black cute magician

Chapter 776 The Mystery of Bei Tangyao's Life Experience

Chapter 776 The Mystery of Bei Tangyao's Life Experience

"Well, there is indeed something I want to talk to you about.

In this grand meeting in Zhongzhou, Xuanlingzong joined forces with Long Family and Ye Family to attack Aoyue City and snatch the rich resources there.

I know that your Beitang family is a business family, and you have always disliked participating in wars and seizing people's land.

But there are some things, no matter how you escape, you can't escape.

However, which way to escape is a very important direction.

So, I would like to ask you to think about it and join us in Aoyue City.

The conditions that Xuanlingzong can give, we can also give in Aoyue City.

More importantly, we are friends, and I don't want to fight with you. "

Seeing that Beitangyao was so direct, Liuyue stopped beating around the bush and told Beitangyao her willingness to cooperate.

Bei Tangyao was depressed by the Ye family last time. The other party was in his territory and blatantly violated the rules. He was already very dissatisfied with the Ye family.

This time, Liuyue took the initiative to cooperate, and of course he would not refuse.

But this matter involves a lot, and he can't make the decision at the moment, so he can only whisper,
"Well, I'll write to my father as soon as possible, and have a good talk with him about it.

Ah Yue, I'm sorry I can't reply to you right away. "

"It's okay, there is still time anyway, don't worry."

Liuyue smiled heartily, she never expected to succeed once, she originally thought that Bei Tangyao would only consider it if she had to explain a lot of reasoning.

Unexpectedly, this guy agreed so easily, it really saved her a lot of trouble!

No matter what the result of this matter is, Liu Yue is already very happy to have this result.

At least in Bei Tangyao's heart, they are still friends, friends who can support each other!
"Ah Yue, you have changed a lot this year."

Maybe there is no topic, Bei Tangyao suddenly brought up this question.

Liuyue was refreshed, and looked at her body, she had indeed grown a lot taller, matured a lot, and her strength was stronger than before.

However, this is a good thing.

"Ayao, you have changed a lot, I remember when I first met you in Qinglong Empire, you pretended to be thirteen with me for a long time, and kept asking me various questions.

After it was over, he gave me some kind of fee, it seemed to be a breakup fee or something, oops, it's been too long, I almost forgot about it. "

"Well, this incident is indeed very interesting. I was young and ignorant at the time..."

Bei Tangyao forced a smile, but his mood was actually very bitter.

Back then, if he had realized his heart earlier, he would have pursued Ah Yue earlier.

Maybe now, he is the one who is with Ah Yue.

Zhan Qianxian only calculated that Ah Yue was his marriage calamity, but he didn't figure out how he could break this calamity, maybe... he would never be able to break it.

The more Bei Tangyao thought about it, the more bitter he felt.

But on the surface, he still maintains a modest smile, with a personable appearance, gentle like a prince in a fairy tale.

However, smiling and laughing, Bei Tangyao suddenly felt a pain in his heart, his whole body was a little unsteady, and he almost fell to the ground!
"Ayao! What's wrong with you?!"

Liuyue is happy, and the cooperation between Beitang's family has been negotiated in sevens and eighties.

Unexpectedly, Bei Tangyao had an accident suddenly. With the expression just now, she almost thought that Bei Tangyao was going to die suddenly.

It's just worrying!
"I'm fine. I've got an old problem. Drink more water and rest for a while and I'll be fine."

Bei Tangyao smiled faintly, reached out to get a cup, and poured himself a glass of water.

But as soon as I got the cup, before I could hold it firmly, the cup slipped from my hand, fell on the table, and fell to the ground!

There was the sound of shattering porcelain pieces, which was especially strange in the quiet private room.

Liuyue couldn't help but frown, she used her only medical skills to hold Beitangyao's pulse and check Beitangyao's physical condition.

After checking, she found that Bei Tangyao's health was very bad!

To be exact, it was terrible to the extreme!

The heart pulse is weak, the heartbeat is very slow, and the blood circulation does not circulate... If it wasn't for Bei Tangyao's strong strength as a support.

I'm afraid by now, this guy has already met Hades!
"Ayao, tell me the truth, what's going on with your body? I thought there was a problem before.

Why is your hair golden, which is different from ordinary people.

Could this be the cause of your illness? "

Liuyue's eyes were only concerned and worried, without any contempt or disgust.

She really regards Bei Tangyao as a friend, so she must not watch Beitangyao have an accident.

Hearing Liuyue's words, Bei Tangyao felt a little more warmth in his heart, he thought, Ayue should be one of the warmths he holds dear in this world.

Maybe there's something he can tell her.

It can be regarded as making yourself feel better.

"Ah Yue, have you heard of the Jinmai clan?"

Bei Tangyao's voice was very low, as if it came from far away.

Liuyue listened quietly, shaking her head to express that she didn't know.

Bei Tangyao smiled faintly, then raised his head, his gaze drifted into the distance, with a trace of indescribable yearning.

"The Jinmai family originated from the Demon Realm Continent.

More than twenty years ago, the demons invaded Xuanling Continent, and at that time, the Jinmai clan was also oppressed by the demons.

My mother was pregnant with me at the time, riding the chaos, she came out from the teleportation port and came to Xuanling Continent.

In order to avoid being chased and killed, she married my father, because the Jin clan's pregnancy time is longer than that of the human clan.

So, my month of birth was not in doubt.

In addition, my mother was originally blond, and I was his son, so everyone didn't do anything other than dislike me.

Later, when I grew up, my mother gradually became weaker because she had been away from the Jin family for a long time.

Before she left, she told me the truth.

When I learned all this, I just felt that my life was just a joke..."

Bei Tangyao smiled wryly, and he told Liu Yue all his secrets.

Liuyue listened quietly and gave Bei Tangyao hope with her eyes.

No matter what race he is, no matter where he comes from, in Xiao Liuyue's heart, Bei Tangyao will always be her best friend!

However, Liuyue didn't hear what was going on with Bei Tangyao's body after hearing the last one.

So she couldn't help but ask,
"Ayao, you are from the Jin clan, so your blood should be very strong, why is your physique still so weak?"

"People of the Jin clan, when they become adults at the age of 20, need to go to the realm of the clan to receive experience and drink the water of the Golden God before they can truly become adults.

If you don't drink the divine water, you will be eliminated naturally and gradually lose your life.

The strong survive and the weak die, this is the rule of the Jin clan that has lasted for thousands of years.

It's a pity that I'm in the Xuanling Continent, and the entrance to the demon world has been closed again, so I can't go back for the time being...

Perhaps, this is my fate..."

At the end of Bei Tangyao's speech, he felt a sense of relief.

After so many tortures, he has actually taken a lot of light on how long he can live.

If at the end of life, the person you love the most can be by your side, then it can be regarded as death without regret.

Seeing Bei Tangyao being so negative, Liu Yue was very anxious in her heart, she couldn't help persuading,

"Ayao, don't worry, Ao and I will go to the Demon Realm soon!

When the time comes, we will accompany you to find the Jin family and let you drink the magic water, and you will be fine! "

"Well, thank you..."

For Liuyue's words, Beitang Yaoquan took it as comfort, but did not take it seriously.

Liu Yue will not say any more, she will prove with her actions that she will definitely be able to save Bei Tangyao!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yue suddenly thought of Lord Jiu, and then asked secretly,

"Master Jiu, do you know how to open the entrance to the Demon Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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