black cute magician

Chapter 58 Ask him for help

Chapter 58 Ask him for help
Second Master Xiao looked gloomy. He thought he could suppress Liuyue tonight, but he didn't expect to be beaten instead.

Because of being unreasonable, so many people were injured in the yard, he couldn't attack.

Not only that, but he will continue to make amends.


Second Master Xiao scolded in his heart, but on the surface, he still said kindly, "Liu Yue, Second Uncle will send someone to look for it, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

After finishing speaking, Second Master Xiao ordered all the remaining guards of the second room to dispatch to search for news about Xiao Qin.

Liu Yue had a cold face, the level of work of these guards was unbelievable.

When they find someone, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold.

Ignoring Second Master Xiao's "apology", Liu Yue turned around and left Xiao's house directly.

Now, she doesn't have any clues, she only knows that the second lady took Niangqin and Linglong away, and she doesn't know where they went or where they are now.

If... If she has her own power, even if there are only a dozen people, it will still be better than her fighting alone.

It seems that after this incident is over, she will cultivate some forces by herself.

Liuyue was thinking, while searching for news on the street, looking for suspicious strongholds.

Not long after, she came to the gate of Xie Wang's mansion.

Looking at the closed gate, Liu Yue felt flustered. With Duguao's power in the imperial city, it would be no problem to find someone.

But he asked him for no reason, why should he agree?

I agreed to draw a clear line with him, and now that I encounter difficulties, I go to him with the cheek, what will he think of himself?
Damn, to go, or not to go?
Liuyue stood in the dark, and after standing there for a full 10 minutes, she took a deep breath and said decisively,

"Damn! Go all out!"

Compared with the lives of my mother and Linglong, what is my little face worth?
One must be able to bend and stretch!
Thinking of this, Liu Yue flashed a phantom, dodging the bright and dark whistle of Xie Wang's mansion, and quietly sneaked into Duguao's room.

At this time, the lights in the room were still on, and the door was wide open, Duguao was looking at a chess book.

Liuyue suddenly appeared in front of Duguao's eyes, making Duguao a little dazed, and even felt that he was dreaming.

This woman would actually take the initiative to find him. There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!
Although he was surprised in his heart, on the surface, Duguao still looked at Liuyue calmly.

"His Royal Highness Xie Wang, can you do me a favor?" Liu Yue cut to the chase and directly stated her reason for coming.

Duguao put down the chess record, he knew that this girl would not come to him for no reason.

However, he was the first person she thought of when she needed help, which still made him very satisfied.

"Call me Ao." Dugu Ao stared at Liu Yue, his voice was gorgeous, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"Ao." Liu Yue curled her lips, her voice was inaudible.

Duguao looked quite excited, although the sound was very small, he had already heard it, very good.

Staring at Liuyue, Duguao continued, "What do you want me to help you with?"

"My mother and Linglong were taken away by the second lady, I want you to help me find them."

"it is good."

Duguao didn't ask any more questions, nor did he make things difficult for Liuyue.

He responded directly, and then called out the dark guards,

"Move out all the forces of the Xie Wangfu to give the future princess a satisfactory answer within an hour."


The dark guard took the order and immediately withdrew.

Standing by the side, Liuyue felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but she was also a little fortunate in her heart.

She thought that Duguao would embarrass herself, but she didn't expect that he only let her yell one word, and then agreed to help her find someone.

But... the future princess?
How does this guy remember this?

She didn't promise at all, okay?

Forget it, now is the critical moment, and she is asking for help from others, so she doesn't care about him.

An hour later, the dark guard came back to report the news that the second lady and her party were in the Town God's Temple outside the city.

There were two factions fighting there, one spy stayed there to observe the situation, and the other came back to report.

"The two groups of forces are fighting, is it Xiao Erye's people?" Liu Yue frowned slightly, and a layer of worry rose in her heart.

"I don't know about this at the moment." The dark guard responded calmly.

"Yue'er, let's save the future mother-in-law together." Dugu stood up proudly and looked at Liuyue next to him.

Liu Yue now only thinks about saving her mother quickly, she doesn't care what Dugu Ao is talking about at all, so she casually responds, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, she took a step ahead and left directly.

Looking at the back of Liuyue leaving in a hurry, a thought flashed in Duguao's eyes.

If one day, he was also kidnapped, would she be so anxious?

But after thinking about it again, with my own strength and identity, it seems that such a thing as kidnapping will never happen.

"Master, the cold spell is very likely to occur tonight, let the subordinates send someone to protect Miss Xiao, so you don't have to do it yourself."

As the leader of the hidden guard, Yin Hufa reminded him in a low voice out of consideration for his master's safety.

Hearing this, Duguao frowned slightly.

After pausing for three seconds, he directly followed Qianying in front of him, and ignored the words of the Yin protector.


Outside the imperial city, there is a dilapidated Town God's Temple.

"A bunch of trash! The Ye family sent you to protect our mother and daughter, and that's how you protect us!
After I go back, I will definitely tell the Patriarch that I will beat you forty times! "

The second lady has been locked up recently and has gone crazy. She has a very bad temper and yells at every turn.

Xiao Mengya is much more mature than before, she frowned tightly and said in a low voice, "Mother, don't lose your temper, you should think about what to do!

We originally wanted to ruin the innocence of these two people, but now Xiao Qin has been taken away by the Luo family, leaving only this unconscious stinky maid, what should we do? "

"Daughter, what are you afraid of!
When we got back to Ye's house, Xiao Liuyue didn't dare to settle accounts with us even though Xiao Liuyue had a hundred courage!
As for this stinky servant girl, she just raped first and then killed! "

The second lady stared at Linglong coldly, then said to the group of men in black underneath,

"This girl will be given to you, and she will be killed when she is done playing."

Hearing this order, the man in black showed **** on all his faces.

They have been busy for so long, and they finally encountered something good. This little girl looks so juicy, and the taste must be wonderful.

Several people dragged Linglong aside, and each of them was like a wolf like a tiger, vying for who would be the first.

"I'll come first, she's the one I took a fancy to first!"

"Fart! Obviously I was the first to see it!"

"That...have you noticed that this maid looks familiar..." A sharp-eyed man in black suddenly said such a sentence.

The rest of the men in black froze for a moment, but they hadn't reacted——

"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

There were five loud noises outside the door, and the men in black were frightened out of their wits!
"What's going on? Could it be that the Luo family is here again?" The second lady was also startled by the sudden explosion. She looked around nervously, her body trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of the second lady.

Liu Yue wore a red dress, her expression was cold, and her black hair was flying, like Shura who had just stepped out of hell, carrying an unprecedented chill, powerful and arrogant.

Seeing Liuyue's appearance, the second lady screamed in fright, "Ahhh—"

(End of this chapter)

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