black cute magician

Chapter 785 Thief, what did you do to me?

Chapter 785 Thief, what did you do to me?
With a loud "bang", it exploded in the prison!

The top of Ye Kui's head was hit straight, and blood flowed from his head immediately, which was horrible.

Although he was seriously injured, Ye Kui was worthy of being the second killer of the Ye family. He covered his head with one hand and clenched his fist with the other, attacking the attacker behind him!
Yi Xiaoxing took this opportunity to quickly get out of control, move his body to the side, and look at the person who saved her just now.

This person is none other than Chu Tianjiao!

At this time, Chu Tianjiao was wrestling with Ye Kui. He held an iron rod and knocked Ye Kui's head every time, as if he wanted to smash Ye Kui's head to pieces.

In just a few strokes, Ye Kui's head won the lottery again.

The blood all over his face looked disgusting and oozing, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjiao couldn't help but sneer,

"I didn't expect the second killer of the Ye family to be nothing more than that."

"Damn you brat, you were the one who attacked me first, otherwise you would have died long ago!"

Ye Kui was completely enraged, and his attacks became more and more ruthless, but because of his head injury, his movements were still slower than usual.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Tianjiao found opportunities again and again.

"Bang bang—"

"Bang bang—"

"Bang bang—"

Chu Tianjiao kept smashing Ye Kui's head like smashing a watermelon, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, alarming the guards outside.

The guards came in following the smell of blood. They thought Yi Xiaoxing was about to die, but the injured person was Ye Kui!

And in the prison, a strange man unexpectedly appeared out of thin air!
"Save Lord Ye Kui quickly! Take him down!"


The guards set off one after another and directly attacked Chu Tianjiao.

As for Ye Kui, he was carried down.

Chu Tianjiao had more than one enemy, so he was naturally not an opponent. After fighting for a while, he put down his weapon and surrendered, and said with a smile,

"Just like this girl, I am also here to be a sacrifice. Instead of killing me now, why don't we sacrifice together tomorrow. It happens to be an even number, and it will be auspicious."

The guards were slightly surprised when they heard Chu Tianjiao's words, it was the first time they had seen someone so willing to die.

What is the origin of this jailbreaker?

Soon, the senior members of the Ye family also came.

They recognized Chu Tianjiao's identity, knew that Chu Tianjiao was from Aoyue City, and they wanted to intimidate Aoyue City better tomorrow and boost the morale of the Zhongzhou Grand Meeting.

The senior members of the Ye family decided to save Chu Tianjiao's life for the time being, and send him on his way tomorrow!

"Come here, take a good look at this place, don't allow anyone to disturb you!
Otherwise, kill without mercy! "

The senior members of the Ye family put down these words, then turned and left.

When the guards heard the words, they all looked serious and stood guard at the prison door.

In this way, Yi Xiaoxing and Chu Tianjiao were locked together smoothly, and the two lovers who were happy were in the same frame again.

But this time, they didn't quarrel, and the atmosphere was even a little silent.

After a long time, Yi Xiaoxing whispered,
"Thank you for saving me just now."

"You don't have to thank me, anyway, the young master didn't do it voluntarily. Tonight, I drew lots to rob the prison, and accidentally got the young master. Otherwise, the young master wouldn't care about you."

"Really? I was quite grateful to you just now. After hearing your words, all gratitude is gone!"

"Whatever! If you are grateful to the young master, the young master is not used to it yet!"

Chu Tianjiao made up a lie at will, just not to tell his true thoughts.

In fact, he sneaked in to check the situation because he was worried.

Fortunately he came, otherwise Ye Kui's poison must have entered Yi Xiaoxing's stomach.The Yi Xiaoxing they saw tomorrow was probably just a dead body.

All of this is really God's will...

"Chu Tianjiao—"

Yi Xiaoxing spoke suddenly, but only called out his name, and did not say the following words.

Hearing half of what Chu Tianjiao said, he felt very upset, so he asked,

"What's the matter? The young master is going to sleep soon, so hurry up and say something."

Seeing Chu Tianjiao's bad attitude, Yi Xiaoxing twitched the corners of his mouth, but finally held back and asked in a low voice,
"Tomorrow we will be sacrificed alive, aren't you afraid?"

"Of course not, there are brother Dugu and Miss Xiao, don't worry, they will come to save us.

Besides, I don't want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day as you. "

"Pfft—you can't say something nice."

Yi Xiaoxing couldn't help laughing out loud, especially the phrase "died on the same day in the same year and the same month", coupled with the current prison environment, it somehow fits well.

"Sounds good? What do you want to hear? Young master never bothers to coax women!"

Chu Tianjiao had a macho attitude, but his eyes quietly glanced at Yi Xiaoxing to see if Yi Xiaoxing was angry.

Perhaps because of the prison training these days, Yi Xiaoxing has matured a lot. She no longer quarreled with Chu Tianjiao, but said lightly,

"Okay, forget it if you don't want to say it, I'll go to sleep first."

After saying this, Yi Xiaoxing leaned against the wall, closed his eyes slightly, adjusted his breathing, and prepared to fall asleep.

After a while, Yi Xiaoxing fell asleep.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjiao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, feeling rather depressed in his heart.

Did something go wrong?
He risked his life to save this girl, but this girl fell asleep like this. Is this the attitude towards a lifesaver?
What's wrong with her saying a few more words? If the rescue plan fails tomorrow, tonight will be his last night!

"Hey, Yi Xiaoxing, don't sleep, talk to the young master again..."

Chu Tianjiao leaned close to Yi Xiaoxing and called out in a low voice, hoping that Yi Xiaoxing could wake up.

However, no matter what he said, Yi Xiaoxing just didn't wake up.

Chu Tianjiao had no choice but to let out a long sigh, and then slowly fell asleep.

The next day.

When the first ray of sunlight shines through the small window into the dungeon.

Yi Xiaoxing was lying on Chu Tianjiao's body. She found a very comfortable position and slept very peacefully.

Chu Tianjiao woke up and saw this scene, the corners of his mouth kept shaking, and he shouted with disgust,

"Hey, Yi, wake up quickly! Wake up!"

Yi Xiaoxing was awakened by this voice, she opened her eyes in a daze, and found herself lying on Chu Tianjiao's body in an extremely ambiguous posture.

It's a dream!
This must be a dream!
Just when Yi Xiaoxing pinched her thigh hard, and the severe pain came, she immediately pulled out and jumped up, shouting loudly,
"Stinky thief! Did you do something to me?"

"Miss Yi, please make it clear that I am the one who is eating tofu! It is you lying on top of me, not me lying on top of you!
It's like this every time, wronging a good person, wronging a good person! "

Chu Tianjiao lamented loudly, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Yi Xiaoxing turned his head and looked a little flustered. After a while, he reluctantly said,
"I... I like sleepwalking when I sleep.

That... I didn't mean to.

I was wrong this time, I'm going to die today anyway, so let's forget about it. "

When Chu Tianjiao heard the word "forget it", the corners of his lips curled up in amusement, and his voice was somewhat cynical,
"Then what if we don't die, how can you compensate the young master?"

(End of this chapter)

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