Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 435, juvenile delinquent

Chapter 435, juvenile delinquent
This group of police officers searched in the mountains, each and every one of them seemed to be facing an enemy, as if they were not facing a minor hooligan, but a vicious terrorist.

However, in Wang Qing's view, this young and ruthless person seems to be no different from a terrorist. The difference is that terrorists can be killed on the spot, but he cannot.

"Tell me, how did this bastard succeed? Most people would hesitate to kill a chicken for the first time." One of the police officers also said in order to relieve the tension: "I can see that scene. The face is all bloody and bloody, I'll go, it's really scary, okay?"

Thinking about the miserable situation of the old beggar just now, except for Wang Qing, the other young police officers all showed uncomfortable expressions, the exposed bridge of the nose, the seeping blood and flesh, and the red liquid all over the floor.
Mentioning a scene, Wang Qing was also a little uncomfortable, but he still forced himself to say: "You are still too young, you are destined to face these things in this position, it's just how much, you should think about it, Find out more about how to deal with similar situations.”

The little police officers around hesitated for a moment and nodded, one of them said: "Actually, we don't really feel disgusted by seeing the disgusting scene, but we feel disgusted by the murderer, you know The suspect is only 17 years old this year, what are we doing when we are 17 years old, we are all studying hard in school and dating seriously, but he did such a thing."

"Well, it makes sense, but there is one thing I want to explain." Wang Qing looked deeply at the little policeman who spoke and said, "You are the one who is in love at the age of 17, but I am 17 years old every day. I'm studying hard and preparing for the college entrance examination, it's not because I failed to confess that I didn't fall in love, don't get me wrong."

"Is this important? We didn't seem to ask." The police officers around complained, it's not appropriate to talk about this topic in such a serious environment.

Wang Qing also answered seriously.

"Very important, very important."

But also because of Wang Qing's answer, the surrounding atmosphere is not so heavy. Although everyone's mood is tense, they don't have the suffocating tension just now.

Seeing this, Wang Qing also smiled slightly. As the boss, he should reconcile the atmosphere in the group. For this reason, he would not hesitate to expose his black history
"Actually, there are quite a few people in this situation." Wang Qing searched and said, "For example, delinquent teenagers have a lot to do with family education and school education. Especially the suspect Liu Lan's family, I know that his parents often work outside and don't care about him. He doesn't like to study personally, and hangs out with some bad people in school. Over time, he has become like this. In fact, when we went to the Juvenile Management Office to exchange and study, we also learned that the vast majority of delinquent teenagers are induced by their families.

Everyone nodded approvingly, and one of the policemen also said.

"I used to be admitted to the police academy from a bad high school. The school ethos problem really had a very big impact on the students. In that environment, everyone's minds were not mature. At that time, people at the top of the school's food chain Who is it? A school bully, a bad boy, but not everyone can be a school bully, a bad boy just needs a guts, at that time, under the influence of this kind of division, he will involuntarily move towards the strong man at that time. The delinquent teenagers get closer and become delinquents. A vicious circle begins.”

"You seem to be very clear. Have you ever been a delinquent boy before? No, you look very gentle." A police officer next to him laughed.

"Of course I have never been a delinquent boy. If I want to be a delinquent boy, how can I get into the police academy and become a policeman? I can't even pass the qualification examination." It’s just harm. I used to be blackmailed by those bastards. There were girls in my class who were raped before. I can’t change anything. Even now, I can’t change anything. What I can do now is to send them to prison. , I hope they can be rehabilitated in prison so that they can start a new life.”

Hearing this, I'm afraid you are a thinner police officer and sneered: "Pull it down, I believe sows will climb trees, and they won't believe that after being reformed, they will go back to vacation and start a new life. I have seen many of these juvenile delinquents, and they can be reformed." There are very few of them, and they often enter the palace second and third, and you can’t do anything to him because of various rules and regulations. Whose parents don’t want their children to be good, these people, parents can’t control them, how can we Can handle it."

However, at this moment, the grass next to him swayed for a while, and the people around became tense, holding the batons tightly in their hands, and looked at the place where the grass swayed.

It may be a suspect. It may also be a beast.

No matter which one it is, it is not safe, especially if the movement is not too small. The police officer next to him swallowed his saliva and whispered: "Such a big movement, could it be a blind man? I heard that this elephant There's an oversized blind one-eyed bear on top of the hill."

"Don't be nervous, we are slowly approaching, maybe it is just an ordinary small animal."

Wang Qing said that he was not nervous, but his little heart was beating non-stop, and he was also afraid that it was the murderer.
When several people approached, a black figure suddenly emerged from the bushes. Before everyone could react, Wang Qing exclaimed in surprise, "Ah Er? Is it you?"

"Woof!" Ah Er stuck out his tongue, wagging his tail, and looked at Wang Qing with mighty and deep eyes, those small eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Wang Qing suddenly said in understanding.

"Ah Er, you mean you want to help us find the murderer?"

Ah Er nodded, and at the same time made an expression of twitching his nose, and shook his head at the same time, with an expression of following me, full of spirituality.

A policeman next to him exclaimed, "This is a husky."

"This is a dog raised by the Taoist temple. It has spirituality. Let's follow it. Anyway, we are looking for a needle in a haystack on the mountain. Without experts in this field, we might as well trust Ah Er." Wang Qing followed without hesitation. A two.

Everyone also thought it made sense. Searching like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are guard brothers waiting at the foot of the mountain, so why not follow this husky.

Soon, Ah Er seemed to smell something, his eyes suddenly became sharper, he waved his front legs, motioned for you guys to follow quickly, and started running at the same time.
(End of this chapter)

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