Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 424, the real feeling of being alive

Chapter 424, the real feeling of being alive


After getting off the roller coaster, Wu Xiaofeng vomited next to the trash can
"Wow, you're really not that exaggerated, are you? It's just a roller coaster, but you still call yourself a man." Fang Qianlian looked at Wu Xiaofeng with concern, her face was also a little pale, but she wasn't as exaggerated as Wu Xiaofeng.

Wu Xiaofeng waved his hand to show that there was no problem. He just smiled wryly and said, "Well, I just ate too much at noon, and I also got the familiar feeling of being too excited. I did ride a roller coaster, and that was the time."

"It's fine." Seeing that Wu Xiaofeng was fine, Fang Qianlian didn't bother to care about Wu Xiaofeng's daydreams, but said with lingering fear and some joy: "The roller coaster is really super fun. The moment I just sprinted down, I felt like I was alive." .”

"The real feeling of being alive."

Wu Xiaofeng collapsed on the bench and said excitedly.

"She also said this sentence, and Yuexiang also said this sentence, I can be sure now, that day I really came to this amusement park with Yuexiang. I am not dreaming, all this is real of!"

Seeing Wu Xiaofeng mentioning Yuexiang again, Fang Qianlian was furious, and said, "I said that you imagined it, why don't you believe it?"

"It's true, I'm not delusional!" Wu Xiaofeng didn't care about Fang Qianlian's dissuasion. He turned around and looked at Li Yun and said, "Master, do you think everything I've experienced is real or fake?" ? Can you tell me the real answer."

"Fortunately, you are still a college student. You actually believe in this kind of thing, so you can't wake up and face the reality. Is it so difficult to admit that you are wrong?" Fang Qianlian said helplessly, seeing Wu Xiaofeng a little angry, she still turned to look Looking at Li Yun, he said, "What kind of medicine did you give Xiaofeng? He became so strange when you came here. He almost didn't believe it."

The more Fang Qianlian thought about it, the more angry she became, and when she was about to continue venting her anger, a sense of tranquility came over her.
"Layman, stay safe and don't be impatient. The fire will hurt your body. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter now. The trip to the amusement park is the time of the two of you, isn't it?" The rising anger was forcibly dissipated.

At this time, Li Yun smiled at Wu Xiaofeng and said, "Just riding a roller coaster is not enough. Your itinerary should also include a snack bar, a circus, a carousel, and a Ferris wheel in order."

When Wu Xiaofeng heard the words, he immediately figured it out. This was the flow of playing with Yuexiang that day. After a moment of silence, he finally nodded.

"Master, although I don't know what you want to do, I still want to thank you. It reminds me of this day, and the little things with Yuexiang. These are real things that happened."

Fang Qianlian next to her looked at Li Yun and didn't say anything, she just felt that Li Yun's assist was excellent.

I am very happy to think that we can visit so many projects together.

Looking at the backs of Fang Qianlian and Wu Xiaofeng, Li Yun said: "Brother Bai, tell me, what will happen to her kind of half-finished spirit after breaking through."

Bai Chen froze for a moment and said.

"You will never be able to reincarnate, and the spirit sea is equivalent to the [soul] of the spirit. Without the soul, the spirit does not even have the ability to maintain self-awareness. What did she do? But since the half-finished spirit sea is broken, then In fact, there is not much research value, such things with a little consciousness are everywhere, not to mention, in this case, we have no way to investigate."

"Causal cycle, origin and extinction, sometimes a small thought can also become a bridge connecting the two sides. The deeper the memory, the deeper the entanglement"

Li Yun stood up with a smile, and followed behind Wu Xiaofeng and Fang Qianlian.

Wu Xiaofeng and Fang Qianlian visited all the next rides as planned. Every time they visited an additional ride, the scenes in front of Wu Xiaofeng would overlap a bit more, and the memories would come up a little bit.

Bit by bit of memories, countless scenes overlap together.

At this moment, Fang Qianlian's mood also became overjoyed, and she walked up and down, just like a little girl who fell in love for the first time. In a good mood, she also asked: "Xiaofeng, tell me, what happened that month?" Xiang, what kind of person is it?"

Fang Qianlian thought, she can also listen to Wu Xiaofeng's thoughts, even if it is an imaginary girlfriend, there must be something likable about it, it's fine if she goes in that direction
"She, how should I put it, in the game, she is a girl who loves to laugh and is extremely possessive. She protects the protagonist under her smiling face, that is, the male protagonist who is as useless as me in the game. But, If you choose the wrong option, you will end up with a hatchet or something." Wu Xiaofeng licked the ice cream and said, "In reality, she is a gentle girl, very, very gentle, just like a perfect good girl. like a wife."

Faced with Wu Xiaofeng's description, Fang Qianlian took a sip of juice and muttered.

"If there is such a perfect girl, how could she fall in love with you? It's impossible."

"Cut, you're blackmailing me again." Wu Xiaofeng was used to it, looked at the scenery at dusk, and said, "Okay, let's go to the last ride, the Ferris wheel."

Fang Qianlian became full of interest again, and her tired mood was forgotten. The Ferris wheel can be said to be the first thing a girl wants to visit.

"Let's go, let's go ride the Ferris wheel." Fang Qianlian was a little impatient, and hurriedly dragged Wu Xiaofeng to walk.

At this time, many people were no longer in the amusement park. After eating, many people went to eat. There were only two or three kittens at the party in the whole Ferris wheel, and soon the two of them lined up in the queue.


Fang Qianlian felt that she was jumping wildly now, and was finally able to enter the Ferris wheel.
"Let's go in"

The two went in and sat down, Fang Qianlian lay on the glass cover like a child, looking out the window with bright eyes, the ferris wheel began to rotate slowly, pulling them higher and higher.

"What a nice view."

The position of the Ferris wheel was pulled to the highest position, Wu Xiaofeng quietly admired the scenery at dusk, and said seriously.

"Thank you, Xiaolian."

"Thank you, what am I doing?" Fang Qianlian was not used to Wu Xiaofeng's way of speaking.

"Thank you for listening to what I have to say. Listen to what I have to say. But, I really want to see her and see Yuexiang again."

Please, let me see her again—

Wu Xiaofeng's heartfelt prayer
A little twine with red ends connects heart to heart.

One heart is in reality, and one heart is in the void at the other end of the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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