Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 432, go further and further

Chapter 432, go further and further

Under the flyover—

A moment of silence filled the surroundings of the three of them, especially Liu Lan, who couldn't stop puffing and puffing cigarettes, one after another, the whole person's depression was written on his face, with a violent and helpless expression. The appearance of being able to vent everywhere made the two grown-up brothers a little uncomfortable.

"Zhang Ye, why are we so depressed this time?" The blue-haired man looked at the white-haired young man and said depressedly, "I, Ye Cheng, was also the school's top bully back then, so why did I get overwhelmed by that bastard?"

Zhang Ye glanced at Lan Mao, then looked at Liu Lan hesitantly and said.

"Boss, tell me, how do you say that? They have a lot of people."

"Damn it, those bastards, the more people there are, the more important it is." Liu Lan threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stomped it down hard, as if this could trample to death the non-mainstream group just now, and said angrily: "Obviously I First came."

The two younger brothers didn't dare to say anything, they just complained in their hearts that the three of them used to rely on the number of people to grab other people's positions, but today they were killed by someone maliciously.
"Who told them how old they are? If we really fight, we will really suffer. Forget it, it's just a change of position. Where do we hang out, right?" Ye Cheng also looked depressed. Leaning against the wall by the side of the road, smoking a cigarette depressedly, but as he said that, his expression when looking at his boss Liu Lan also changed a little, and he didn't have the feeling of looking at the invincible boss before.

Liu Lan felt the change in the younger brother's tone.He frowned and said.

"Don't tell me, that guy is really ruthless. I heard that he beat the gangsters in the same block to death a few years ago. Because he was underage, he went in and squatted for a few years and came out. He became a bully in the block. Everyone Afraid of him, he's the king of the block right now."

Hearing this, the eyes of Lanmao Yecheng and Baimao Zhangye were a little dumbfounded. The gangster who beat people to death, this damn is not a gangster, he is a criminal.
To put it bluntly, the gangster is just a bit of a jobless vagrant. Ye Cheng and Zhang Ye looked at each other and felt lucky that they didn't provoke this criminal.

"That's just what I heard, maybe it's just something he spread to bluff people, who knows if it's true or not, but it's true that he fights well, and we didn't provoke them, right?" Ye Cheng also hurriedly Comfort yourself and say.

"It's good to be underage. You don't have to go to jail if you kill someone. It's true." Zhang Ye swallowed his saliva and said, "It seems that we have to hide far away, otherwise if this lunatic becomes crazy and beats us What should we do if we die, we have saved our life, it is really wise to leave."

"Even if he killed someone before, he won't kill anyone again now. You must know that he is an adult now. If he kills someone now, he may be shot. He is not a fool, no Will make this loss-making business." Liu Lan threw another cigarette butt on the ground, as if thinking about something in her mind.

After thinking for a while, Liu Lan stood up and began to walk back and forth, looking at the pedestrians passing by with a probing expression on her face. Under the overpass, there were many homeless people and some people who picked up waste. People are not afraid of their eyes like those people in the alley, but they are doing their own things like no one else.

In Liu Lan's words, they are also barefoot, who is not sure who is afraid.

"What are you looking at, stupid//forceful." A beggar who scavenged waste looked at Liu Lan's eyes and scolded with displeasure.

Facing the beggar, Liu Lan didn't say anything, but silently looked away.

The crippled beggar looked at Liu Lan and said with a sneer, "Little pen boy, he is wearing crotch pants, and he is acting like a gangster, and he doesn't care how much he weighs."

After speaking, the crippled beggar scratched and picked a lump of booger and casually flicked towards Liu Lan, found a shady place to lie down and began to take a nap.

Zhang Ye on the side said quietly.

"I know the beggar. It seems that he gambled to the point of bankruptcy. In the end, he sold his daughter, his wife ran away, and sold everything that could be sold. In the end, he had nothing to beg and pick up garbage. It is difficult to deal with in the circle of beggars. I heard that he is also a part-time job recently, and his lame leg is only because he went too far once, and he is also extremely fierce, so we'd better not mess with him."

Ye Cheng also hurriedly looked away from the lame old beggar, his face full of fear.

Both sides are barefoot, but no matter how you look at it, the lame old beggar is more barefoot!You can do it by touching porcelain and breaking a leg, so what else can't be done?

Liu Lan didn't say much, just looked at the back of the old beggar silently, as if thinking about something, and finally seemed to make up her mind, looking at the lame beggar with malicious intentions.

"Hey, Boss, you're not trying to find fault, I think it's better to forget it, it's okay to fight with children, but we will definitely suffer when we fight with adults." Zhang Ye said hesitantly.

"Aren't you an adult yourself? You just celebrated your 18th birthday a few days ago." Liu Lan gave Zhang Ye a blank look, then murmured, "I thought about it, what are we lacking when compared with that group of people?" .Why are they about the same age, so they can be more evil than us! .But now I understand, compared to them, what I lack. "

"What is it."

"I understand now that our group lacks murderous intent. Although we don't know if their boss really killed someone when he was young, what we can know is that his subordinates all think that he did. Humans, their morale has increased a lot, and we will naturally be afraid when we look at such murderous subordinates." Liu Lan looked at the sleeping lame beggar with an inexplicable look, and sneered: "We are lacking now. It's killing intent."

Hearing Liu Lan's words, both Zhang Ye and Ye Cheng felt a chill in their crotch, and Zhang Ye said in disbelief, "Wait a minute, Liu Lan, what do you want to do?"

"It's not obvious." Liu Lan said lightly.

"Don't, don't do this kind of thing, are you crazy?" Ye Cheng also felt that Liu Lan's idea was too nonsense, and he couldn't believe it: "It's fine to fight and blackmail, you are a real crime , can’t do that.”

"I'm not yet an adult, so what are you afraid of? I need to have a stronger evil spirit than that bastard to calm them down. If you are timid, don't move, just watch me do it." Liu Lan ignored Zhang Ye Ye and Ye Cheng blocked him, and went to the bottom of the bridge, lifted a huge stone, and walked towards the sleeping old beggar.
"You say I'm stupid//Fucking, don't you wear crotch pants?"

(End of this chapter)

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