Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 475 is Chapter 472, throw it out

Chapter 475 is the second chapter of 470, throw it out

In the study room of Nuo Da Manor, luxurious decorative organs and wall clocks are buzzing, furnished in the style of medieval European and American aristocrats, the middle-aged man is crossing his hands, resting his chin, looking at the report of his subordinates in the computer with a heavy face, thinking After a while, type on the keyboard and issue orders.

"How come my Yan family group raises so many wastes, I can't even do a little thing well."

Yan Fanghu only felt that he was physically and mentally exhausted now, and he had to take care of everything. In addition to his wife's illness, everything was irritating him.

At this time, the child opened the door of the study with a timid face, and walked in, holding a big homework book in his hand.


Yan Fanghu saw that the person who came was his child, looked at him impatiently and said.

"what's up."

"I don't know how to write this question, can you teach me?" The child still had a cowardly expression on Yan Fanghu's face, which made Yan Fanghu even more impatient.

However, what annoyed Yan Fanghu the most was that after receiving the homework, he couldn't understand the questions on it.
Why is this so?Why did things become like this?The overlapping of two painful things will only make Yan Fanghu more painful.

Yan Fanghu was silent for a moment, and replied while waving his hands.

"Don't bother me, ask the teacher about the topic, now Dad, I have more important things to do"

"Dad. Me."

"Yan Xiao, haven't you listened to your father's business? Who taught you?" Yan Fanghu's tone was serious, and his brows were furrowed: "Your mother used to be a teacher. How can your learning ability compare with yours? Mom doesn’t have the slightest resemblance, what a waste.”

Yan Xiao's mouth suddenly twitched, which was a sign of crying.

"Don't cry!"

sting --

Yan Fanghu roared.

Yan Xiao's snot bubbles that had already popped up were sucked back. He didn't dare to offend his father, so he could only bend down awkwardly to apologize, and then walked out with this exercise book, wiping off the leftovers as he walked. tears.

Yan Fanghu looked at his child's back, finally sighed and shook his head, took out his cigar and lit it, thinking whether his attitude just now was too bad.

"Hey, after all, he is still an old man. Are you too strict with him? But this is also the fate of our Yan family man. If there are no two brushes, how can we be undefeated in this shopping mall? How can we inherit my Yan family's wealth?"

Looking at the portraits of his family's past lords on the wall, Yan Fanghu could only continue smoking his cigar silently.

The old aristocrats who made their fortunes from the Henan Shang Dynasty are the real big families in the land of China. The women of each generation are carefully selected with excellent bloodlines to ensure that the children born are also excellent bloodlines.

Yan Fanghu thought of that woman, who was originally strong and unyielding, but also gentle as water, but now she was dying on the hospital bed. The woman who gave him a child was chosen by the previous generation of patriarchs and his father, and he also liked it that woman.

At this time, Yan Fanghu picked up Yan Xiao's storybook that had fallen on the ground, a simple story without any ups and downs at all.

Cinderella fell in love with the handsome prince, and the prince fell in love with Cinderella wearing the halo of the protagonist. For Yan Fanghu, this story couldn't be more ridiculous.

"Why would the prince choose Cinderella? It's a ridiculous fairy tale."

The fireworks of the cigars faded away. After a short break, Yan Fanghu continued his work.

Jingle Bell--

The phone rang, it was the manor's bodyguard's phone, Yan Fanghu answered the phone impatiently.

"what's up?"

"There is a beggar who wants to come in and find someone."

"Beggars or something, just blow them out, why bother me with such trivial things." Yan Fanghu wanted to hang up the phone with an irritable expression.

The bodyguard on the other side of the phone was also in a dilemma, and said falteringly: "I want to drive him away, but he just won't leave, and he said he came to find his wife, we kicked him, and if he still doesn't leave, he will ask you what to do. "

"You are bodyguards! Do the bodyguards know? You still have to ask me about this kind of thing? I didn't hire you here to find trouble." Yan Fanghu patted the table for a while, and then thought that he came to find his wife , seemed to think of something, and finally frowned and said: "Wait a minute. Let him come in and wait at the gate of the compound."

Ye Dazhi was a little cautious, and he didn't know how to settle down in the face of this unimaginably luxurious compound.

The majesty, black architectural style, and the piercing eyes of the black-clothed bodyguards walking around made Ye Dazhi very uncomfortable.

However, as long as it was to see her, it didn't matter. Countless courage surged up, allowing him to face the man with an explosive aura in front of him, and to forget the pain caused by the bodyguards just now.

Tall, mighty, with a temperament that ordinary people don't have, this is Ye Dazhi's impression of Yan Fanghu.

Xiao Bai just fell into the pond next to him, quietly harming the goldfish in the pond, and recorded all this.

Yan Fanghu tapped Erlang's legs, and looked down at the man in front of him who usually wouldn't even glance at him.

The two extremes opposite to myself, the kind without any comparison——

"If you can't tell me the reason why I am satisfied, you know what will happen. It will be difficult for you to walk out of this house completely." Yan Fanghu said lightly: "After all, a person of unknown origin came to my wife. It is already a big concession to be able to stand here and talk to you calmly, I will give you 2 minutes to explain."

The bodyguards next to him were watching, as long as Yan Fanghu gave an order, they would throw out the beggar who wanted to break into the house.

"I am someone she knows. Can you let me see her? I just want to say a word to her, just a word." Ye Dazhi said timidly, and even knelt down directly, begging Yan Fanghu to let him The two meet each other.

Faced with Ye Dazhi's humble and small request, Yan Fanghu's heart remained unmoved, and he even wanted to laugh.

Kneel down to meet your wife?With a word?

ridiculous, too ridiculous
"Is this the ridiculous reason? You still have a minute, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer."

Just when Yan Fanghu wanted to drive people away, he suddenly remembered something, frowned and said, "Wait a minute, what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Dazhi." Ye Dazhi said timidly.

"Ye Dazhi, are you that Ye Dazhi?" Yan Fanghu stood up without any fluctuation on his face, gestured to the bodyguard behind him, and said calmly.

"Throw it out."

(End of this chapter)

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