Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 483, Birthdays and Celebrations

Chapter 483, Birthdays and Celebrations
"@#¥%...&." Bai Chen said in an unclear manner, but in his heart he was thinking of extremely slanderous words such as [Wow, you really are a lolicon].

Li Yun decisively turned off his heart again, not to communicate with this filthy bastard like Bai Chen, the filthy one sees the filthy, this guy is now a melon, his mind is full of bold ideas and immature suggestions.

The minority girl with blue eyes looked at Li Yun, then at Bai Chen, and smiled in proficient Chinese.

"You said you wanted me to be your guide?"

Li Yun nodded and said honestly.

"Well, of course I won't let you be a guide for nothing, the poor will pay for it."

The Shaomin girls did not answer immediately, but explained something to the young girls dancing next to them in their own national language. One of the young girls nodded and stood up, replacing the petite young girl as the lead dancer.

Ayina herself came to Li Yun and Bai Chen and bowed slightly.

"Yes, I'll be your guide, but you don't need to pay. His dance is very beautiful, much better than the dances of the boys in our village." The little girl from Shaomin smiled sweetly, waved her hand and said, "My name is Aina, please teach me~~"

"Poverty Dao's common name is Li Yun, and the Taoist name is Yun." Li Yun pulled Bai Chen next to him and introduced: "This is the junior brother of Poor Dao. His common name is Bai Chen, and his Taoist name is Bai. I have some experience, but it’s limited to dancing.”

Bai Chen danced and protested, but couldn't say a word.

[You are angry from embarrassment, you are becoming angry from embarrassment! ! @#¥%! !I want to protest! 】

Ayina looked at Bai Chen with a look full of pity, as if looking at a small animal she cared about, and Bai Chen danced and protested, but it was useless, she could only complain crazily in her heart Li Yun's evil deeds of slander.

Not much to say, Ayina took Li Yun and Bai Chen to visit the Tianchi Lake in Tianshan Mountain, which is said to be a holy place with beautiful scenery of Yaochi Lake.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen a Taoist priest of the Han people. It's so amazing. I have long wanted to see what a real Taoist priest is like. I have heard from my parents a long time ago that the Han people have Taoist priests, just like our Tianshan Mountains. There are many origins." Ayina stared at Li Yun and Bai Chen's Taoist robes with sparkling eyes, her water blue eyes reflected unusual beauty, as clear as sapphires, and Bai Zhe, who was a girl from a different local minority Skin, as long as the expression is a little smart, it can attract the attention of nearby Han compatriots.

"Speaking of the origin, there is still something. After all, Tianchi is also related to our Taoist legend." Li Yun said with a slight smile: "It is said that this Tianshan Tianchi is the fairyland of Queen Mother of the West. No one knows whether it is true or not, but this beautiful scenery, It is indeed no different from the legendary Yaochi."

Bai Chen folded his hands on his chest, with a haughty expression on his face, Li Yun could guess without his understanding that Bai Chen must be using some extremely arrogant words to deny that Tianchi is a Yaochi or something like that.
Li Yun felt that this snow-covered pool was rippling with waves and crystal clear. If there really was a fairyland, it would be as beautiful as this. It looks really good.

However, Li Yun also knows that this is not the only place where there are legends about Yaochi. In Kunlun Mountains and snowy areas, there are also so-called legends of Yaochi. No one knows about Shen, maybe Bai Chen doesn't know either.

"Yes, there are many beautiful legends in our Tianshan Tianchi. Even my ancestors have many legends handed down." In the past, there were fish with wings, cows with wings, crows with three heads, mice with three tails, colorful birds, and people with one eye. I am so yearning for those legends. .If only I could see it."

Bai Chen next to him wanted to say that the visual sense was so strong, but he was silenced, and he was the loneliest when he wanted to say that he couldn't say it.

Li Yun just smiled slightly.

"So laymen believe in the real existence of those legends? Those magical creatures."

"Some of them are believable. After all, we have seen many miraculous things. Those things that cannot be explained by science may really only be described by these mysterious things." There is no explanation for the miraculous.

Li Yun didn't ask much about this, and just toured the beautiful Tianchi under the leadership of Ayina.

I met many people along the way, and they all greeted Ayina, and Ayina also bouncing around said hello, as always optimistic and happy, and maintained a good relationship with almost everyone.

Unknowingly, the time gradually got late, the number of people visiting Tianchi gradually decreased, and the security of the scenic spot also started to drive away people. Li Yun and Bai Chen also browsed here for a long time.

However, even after browsing until night, the beautiful scenery of Tianshan Mountain is still not fully visited, and there are many dangerous areas that are not allowed to be visited. Ayina did not plan to take Li Yun and Bai Chen to see it.

"Actually, the Tianshan Mountains at night are also very beautiful."

Ayina walked on the path, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance, the Tianshan Tianchi under the setting sun, dotted with fluorescent lights, making people fascinated by it.

Even Bai Chen, who had been protesting all this time, was overwhelmed by the scenery and didn't continue to beep.

Ayina began to sing the ballad, and the crisp bell sounded on the somewhat quiet path. Li Yun couldn't understand the language, but he could hear the emotion in the song.

still have regrets
The emotions conveyed by singing sometimes don't need words. Both Bai Chen and Li Yun listened quietly to the emotions in the singing. It wasn't intense, but rather flat, with a sense of seeing through everything.

The number of people became less and less, the tourists all went out, and the Shaomin people went out from another exit.

One leads to the gate of the scenic spot, and the other leads to the surrounding small villages.
"Two priests, if you don't mind, you can come to my house for a light meal." Ayina said enthusiastically.

Li Yun had long heard that Shaomin people were hospitable, and he thought that his reputation was well-deserved.

"Then the poor are more respectful than obedient."

The village is very close to the Tianchi Lake, just next to the Tianchi Lake. The architectural style is a combination of modern rural self-built houses and the unique round arch style of ethnic minorities.

Compared with the traditional ethnic minorities, the village of Ayina seems to be much richer, and Li Yun is not too surprised. After all, he lives with the back of the scenic spot, so the conditions are naturally not bad.

After returning to the village with Li Yun and Bai Chen, an old man standing at the door and wearing traditional ethnic costumes came over and asked in the same proficient Chinese.

"Aina, why did you bring two Han people back so late?"

"It's a tourist I met in Tianshan today. It was too late and I couldn't go back, so I wanted to bring them back to live." Ayina said with a smile, "By the way, both of them are good people~"

The old man suddenly realized and nodded, without asking any further questions, his expression became enthusiastic, and he invited Li Yun and Bai Chen into the village, and handed out two cigarettes skillfully, but Li Yun refused them all.

"!@#¥%...&" Bai Chen danced with a funny face, and said some words of unclear meaning, which probably meant Hei Liyun's.

"Thank you for your understanding, old man." Li Yun arched his hands, paused, and said, "Actually, the poor brother just wanted to say that it is best not to bring strangers back casually, although the poor is not a bad person, but Ayi Na is a child, she should be more vigilant."

The old gentleman on the side also returned the etiquette of his own family, and smiled in somewhat jerky Chinese.

"Don't worry. Ayina said he is a good person. Then he must be a good person. Our village welcomes a good person. A good person is a guest of the village." The old man grinned, waved his hands to show that he didn't care, and invited Li Yun and Bai Chen to visit his home.

From Ayina's mouth, I learned that this old man is the head of the village.

At the beginning, these people looked at Li Yun with vigilance, but when they heard that it was Ayina who had confirmed that he was a good person, their attitudes changed one after another. They all looked a lot more friendly, and even enthusiastically wanted to invite Li Yun and Bai Chen went to eat at home, but Ayina rejected them on her behalf, because the two were Ayina's guests.

"My eyes can see through good and evil. If I'm sure it's a good person, it must be a good person. If I'm sure it's a bad person, it must be a bad person. So you two are good people, so everyone is very relieved. Very enthusiastic." Ayina grinned and said, "Also, I am not a child, and my birthday will be one day, so I will be an adult."

When it comes to birthday, Ayina's expression is a little sentimental, a little nostalgic, a little pity, and more of a reluctance, which is completely opposite to the emotions of ordinary people on birthdays.

Ayina didn't say much about this, she just brought Li Yun and Bai Chen to the house. The house was a very ordinary house, not much different from the surrounding ones, but after Li Yun and Bai Chen entered the house, they realized that This house is not generally empty, it doesn't look like a family of three furnishings at all.

The empty and tidy living room is filled with all kinds of books, including storybooks, magazines, and textbooks. Textbooks from elementary school to junior high school to high school are neatly placed there.

Aina likes to read very much——

However, even though it is full of books, it is still deserted with the naked eye.

Then Li Yun discovered the reason for the deserted place. In the corner, there were gray portraits of a man and a woman hanging on it.

Both men and women are very young. From the photos, they are about the same age as Ayina now, and they look roughly the same.

Especially the woman in the photo, like Aina, has beautiful eyes that are different from ordinary people, light blue, like sapphires.

"Sorry, my family is a bit deserted. It's completely different from other family members. My parents have left long ago, and I'm the only one who lives alone. My younger brother is also going to school outside." Ayina wrapped her apron skillfully. Come, said: "Let you taste our Shaomin's special diet today."

Ayina came in to cook, and it didn't take long for Shaomin's special food to be brought out, such as delicious naan, pilaf, steamed buns, cold noodles, pancakes, mutton skewers, milk tea, and sesame seeds.

Bai Chen swallowed his saliva, and moved his index finger a long time ago, but he was still very polite and didn't make a move immediately.

When Ayina arrived and she could serve the meal, she started to eat. Like a hungry ghost rushing to eat, the food was simple and rude. A big piece of fried pancake was directly stuffed into her mouth, and her mouth was bulging, and she swallowed it whole .

Li Yun is much more reserved, but there is not much difference - this is really delicious.

"Eat more if you want to eat. I won't be able to eat these in one day, and I can't finish them anyway." Ayina rested her chin with both hands, watching Li Yun and Bai Chen happily eating, enjoying this A feeling of feeding.

Li Yun looked at these ingredients. They are not the kind that can only be stored for a day. Not to mention meat, such as milk tea and flour products can be stored for a long time, especially naan cakes. long-standing things.

Why is there only one day?

After eating and drinking, Li Yun also learned a lot about the customs of this minority from Ayina, and he also raised his posture about it.

"Tomorrow there will be a bonfire celebration in our village. Do you want to come? There are many beautiful girls coming." Ayina ate a little pancake and teased, "Maybe some girl will take a fancy to you and leave with you." Especially that junior brother, he seems very excited."

Li Yun's expression didn't fluctuate, and when he heard that there were many girls, his eyes were so white that his eyes were so white. If he hadn't been silenced, he would have laughed three times on the spot. He even drank a few more glasses of goat's milk wine , the whole person presents a feeling of hunger and thirst like a pervert reincarnated, Li Yun thinks that just like this pig brother, don't even think that someone can ask him to dance
"There doesn't seem to be any festivals today, do you want to hold a bonfire party or something?" Li Yun recalled what Ayina said about the customs of the minority people just now. There is no day for today's festival, and for the Han people, there is nothing to celebrate tomorrow. If it is an imported festival, it is impossible. Minorities accepting Han Chinese festivals does not mean they will accept outsiders' festivals.

On the other hand, Ayina flaunted her little skirt, raised her face, and said triumphantly, "Of course it's because today is Ayina's birthday. Everyone in the village wants to celebrate Ayina's birthday." Celebrating my birthday, Ayina's birthday is an important day in the village, so Ayina is very happy."

"Ayina will be there tomorrow, and she will be a big girl for a day." Ayina said with her chin in her hands.

"Then I would like to congratulate you in advance," Li Yun said with a slight smile.

Ayina turned her head away silently, and said innocently.

"Yeah, I really hope that the bonfire party tonight will be a good birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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