black cute magician

Chapter 738 Do you want to take advantage of my mother?

Chapter 738 Do you want to take advantage of my mother?

The powder doesn't do much either.

Just when the attack occurs, the whole body will feel uncomfortable and itchy, and the more you scratch, the more itchy, and finally the skin will fester and you will lose your energy.

As for the lasting effect, it will only take two or three months.

"Pfft—Master, you are so poisonous!"

The sword spirit couldn't help laughing, he just felt that his master was getting more and more terrifying.


it likes!
To deal with a self-righteous and annoying guy like Yi Feifei, you have to be so ruthless!

Dare to provoke the master, this is the end!
"Girl, this matter is over, please—"

Liuyue made a "please" gesture to Yi Feifei, expressing that she didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

Seeing this, Yi Feifei thought that Liuyue was afraid of her, so she raised her chin even higher, and she was so embarrassed!
She held her head high and strode forward.

However, when passing by Chu Tianjiao, Chu Tianjiao resumed his old business and quietly stole Yi Feifei's storage ring.

After the ring was brought, although Chu Tianjiao couldn't open it, at least it could make Yi Feifei sick for a while.

Let this girl be arrogant and dare to hit Yi Xiaoxing!

That woman, only he can bully!
Yi Feifei didn't know it at all, because she was too arrogant, so she was poisoned and her storage was stolen directly.

When she left, she just felt itchy and scratched her body gently.

Seeing Yi Feifei's move, Liuyue's lips curled into a smile, and her mood immediately improved.

She was looking forward to what this arrogant lady would look like the next time they met.

But before that, she had to find a place to stay.

"Okay guys, we should go.

Mr. Beitang, there will be a date later! "

Liu Yue cut the mess quickly, and didn't want to be the target of public criticism anymore, so she bid farewell to Bei Tangyao quickly, and then left the lively market with Dugu Ao and others.

Looking at the backs of Liu Yue and the others, Bei Tangyao felt a little bit reluctant in his heart, and couldn't tell why.

Considering that he still has a family mission, Bei Tangyao didn't think too much about it, and then quickly went to the market.

after that.

Liu Yue and the others decided to find an inn to settle down first, and then discuss finding Jiedu Pill.

However, because the Zhongzhou Grand Festival is about to start, the entire Yecheng is overcrowded, regardless of the size of the inn, all are full.

Until the evening, no one could find a place to live.

This is embarrassing.

"Brother Dugu, are we going to sleep on the street tonight?"

Murong Bai had a bitter face, and his mood was so depressed.

Linglong pulled Murong Bai, signaling him not to transmit negative energy,

"With my sister here, I will definitely not sleep on the street, so don't worry."

Seeing Linglong's confidence in herself, Liuyue couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. To be honest, she really didn't know what to do.

After all, she doesn't know space magic skills, so she can open up an independent space for everyone to stay.

Alas, what to do?
In the end how to do?
Just as Liuyue was thinking left and right, racking her brains, she suddenly thought of a "good place", maybe she could rest!

She excitedly stood at the front, face to face with everyone, her small face was a little bit bright,

"Everyone, it's going to be dark soon, and the major inns won't be able to accommodate you.

Why not—

Let's go to the brothel! "




Murong Bai, Qin Lie, and Ye Yao looked at Liu Yue in shock at the same time, their eyes were unbelievable!
"Brother Dugu, hurry up and take care of sister-in-law, your backyard is about to catch fire, and you actually encouraged us to go to the brothel."

Murong Bai waved his fan and started laughing and joking.

Liu Yue touched her chin and said very seriously,
"I was serious!

The inns in Yecheng are all owned by the Ye family, and there is a rule that first come, first served.

No matter how much money we paid, they would not take us in.

If that's the case, let's sleep somewhere else.

And inside the brothel, fish and eyes are mixed, there must be a lot of gossip, and there may be unexpected gains. "

"Hey, good! I support Liu Yue!
But if you go to the brothel, I want the men's house. I don't know if the beautiful men in Yecheng are different from other places. "

Yi Xiaoxing was the first to agree, with a more excited expression than Liu Yue.

Dugu Ao heard the words, immediately frowned, pulled Liu Yue and said in a cold voice,
"Don't go!"

"But if we don't go, where will we live?"

Moonlight shrugged.

Duguao, at this point, it seems that he can only show his cards.
"Come with me, the Dark Night Palace is located in Yecheng, and there is a very secret force.

I didn't go there today because I didn't want to be discovered. Now it seems that I have to go. "

"Damn! Brother Dugu, the Dark Night Palace actually has power in Yecheng, why didn't I know? You even kept it from me!"

Murong Bai opened it with a "snap" and fanned vigorously, his expression was excited and happy.

Duguao lowered his voice,

"This force is very secretive, and I didn't want to expose it.

Let's go. "

After Duguao finished speaking, he began to lead the way ahead.

Not long after, everyone came to a very tall inn.

The name of this inn is very interesting, with a single name of "choke", there are seven floors in total, and each place is brightly lit.

"The trade in Yecheng is very closed, and 90.00% of the industries in it are under the name of the Ye family.

This inn is one of the very few existences, and it has been watched by the Ye family. If we live here, we will easily run into trouble.

But now there is no way, let's make do for now. "

Duguao didn't finish what he said.

They lived in it today, which means that after that, the inn will become an empty building.

And the influence of the Dark Night Palace in Yecheng will also disappear completely.

After all, Yecheng is too small a place, and the Ye family will definitely have doubts in the future, and throwing their pawns to save the car is also a last resort.

Just like that, Duguao led the crowd into the inn.

The inn steward saw a few mercenaries wanting to stay in the inn, so he wanted to subconsciously refuse, saying that the inn was full.

But the mercenary leader "Dugu Ao", after taking out a token, he immediately changed his face, and then quickly ran to find the shopkeeper.

Soon, the shopkeeper with a fat head and big ears ran from upstairs, walked to the counter, and received everyone in person.

"Guest officers, you are lucky. There are still four rooms in the store. I will take you there."

"Well, please trouble shopkeeper."

Dugu Ao knew that "Ye Inn" had been monitored by Ye's family all the time, so he didn't say anything, and planned to go back to his room first.

In this way, the shopkeeper took everyone to the sixth floor. These four rooms are all next to each other, and each room can accommodate two people.

After the shopkeeper explained some things, he turned and left, letting Duguao and others choose the room by themselves.

First of all, Duguao and Liuyue, these two must be together.

Seeing this, Murong Bai couldn't help but carry Linglong to the second room.

Ye Yao and Qin Lie, the two single nobles, had a tacit understanding recently, so they chose the third room without hesitation.

In the end, Yi Xiaoxing and Chu Tianjiao were left. The two couldn't get used to each other, and the scene was quite grim.

After arriving in the room, Yi Xiaoxing said directly with a cold face,

"Tonight I'll sleep on the bed, you sleep on the floor."

"No, I never sleep on the floor!"

Chu Tianjiao firmly refused.

Yi Xiaoxing twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help asking,
"What? You want to take advantage of my mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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