black cute magician

Chapter 733 The Bond Between Pride and Moon

Chapter 733 The Bond Between Pride and Moon
The black shadow was getting closer and closer, Liuyue was busy eating, so she didn't notice it.

However, Liu Yue didn't notice it, which doesn't mean Jian Ling and Jiu Ye didn't notice it either.

Especially the sword spirit, it reacted the most violently, jumped out and shouted loudly,
"Master be careful!"

When Liuyue heard this, she immediately put down the pastry, and dozens of blasting talismans were thrown out instantly, surrounding the surroundings to form a solid protective circle.

Seeing Liuyue's reaction, the black shadow no longer held back his breath, but Liuyue said with a smile,

"Yue'er, why do you eat alone, there are delicious things, and you don't even think about being a husband."

Hearing this, Liu Yue relaxed her guard a little, then patted her chest, and couldn't help complaining,

"Ao, why didn't you say hello when you came, I thought someone was sneaking up."

"The City Lord's Mansion is the site of the deity, and it is heavily guarded. Who dares to attack?"

"That's true."

Liuyue smiled, then took a small piece of pastry, and personally delivered it to the other party's mouth, with a gentle voice,

"This is Linglong's new pastry, it's delicious, try it."


Duguao was fed by Liuyue himself, his body was a little stiff, his eyes were a bit complicated, but overall he was very happy.

He ate all the pastries, and then praised,


"Okay, then eat another piece."

Liu Yue feeds again.

But this time, as soon as Dugu Ao ate the pastry, Liu Yue immediately made a move!

Taking advantage of the opponent not paying attention, Liu Yue put the Lingxu sword on the opponent's neck on the spot.

As long as she moves one more point, the opponent's head will most likely fall to the ground!
"Yue'er, what are you doing?"

"Dugu Ao" opened his mouth in doubt, with a bit of grievance on his face.

Liu Yue gave this person a cold look, and said without any emotion in her tone,
"Qin Lie, stop pretending, I know it's you."

"Hehe, it's revealed so soon."

Qin Lie resumed his original voice, and removed the human skin-mask on his face by the way, his expression showed no embarrassment, but asked curiously,

"Yue, my disguise is perfect, right? How did you find out?"

"Intuitively, Ao never appears in such a weird way.

Just now you appeared behind me inexplicably, and I started to doubt it.

When feeding the pastry later, your stiffness betrayed you. When Ao encounters this situation, it will definitely not be your reaction. "

Liu Yue analyzed rationally, her eyes were serious and firm.

Qin Lie had nothing to say.

The reason why he appeared like this tonight is purely to see how deep the bond between Yue and Duguao is.

After getting the result now, his mood is more complicated.

Thinking of this, he sighed lightly, and then continued,

"Okay, this is my wish, now that it's fulfilled, you can let go."

"It's okay for me to let go, but you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't be so boring in the future, just do it yourself."

Liu Yue withdrew her sword coldly, took away the remaining cakes, and strode away from Qinyue Pavilion.

The hustle and bustle of tonight has settled down.


The next day.

Clear sky.

Everyone gathered in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion to discuss the next itinerary.

Murong Bai only had eight days left, and during these eight days, they had to get the antidote.

As an intelligence expert, Yi Xiaoxing gave full play to his expertise at this time and explained to everyone,

"As far as I know, only the owner of the Ye family has the antidote to the poison specially prepared by the Ye family.

Therefore, if we want to detoxify Murong Bai, we have to go to the Ye family to find out.

Coincidentally, the Zhongzhou event is also held at Ye's house. While we are looking for an antidote, we can also destroy the Zhongzhou event and give them a hard blow!

This strategy is simply killing two birds with one stone! "

After Yi Xiaoxing said the plan, everyone began to think about how feasible it was.

Only Chu Tianjiao, as always, challenged the board,

"Miss Yi, I heard that your Yi family is one of the important members of this grand event in Zhongzhou.

You let us go to Yecheng, do you really want to help?
Or do you have another plan? "

"Chu Tianjiao, what do you mean? Since I have already joined Aoyue City, I naturally have nothing to do with the Yi family!

Do you think everyone is as narrow-minded as you?

Families are important, but I think that following the Lord of the Night Palace has a better future, understand? "

"don't know."

"Then you shut up!"

"Not closed."


"Don't go away~"


Seeing that Yi Xiaoxing and Chu Tianjiao were getting more and more noisy, it was time to turn a discussion meeting into a noisy meeting between the two.

Duguao finally uttered a voice to stop him, with a low voice, domineering as always, saying,

"The deity agrees to go to Yecheng.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't get a tiger cub. You want to find the antidote and destroy the Zhongzhou event.

You must go to Yecheng to try it.

Maybe, we can still seize the opportunity and take the initiative in the next war. "

"Haha, you can have this! I agree!
Anyway, I don't have much time, so I might as well take a gamble.

With my ability as the ninth most beautiful man in the world, a mere Yecheng is nothing to worry about! "

Murong Bai supported Duguao as always, and stood on Duguao's side.

Of course, besides this, he has no other choice.

Seeing that Duguao had already made up his mind, everyone basically reached an agreement and agreed to go to Yecheng.

After that, it was all kinds of forged identities, disguised makeup, and arranged itineraries.

After finishing for about three hours, in the afternoon, everyone went to the Lingxu sword, ready to leave with the sword.

If you use the Lingxu Sword, it only takes one day to travel from Aoyue City to Ye City.

Murong Bai's time is running out, so everyone dare not be careless.

At the gate of the city, Liuyue said goodbye to her mother, Jiang Hehuhai, and Senior Sister Yun, and started a new adventure again.

As Liu Yue's mother, Xiao Qin is very worried about her daughter's safety, but unfortunately she is too weak to go with her.

Otherwise, she really wants to set off with Liuyue!
"Yue'er, if there is any danger on your trip, don't be brave, go back early, mother will wait for your news."

Xiao Qin held Liu Yue's hand, her eyes full of nostalgia.

Liu Yue nodded and responded with a smile,
"Mother, don't worry, Yue'er will be back soon."

"Boss, we want to go too, so you can take us with you, we will never cause you any trouble."

On behalf of Jiang He Hu Hai, Gu Hai begged Liu Yue to bring them along.

Liu Yue shook her head with a smile, patted Gu Hai's shoulder and said,
"It's not that I won't take you, but this mission is very dangerous. The Ye family is a family of killers, and everyone is a killer, no different than the Xiao and Feng families.

You guard Aoyue City well, I will be back after a while, very soon. "

"All right……"

Gu Hai reluctantly nodded.

In the end, it was Murong Bai who separated from Murong Xiong and others.

"Son, come back soon."

Murong Xiong's identity is sensitive, so he can't go with everyone.

As for Murong Yan and Murong Xue, they were injured, and they were afraid that they would get in the way, so they were temporarily placed under house arrest in the City Lord's Mansion.

After everyone has said goodbye.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone set off on time!
(End of this chapter)

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