and she must not be made a little bit angry.

Seeing Duguao's aggrieved but forced to agree expression, Liuyue couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, I'm just kidding you, I won't let you wash diapers."

"Really? That's good!" Duguao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, he continued to watch from the side, and after the little princess finished feeding, he continued to hold her.

At this moment, Liu Yue suddenly realized something, "By the way, Ao, why did you come out so soon? Didn't you say that it would take a long time to integrate the power of the Demon Emperor?"

"This...Of course it's because the husband is very good!"

Dugu Ao responded with a smile, he would never tell Liuyue that he had overdrawn a lot of life in order to leave the customs early to save Liuyue.

He just wants Liuyue to be happy now, and he can bear the rest alone.

Including, Di Shuang's death.

Thinking of his biological mother leaving just like that, Duguao felt uncomfortable again, but he covered it all up.


The reunion of the Emperor's clan was destroyed, Liuyue gave birth to a little princess smoothly, and the whole country of the Demon Empire celebrated with joy, everything was lively and lively.

A month has passed.

In such a cheerful atmosphere, Duguao decided to host a full moon wine for the little princess and invite relatives and friends to come.

Linglong and Murong Bai are in charge of organizing the full moon wine.

The two ordered the maids to work with them, put up lanterns and festoons in the palace, and customized various details.

After the situation was set up, Murong Bai looked at Linglong excitedly, and whispered,

"Linglong, after everything is over, we will get married and have a child, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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