black cute magician

Chapter 369 **** Big Drama

Chapter 369
"Bang bang bang bang-"

Soon, Situ Ba was beaten into a pulp, his bones were shattered, and he collapsed to the ground.

But if this is the case, he is still not dead, and is still recovering.

Ximen Bing stood up with lingering fear, and said to Er Liuyue,
"Miss Xiao, and...little sister in purple, thank you for saving me."

"It's okay, we're just going along.

Princess Ximen, why are you here, falling from the desert? "

"What desert? I don't know.

I only remember that after I entered the vortex, I was teleported here.

I have been looking for a way out, but no matter how I go, I can't get to the end.

Later, I ran into Situ Ba suddenly, and I wanted to ask him about his situation, but he rushed over directly..."

Thinking of what happened just now, Ximen Bing's eyes turned red, and he glared fiercely at Situ Ba, wishing he could strike a few more times.

Liu Yue hooked the corners of her lips and said lightly,

"This guy has done it to himself, he took the love potion, and he can't retreat for three days and three nights.

It's only been two days now, and it will take a while for it to go away. "

"Eating love potions? No wonder he's so crazy.

Miss Xiao, for the sake of being a fellow trialer, should we help him? "

Ximen smiled coldly, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

When Liu Yue heard this, she took three steps back, feeling a little confused, and shouted loudly,

"don't want!!!
I will never help him! ! ! "


Ximen Bing realized that he had made a mistake in expressing himself, and quickly explained,
"Miss Xiao, I didn't mean that,
That's right, I've stayed here for several days, and I know a little bit about it. I know there is a place that is very suitable for him. "


"You will know when you go."

Ximen Bing smiled mysteriously, and began to play tricks.

Liu Yue shrugged, so she had no choice but to take out a rope, tie Situ Ba up, and drag him away.

Soon, several people arrived at a fox den.

Those foxes, all cultivated into spirits, turned into human forms, but kept their fox tails, looking full of arrogance.

When they saw outsiders entering, they immediately started wagging their tails, looking very alert.

Without further ado, Ximen Bing threw Situ Ba into the fox den and said loudly,

"Little foxes, haven't you been having fun again?

This fun is for you, play with it, it's best to kill it directly! "

"Haha! Man!

After staying underground for so long, I finally had a new stimulus! "

"Sister, let me play first! Let me play first!"

"He looks really small there, I don't know if it's fun or not."


When Situ Ba heard a group of women's voices, his eyes were straightened, he found a vixen at random, and threw himself on the ground.

The vixen hadn't been stimulated like this for a long time, and gradually returned to her original shape.

Liu Yue and Ximen Bing watched the "Human-Beast Show" for a while, and then left directly.

Situ Ba couldn't be killed now, so continuing to fight would be a waste of time.

It's better to give him to a group of vixens, let him slowly "happy" in this cave.

However, when Situ Ba woke up, he found himself oxoxing with a group of foxes. He didn't know how his proud self-esteem would collapse.

Thinking of that scene, Liu Yue found it very interesting.

"Princess Ximen, I didn't expect your methods to be so powerful!

admire!admire! ! ! "

"I grew up in the palace, so this trick is nothing, there are more ruthless ones.

After I get out, if Situ Ba is still alive, I will punish him again!Make his life worse than death! "

Ximen Bing responded calmly, his eyes full of killing intent.

Liu Yue twitched the corners of her mouth, and secretly remembered that there is nothing to do in the future, so she should try her best not to offend this ice beauty.


In this way, Liu Yue and Ximen Bing walked together, and the two looked for other ways out again.

After wandering around for so long, Liu Yue discovered that this place is actually a huge palace.

But tens of thousands of years ago, something happened, and it was buried underground.

In this kind of place, if you want to go out, you really can only depend on luck.

Of course, the two of them can also choose to crush the jade finger in their hands.

However, both of them were a little unwilling to give up just like that.

"Damn it! There's no way out! I'll hack a way out!"

Ximen Bing was driven into a hurry, and he slashed directly into the sky, wielding his sword forcefully.

"Kang kuang kuang—boom——"

The stone above was gradually chopped down and flew around.

For a time, the entire space showed signs of collapse.

Seeing this, Liuyue hurriedly called to stop her,

"Princess Ximen, wait a moment, you can't do this!"

Liu Yue tried to stop Ximen Bing, but it didn't work.

Ximen Bing still swung his sword vigorously, as if he wanted to vent all the anger that had been accumulated for a long time.

Liu Yuejian couldn't dissuade her, and she didn't bother to say more, and directly established a barrier to protect herself.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the ground,

"Who disturbed my Qingxiu?"

Ximen Bing heard this voice, and gradually stopped moving.

Liu Yue made the barrier more stable, and the whole person fell into defense.

When neither of them spoke, Zi Yu, a veteran of the ancient battlefield, said while holding his chin,
"Just now, you seem to have touched the big devil here.

I can sense that he is very strong, even stronger than me. "

As soon as Zi Yu finished speaking, hundreds of ghostly figures flew out from the ground and attacked Ximen Bing and Liu Yue.

Liu Yue held the Lingxu sword in her hand, and looked at the black shadow vigilantly. She wanted to fight hard, but she didn't expect that the weakest of these little ghosts was the third level of the Lingzong sect!
With such a strong camp, why fight?

Run away!

"Go away! Distract him!"

Liuyue spoke calmly, then started to run wildly.

Ximen Bing didn't hesitate either. After changing direction, she also started to flee desperately.

Running away, Liu Yue suddenly discovered that most of the little ghosts were actually concentrating on chasing her!
"Ah—why are you chasing me?! I wasn't the one who stabbed the stone wall!"

Liu Yue was speechless.

What does it mean to be shot while lying down?
This is!
The person who caused the trouble was obviously not her, but the other party still grabbed her tightly.

"Master, don't waste time, run quickly!"

Jianling found that Liuyue was very slow and was almost overtaken by the little ghosts, so he tried his best to urge him.

Liu Yue also wanted to run quickly, but she couldn't run anymore.


do my best!

Gritting her teeth, Liuyue took out a bunch of blasting symbols from the storage ring.

She looked at the hundreds of little ghosts, flew out twenty talismans in an instant, and shouted sharply,

"Demo Talisman! Break it for me!"

"Bang bang bang-"

"Bang bang bang-"

"Bang bang bang-"

Although the little devils are powerful, their physical structures are unstable, and they are like a cloud of black smoke.

Being blasted by the blasting talisman, they scattered in all directions.

Seeing this, Liuyue finally showed a smile.

Finally he was saved!

Just when Liuyue thought that she could rest in peace.

The cold voice just now came again like a ghost,

"Dare to touch my people, die!"

Liu Yue looked surprised, she looked up, and saw a three-meter-long black hand pounced towards her.

With this blow, she seemed to be doomed...

(End of this chapter)

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